[gmx-users] prolems on viewing .trr file by vmd
Hongyan Xiao
hyxiao at mail.ipc.ac.cn
Tue Apr 14 10:37:37 CEST 2009
Dear gmx-users,
When I viewed the md trajactory (*.trr) of oil/water/oil system using VMD, I
found the trajactories are abnormal and as if there were forces on the
molecules. However, these molecules are very far. The whole simulation is
normal. How to solve this problem and obtain the normal trajactory moving?
By the way, when I deal with *.gro, I used this command editconf -f
test.pdb -o test.gro -c in order to make oil/water/oil system not turn into
oil/water system. I do not know whether it effects the following viewing
trajactory moving.
I hope for your help. Thank you very much!
H.Y. Xiao
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