[gmx-users] micelle disaggregated in serial, but not parallel, runs using sd integrator
chris.neale at utoronto.ca
chris.neale at utoronto.ca
Wed Feb 4 21:05:47 CET 2009
Thank you Berk,
I will loon into tau_t=1.0 (or at least not = 0.1). Thank you for the hint.
These simulations run in 200 ps segments and utilize restarts via
grompp -t -e like this:
/hpf/projects1/pomes/cneale/exe/gromacs-4.0.3/exec/bin/grompp -f
/scratch/4772976.1.ompi-4-21.q/md6_running/dpc50_md6.mdp -c
md5_success/dpc50_md5.gro -p dpc50.top -n dpc50.ndx -o
/scratch/4772976.1.ompi-4-21.q/md6_running/dpc50_md6.tpr -maxwarn 1 -t
md5_success/dpc50_md5.trr -e md5_success/dpc50_md5.edr
The -maxwarn 1 is to avoid this message:
WARNING 1 [file
/scratch/4772976.1.ompi-4-21.q/md5_running/dpc50_md5.mdp, line unknown]:
Can not couple a molecule with free_energy = no
which I don't think should be a problem.
I didn't check temperatures previously, but I did check the energy
components output the the .log file in zero step mdruns in both serial
and parallel and found no difference.
Here is the information on temperature and total energy for the serial
and parallel runs:
For the run in parallel:
Last energy frame read 780 time 7800.000
Statistics over 1950001 steps [ 0.0000 thru 7800.0000 ps ], 1 data sets
All averages are exact over 1950001 steps
Energy Average RMSD Fluct. Drift
Temperature 303.322 901.905 901.905 -6.34952e-06
Heat Capacity Cv: -1.01712 J/mol K (factor = 8.84124)
## and a snippit from the energy.xvg file:
0.000000 315.837738
10.000000 301.955261
20.000000 301.284363
30.000002 301.899048
40.000000 303.823578
50.000004 303.616943
60.000004 304.325684
70.000000 303.450500
80.000000 303.068085
90.000008 306.214508
100.000008 304.300598
110.000008 299.399780
120.000008 303.130493
130.000000 303.316864
140.000000 303.161743
150.000000 302.372162
160.000000 301.881927
170.000015 304.809631
7700.000000 304.224426
7710.000000 301.240784
7720.000000 305.885162
7730.000000 302.651276
7740.000000 304.464722
7750.000000 303.531769
7760.000000 301.380066
7770.000000 301.940125
7780.000000 303.458893
7790.000000 303.814270
7800.000000 300.946259
And from the serial run:
Last energy frame read 240 time 2400.000
Statistics over 600001 steps [ 0.0000 thru 2400.0000 ps ], 1 data sets
All averages are exact over 600001 steps
Energy Average RMSD Fluct. Drift
Temperature 303.277 451.075 451.075 -0.000429073
Heat Capacity Cv: -5.37983 J/mol K (factor = 2.21216)
gcq#217: "Hey Man You Know, I'm Really OK" (Offspring)
## and a snippit from the energy.xvg file:
0.000000 316.556885
10.000000 304.426270
20.000000 304.430847
30.000002 302.170471
40.000000 302.507294
50.000004 306.278442
60.000004 301.382263
70.000000 303.833801
80.000000 302.321655
90.000008 301.548462
100.000008 300.902130
110.000008 307.839355
120.000008 302.419922
130.000000 301.922119
140.000000 303.287079
150.000000 303.745911
160.000000 301.719269
2320.000000 304.992310
2330.000000 301.203186
2340.000000 304.222290
2350.000000 301.157288
2360.000000 301.428009
2370.000000 304.554443
2380.000000 299.534973
2390.000000 301.980865
2400.000000 302.382721
Then looking at total energy:
For the parallel run:
Last energy frame read 780 time 7800.000
Statistics over 1950001 steps [ 0.0000 thru 7800.0000 ps ], 1 data sets
All averages are exact over 1950001 steps
Energy Average RMSD Fluct. Drift
Total Energy -279021 829645 829645 -0.0113049
gcq#281: "I'll Match Your DNA" (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
## And for the serial run:
Last energy frame read 240 time 2400.000
Statistics over 600001 steps [ 0.0000 thru 2400.0000 ps ], 1 data sets
All averages are exact over 600001 steps
Energy Average RMSD Fluct. Drift
Total Energy -278924 414939 414939 0.0498045
gcq#323: "Your Shopping Techniques are Amazing" (Gogol Bordello)
Since I used only one temperature coupling group for SD (which is
another obvious difference between the MD runs and SD runs and is
something that I am testing right now) I don't have separate
temperature information for detergents vs. water. What i can give you,
though is all of the averages/drifts from the serial and parallel
Statistics over 1950001 steps [ 0.0000 thru 7800.0000 ps ], 76 data sets
The terms 'Coul-14:SOL-SOL' 'LJ-14:SOL-SOL' 'Coul-14:SOL-DPC'
'LJ-14:SOL-DPC' 'Coul-14:SOL-DPN' 'LJ-14:SOL-DPN' 'Coul-14:DPC-DPN'
'LJ-14:DPC-DPN' are averaged over 781 frames
All other averages are exact over 1950001 steps
Energy Average RMSD Fluct. Drift
Angle 2827.07 8406.19 8406.19 0.00113105
Proper Dih. 675.162 2004.62 2004.62 0.00136083
Ryckaert-Bell. 1021.92 3032.98 3032.98 0.000496043
LJ-14 741.346 2201.26 2201.26 0.00101757
Coulomb-14 6399.81 19057.6 19057.6 -0.00643754
LJ (SR) 49828 148169 148169 -0.00683079
LJ (LR) -1848.3 5495.7 5495.7 -9.92975e-05
Disper. corr. -636.214 1891.61 1891.61 -3.5155e-05
Coulomb (SR) -323920 963143 963143 -0.00590314
Coul. recip. -71392.8 212309 212309 0.00519419
Potential -336304 999970 999970 -0.0101058
Kinetic En. 57282.9 170326 170326 -0.00119919
Total Energy -279021 829645 829645 -0.0113049
Temperature 303.322 901.905 901.905 -6.34952e-06
Pressure (bar) 0.896599 142.893 142.872 -0.00109268
Cons. rmsd () -8.11414e-11 0 0 0
Cons.2 rmsd () -7.73233e-11 0 0 0
Box-X 7.19249 21.3864 21.3864 -1.32351e-07
Box-Y 7.19249 21.3864 21.3864 -1.32351e-07
Box-Z 4.68869 13.9415 13.9415 -8.64041e-08
Volume 242.555 721.246 721.246 -1.33934e-05
Density (SI) 1005.85 2990.62 2990.62 5.55743e-05
pV 13.0787 2087.48 2087.17 -0.016043
Vir-XX 19071.5 56716.6 56716.6 -0.00854941
Vir-XY 3.76437 996.264 995.712 -0.0147231
Vir-XZ -8.26286 996.173 995.837 -0.0114991
Vir-YX 3.8099 995.544 994.943 -0.0153689
Vir-YY 19083.8 56764.5 56764.5 0.00839835
Vir-YZ -9.43815 994.226 993.533 -0.0164852
Vir-ZX -8.24832 996.226 995.88 -0.0116533
Vir-ZY -9.44322 994.007 993.335 -0.0162358
Vir-ZZ 19107.9 56848.2 56848.1 0.0230164
Pres-XX (bar) 2.51466 215.649 215.636 0.00104893
Pres-XY (bar) -1.21277 138.446 138.398 0.00163452
Pres-XZ (bar) 1.11071 137.965 137.939 0.00118269
Pres-YX (bar) -1.21901 138.346 138.292 0.00172294
Pres-YY (bar) 1.05221 216.336 216.299 -0.00177097
Pres-YZ (bar) 0.480955 137.679 137.572 0.00241359
Pres-ZX (bar) 1.10872 137.971 137.945 0.00120378
Pres-ZY (bar) 0.48165 137.647 137.542 0.00237939
Pres-ZZ (bar) -0.87707 210.218 210.14 -0.00255599
#Surf*SurfTen -12.4756 1117.28 1117.04 -0.0102882
Mu-X 25.2118 577.038 567.836 -0.0455856
Mu-Y 452.298 1166.36 1156.35 0.067708
Mu-Z 228.086 782.637 781.802 -0.0160502
Coul-SR:SOL-SOL -306676 911956 911956 0.017729
LJ-SR:SOL-SOL 53758.2 159865 159865 -0.011465
LJ-LR:SOL-SOL -1218.29 3622.34 3622.34 -3.60649e-05
Coul-14:SOL-SOL 0 0 0 0
LJ-14:SOL-SOL 0 0 0 0
Coul-SR:SOL-DPC -14967.6 44363.8 44363.8 -0.0378241
LJ-SR:SOL-DPC -908.102 2694.55 2694.55 0.000250572
LJ-LR:SOL-DPC -341.353 1013.98 1013.98 -0.00026287
Coul-14:SOL-DPC 0 0 0 0
LJ-14:SOL-DPC 0 0 0 0
Coul-SR:SOL-DPN -315.337 948.402 948.381 0.00276681
LJ-SR:SOL-DPN -11.8356 44.3978 44.3215 0.00115573
LJ-LR:SOL-DPN -6.47523 19.9746 19.971 0.000168898
Coul-14:SOL-DPN 0 0 0 0
LJ-14:SOL-DPN 0 0 0 0
Coul-SR:DPC-DPC -1920.34 5760.84 5760.78 0.0122671
LJ-SR:DPC-DPC -2897.64 8636.66 8636.66 0.00489904
LJ-LR:DPC-DPC -270.101 804.597 804.597 0.000296762
Coul-14:DPC-DPC 6273.7 18681.9 18681.9 -0.00621425
LJ-14:DPC-DPC 726.47 2157.22 2157.22 0.00100007
Coul-SR:DPC-DPN -9.96564 27.4085 27.3184 -0.000986307
LJ-SR:DPC-DPN -99.3615 288.913 288.894 -0.0014542
LJ-LR:DPC-DPN -11.829 34.1307 34.1256 -0.000263447
Coul-14:DPC-DPN 0 0 0 0
LJ-14:DPC-DPN 0 0 0 0
Coul-SR:DPN-DPN -30.2965 91.3759 91.3753 0.00014471
LJ-SR:DPN-DPN -13.2866 38.5078 38.5047 -0.000216818
LJ-LR:DPN-DPN -0.253457 0.740982 0.740959 -2.57124e-06
Coul-14:DPN-DPN 126.114 375.996 375.996 -0.00022329
LJ-14:DPN-DPN 14.8763 44.2678 44.2678 1.75021e-05
T-System 303.322 901.905 901.905 -6.34952e-06
Heat Capacity Cv: -1.01712 J/mol K (factor = 8.84124)
Isothermal Compressibility: 51.2113 /bar
Adiabatic bulk modulus: 0.0195269 bar
Last energy frame read 240 time 2400.000
Statistics over 600001 steps [ 0.0000 thru 2400.0000 ps ], 76 data sets
The terms 'Coul-14:SOL-SOL' 'LJ-14:SOL-SOL' 'Coul-14:SOL-DPC'
'LJ-14:SOL-DPC' 'Coul-14:SOL-DPN' 'LJ-14:SOL-DPN' 'Coul-14:DPC-DPN'
'LJ-14:DPC-DPN' are averaged over 241 frames
All other averages are exact over 600001 steps
Energy Average RMSD Fluct. Drift
Angle 2830.23 4221.38 4221.37 0.00960858
Proper Dih. 680.513 1015.9 1015.89 -0.00175867
Ryckaert-Bell. 1014.28 1503.1 1503.09 0.00613028
LJ-14 739.002 1101.4 1101.4 -0.00091984
Coulomb-14 6390.08 9525.68 9525.63 -0.0447155
LJ (SR) 49733.3 74008.9 74008.9 -0.0340118
LJ (LR) -1843.61 2744.46 2744.46 0.0031249
Disper. corr. -636.29 946.31 946.31 -0.000111216
Coulomb (SR) -323770 481666 481666 0.149312
Coul. recip. -71335.4 106138 106138 0.0441727
Potential -336198 500125 500125 0.130836
Kinetic En. 57274.4 85186.2 85186.2 -0.0810311
Total Energy -278924 414939 414939 0.0498045
Temperature 303.277 451.075 451.075 -0.000429073
Pressure (bar) 0.961481 144.598 144.333 0.0126134
Cons. rmsd () -7.3231e-11 0 0 0
Cons.2 rmsd () -6.9743e-11 0 0 0
Box-X 7.19221 10.6977 10.6977 -4.19267e-07
Box-Y 7.19221 10.6977 10.6977 -4.19267e-07
Box-Z 4.6885 6.97371 6.97371 -2.73206e-07
Volume 242.526 360.757 360.757 -4.24149e-05
Density (SI) 1005.97 1496.11 1496.11 0.000175845
pV 14.0243 2111.91 2108.06 0.184157
Vir-XX 19091.6 28413.8 28413.7 0.138935
Vir-XY -29.2057 997.698 997.46 0.0314206
Vir-XZ 3.92948 994.406 994.121 -0.0343281
Vir-YX -29.2209 997.709 997.476 0.0311268
Vir-YY 19055.4 28395.8 28395.4 -0.233472
Vir-YZ -23.6583 993.885 993.404 -0.044622
Vir-ZX 3.93959 994.396 994.098 -0.0351758
Vir-ZY -23.6524 993.86 993.355 -0.0457267
Vir-ZZ 19106.4 28472.3 28471.7 -0.262729
Pres-XX (bar) -0.886528 215.952 215.32 -0.0238309
Pres-XY (bar) 3.74481 138.257 138.24 -0.00305744
Pres-XZ (bar) -1.27622 137.953 137.857 0.00742417
Pres-YX (bar) 3.7469 138.258 138.242 -0.00301706
Pres-YY (bar) 5.8636 213.786 212.888 0.0282522
Pres-YZ (bar) 4.5372 137.856 137.838 0.00314296
Pres-ZX (bar) -1.2776 137.952 137.853 0.00754041
Pres-ZY (bar) 4.5364 137.853 137.834 0.00329443
Pres-ZZ (bar) -2.09262 215.114 213.864 0.0334187
#Surf*SurfTen -21.4754 1121.19 1116.59 0.146315
Mu-X 227.757 833.196 779.584 -0.424421
Mu-Y 519.448 1040.48 1027.64 -0.235255
Mu-Z 197.25 578.977 557.265 -0.226706
Coul-SR:SOL-SOL -306056 455439 455439 0.326938
LJ-SR:SOL-SOL 53767.7 79955.9 79955.9 0.0255695
LJ-LR:SOL-SOL -1206.49 1799.86 1799.85 0.00686592
Coul-14:SOL-SOL 0 0 0 0
LJ-14:SOL-SOL 0 0 0 0
Coul-SR:SOL-DPC -15585.1 23051.3 23050.9 -0.193565
LJ-SR:SOL-DPC -1276.41 1744.46 1738.91 -0.20058
LJ-LR:SOL-DPC -379.445 547.206 546.982 -0.0225622
Coul-14:SOL-DPC 0 0 0 0
LJ-14:SOL-DPC 0 0 0 0
Coul-SR:SOL-DPN -278.743 390.78 390.091 -0.0334985
LJ-SR:SOL-DPN -16.3179 24.5521 23.73 -0.00909363
LJ-LR:SOL-DPN -6.91459 9.71059 9.69638 -0.000757895
Coul-14:SOL-DPN 0 0 0 0
LJ-14:SOL-DPN 0 0 0 0
Coul-SR:DPC-DPC -1798.53 2703.56 2703.44 0.0361755
LJ-SR:DPC-DPC -2629.37 4014.47 4013.31 0.139122
LJ-LR:DPC-DPC -238.984 369.468 369.249 0.0183626
Coul-14:DPC-DPC 6265.13 9332.28 9332.25 -0.0343079
LJ-14:DPC-DPC 723.962 1079.51 1079.51 -0.00150033
Coul-SR:DPC-DPN -21.7104 39.9899 39.6634 0.0073602
LJ-SR:DPC-DPN -99.4828 158.67 158.455 0.011905
LJ-LR:DPC-DPN -11.5257 18.0729 18.0527 0.00123404
Coul-14:DPC-DPN 0 0 0 0
LJ-14:DPC-DPN 0 0 0 0
Coul-SR:DPN-DPN -30.1847 50.3626 50.1961 0.00590551
LJ-SR:DPN-DPN -12.786 18.543 18.5317 -0.000935153
LJ-LR:DPN-DPN -0.251368 0.362826 0.362621 -1.76176e-05
Coul-14:DPN-DPN 124.956 194.161 194.027 -0.0104076
LJ-14:DPN-DPN 15.04 22.3795 22.3759 0.000580485
T-System 303.277 451.075 451.075 -0.000429073
Heat Capacity Cv: -5.37983 J/mol K (factor = 2.21216)
Isothermal Compressibility: 12.8158 /bar
Adiabatic bulk modulus: 0.0780289 bar
Note that all of the .edr information above is from many separately
generated 200 ps .edr files, which I first concatenated via eneconv
and then ran g_energy on the total .edr file. I am not sure if this
affects the overall averages/rmsd values or not.
Thank you,
-- original message --
SD will tau_t=0.1 will make your dynamics a lot slower.
I don't see a reason why there should be a difference between serial
and parallel.
Are all simulations single runs, or do you do restarts?
Did you compare the temperatures to check if there is no strong energy loss
or heating and if there are differences between the different simulations?
> Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2009 13:35:30 -0500
> From: chris.neale at utoronto.ca
> To: gmx-users at gromacs.org
> Subject: [gmx-users] micelle disaggregated in serial, but not
> parallel, runs using sd integrator
> Hello,
> I have been experiencing problems with a detergent micelle falling
> apart. This micelle spontaneously aggregated in tip4p and was stable
> for >200 ns. I then took the .gro file from 100 ns after stable
> micelle formation and began some free energy calculations, during
> which the micelle partially disaggregated, even at lambda=0. At
> first I thought that this was related to the free energy code, and
> indeed the energygrps solution posted by Berk did stop my
> to-be-annihilated detergent monomer from flying around the box even
> at lambda=0.00. However, I have been able to reproduce this
> disaggregation in the absence of the free-energy code, so I believe
> that there is something else going on and my tests using
> GMX_NO_SOLV_OPT, separate energygrps, and the code change all
> indicate that this is a separate issue.
> I have been trying to locate the error for a few days, but each
> round of tests takes about 24h so the progress is slow. Here is a
> summary of what I have learned so far.
> A. Do not fall apart by 2.5 ns:
> GMX 3.3.1, 4.0.2, or 4.0.3
> integrator = md
> energygrps = DPC SOL
> tcoupl = Berendsen
> tc_grps = DPC SOL
> tau_t = 0.1 0.1
> ref_t = 300. 300.
> B. Partial dissaggregation or irregular micelle shape observed by 2.5 ns:
> GMX 3.3.1, 4.0.2, or 4.0.3
> integrator = sd
> energygrps = System --- or --- DPC SOL
> tc_grps = System
> tau_t = 0.1
> ref_t = 300.
> * GMX 4.0.3 gives same result with "export GMX_NO_SOLV_OPT=1"
> * GMX 4.0.3 gives same result when compiled with the tip4p
> optimization code fix.
> * GMX 4.0.3 Using tip3p in place of tip4p gives same result.
> C. Does not fall apart by 7.5 ns when running section B options in parallel.
> Common MDP options:
> comm_mode = linear
> nstcomm = 1
> comm_grps = System
> nstlist = 5
> ns_type = grid
> pbc = xyz
> coulombtype = PME
> rcoulomb = 0.9
> fourierspacing = 0.12
> pme_order = 4
> vdwtype = cut-off
> rvdw_switch = 0
> rvdw = 1.4
> rlist = 0.9
> DispCorr = EnerPres
> Pcoupl = Berendsen
> pcoupltype = isotropic
> compressibility = 4.5e-5
> ref_p = 1.
> tau_p = 4.0
> gen_temp = 300.
> gen_seed = 9896
> constraints = all-bonds
> constraint_algorithm= lincs
> lincs-iter = 1
> lincs-order = 6
> gen_vel = no
> unconstrained-start = yes
> dt = 0.004
> ##################
> My current hypothesis is that the sd integrator somehow functions
> differently in serial than in parallel in gromacs versions 3.3.1,
> 4.0.2, and 4.0.3. I suspect that this is not limited to tip4p, since
> I see disaggregation in tip3p also, although I did not control the
> tip3p run and this may not be related to the md/sd difference.
> I realize that I may have other problems, for example perhaps I
> should have used dt=1.0 instead of dt=0.1 while using the sd
> integrator, but the fact that a parallel run resolved the problem
> makes me think that it is something else.
> I am currently working to find a smaller test system, but would
> appreciate it if a developer can comment on the liklihood of my
> above hypothesis being correct. Also, any suggestions on sets of
> mdp options that might narrow down the possibilities would be
> greatly appreciated.
> I have included the entire .mdp file from the 4 core job that ran
> without disaggregation:
> integrator = sd
> comm_mode = linear
> nstcomm = 1
> comm_grps = System
> nstlog = 50000
> nstlist = 5
> ns_type = grid
> pbc = xyz
> coulombtype = PME
> rcoulomb = 0.9
> fourierspacing = 0.12
> pme_order = 4
> vdwtype = cut-off
> rvdw_switch = 0
> rvdw = 1.4
> rlist = 0.9
> DispCorr = EnerPres
> Pcoupl = Berendsen
> pcoupltype = isotropic
> compressibility = 4.5e-5
> ref_p = 1.
> tau_p = 4.0
> tc_grps = System
> tau_t = 0.1
> ref_t = 300.
> annealing = no
> gen_temp = 300.
> gen_seed = 9896
> constraints = all-bonds
> constraint_algorithm= lincs
> lincs-iter = 1
> lincs-order = 6
> energygrps = SOL DPC DPN
> ; Free energy control stuff
> free_energy = no
> init_lambda = 0.00
> delta_lambda = 0
> sc_alpha = 0.0
> sc-power = 1.0
> sc-sigma = 0.3
> couple-moltype = DPN
> couple-lambda0 = vdw-q
> couple-lambda1 = vdw
> couple-intramol = no
> nsteps = 50000
> tinit = 7600
> dt = 0.004
> nstxout = 50000WARNING 1 [file
> /scratch/4772976.1.ompi-4-21.q/md5_running/dpc50_md5.mdp, line
> unknown]:
Can not couple a molecule with free_energy = no
> nstvout = 50000
> nstfout = 50000
> nstenergy = 2500
> nstxtcout = 2500
> gen_vel = no
> unconstrained-start = yes
> ####
> Note that the free energy code was turned on in the above (with
> lambda=0). This is because I started the debugging when I thought
> that the free-energy code / tip4p combination was causing the
> differences. I also ran this exact mdp file in serial and observed
> disaggregation in ~2 ns.
> Thank you,
> Chris.
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