[gmx-users] Energy Minimisation and Equilibration Problems
nancy5villa at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 04:28:47 CEST 2009
I am trying to run equilibration on my solvated ethylene glycol (ethanediol)
system. I started with an ethanediol mol2 file from which topolbuild
generated various files. I used editconf to enlarge to box of the
"ethanediol.gro" file:
$ editconf -f ethanediol.gro -o ethanediol_box.gro -box 5 5 5
and then I used genbox to solvate it:
$ genbox -cp ethanediol_box.gro -cs spc216.gro -shell 1 -o
ethanediol_solv.gro -p ethanediol.top
I ran energy minimisation on it:
$ grompp -f minim.mdp -c ethanediol_solv.gro -p ethanediol.top -o em.tpr
my minim.mdp file is:
define = -DFLEXIBLE
integrator = steep
emtol = 1000.0
emstep = 0.01
nsteps = 5000
nstlist = 1
ns_type = grid
rlist = 1.0
coulombtype = PME
rcoulomb = 1.0
rvdw = 1.3
pbc = xyz
pme_order = 4
constraints = none
nstxout = 1
nstvout = 1
nstenergy = 1
nstlog = 1
$ mdrun -v -deffnm em
and the energies converge (although I think that the values are still too
large for this system):
Steepest Descents converged to Fmax < 1000 in 12 steps
Potential Energy = -1.1206108e+04
Maximum force = 9.4016180e+02 on atom 31
Norm of force = 3.4989252e+02
When I try to run equilibration with the following .mdp file:
title = Ethanediol equilibration
define = -DPOSRES
integrator = md
nsteps = 5000
dt = 0.0002
nstxout = 10
nstvout = 10
nstenergy = 10
nstlog = 10
continuation = no
constraint_algorithm = lincs
constraints = all-angles
lincs_iter = 1
lincs_order = 4
ns_type = grid
nstlist = 5
rlist = 1.0
rcoulomb = 1.0
rvdw = 1.3
coulombtype = PME
pme_order = 4
fourierspacing = 0.16
tcoupl = V-rescale
tc-grps = EDO SOL
tau_t = 0.1 0.1
ref_t = 300 300
pcoupl = no
pbc = xyz
DispCorr = EnerPres
gen_vel = yes
gen_temp = 300
gen_seed = -1
the system "blows up". Addtionally, the structure of the solute is
incorrect (all atoms are bonded to each other).
Please advise on how to minimise such a system further, and as to why the
equilibration is so unstable.
Thank you.
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