[gmx-users] Calculating Temperature from Velocity

Jochen Hub jhub at gwdg.de
Mon Sep 22 18:18:18 CEST 2008

Andy Shelley wrote:
> I am trying to calculate the temperature from the final velocity posted in
> the confout.gro file after a simulation runs. I have implemented a berendsen
> thermostat to control the temperature to 300K and ran it for 1ns. Looking at
> g_energy the final temperature of the system is 299.981.
> Statistics over 10001 steps [ 995.0001 thru 1000.0001 ps ], 1 data sets
> Energy                      Average       RMSD     Fluct.      Drift
> Tot-Drift
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> T-System                    299.981    1.36143    1.35806  0.0663083
> 0.331574
>>From the manual section 3.4.3 the temperature can be calculated from T=
> sum[mass_i v_i^2] / (#degrees of freedom * boltzmann constant) where number
> of degrees of freedom=3N-N_c-N_com. I used N_com =3 because the center of

You have to take bond length constraints into account (LINCS and Settle)!

Best, Jochen

> mass velocities are constants of the motion. If I only control the
> temperature does this effect the number of constrants on the system? When I
> calculate the temperature by hand with # degrees of freedom =3N-3 I get a
> temperature of 317.5. Any ideas why I can not calculate the same temperature
> g_energy does?
> Thanks,
> Andy
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Dr. Jochen Hub
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Computational biomolecular dynamics group
Am Fassberg 11
D-37077 Goettingen, Germany
Email: jhub[at]gwdg.de
Tel.: +49 (0)551 201-2312

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