[gmx-users] pull code absolute reference artifacts
chris.neale at utoronto.ca
chris.neale at utoronto.ca
Thu Apr 16 16:27:04 CEST 2009
I have a question about the following grompp 4.0.4 warning:
"You are using an absolute reference for pulling, but the rest of the
system does not have an absolute reference. This will lead to
While I do realize that this is an excellent error message containing
lots of information, I am still unclear about how to proceed. Why does
my system not have an absolute reference? Is it because I have pbc and
center of mass motion removal? Exactly what types of artifacts are
expected? Is there a simple solution?
I am trying to hold my peptide in the center of a water box. I realize
that there is no "center" and everything in pbc, but I need to do it
Here are my .mdp options:
pull = umbrella
pull_geometry = distance
pull_dim = Y Y Y
pull_ngroups = 1
;pull_group0 =
pull_group1 = peptide_A
pull_k1 = 500
pull_init1 = 0.00
nsteps = 250000 ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
tinit = 49000 ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
dt = 0.004 ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
nstxout = 250000 ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
nstvout = 250000 ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
nstfout = 250000 ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
nstenergy = 25000 ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
nstxtcout = 25000 ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
nstlog = 250000 ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
gen_vel = no
unconstrained-start = yes
integrator = sd
gen_seed = -1
comm_mode = linear
nstcomm = 1
comm_grps = System
nstlist = 5
ns_type = grid
pbc = xyz
coulombtype = PME
rcoulomb = 0.9
fourierspacing = 0.12
pme_order = 4
vdwtype = cut-off
rvdw_switch = 0
rvdw = 1.4
rlist = 0.9
DispCorr = EnerPres
Pcoupl = Berendsen ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
pcoupltype = isotropic ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
compressibility = 4.5e-5 ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
ref_p = 1. ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
tau_p = 4.0 ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
tc_grps = System ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
tau_t = 1.0 ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
ld_seed = -1 ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
ref_t = 300. ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
gen_temp = 300. ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
constraints = all-bonds ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
constraint_algorithm= lincs ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
lincs-iter = 1 ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
lincs-order = 6 ; REMOVE_FOR_EM
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