[gmx-users] problem in ngmx

Ms. Aswathy S aswathys at amritapuri.amrita.edu
Sat Jun 13 12:27:05 CEST 2009


after equlibration of my protein and ligand I tried to create the energy file ans well as the to display the trajectories using ngmx option,. But it shows the follo: error,

Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

Can't connect to X Server.
Check your DISPLAY environment variable


also the g_energy command shows that ,

Program g_energy_mpi, VERSION 3.3.3
Source code file: enxio.c, line: 239

Fatal error:
Energy file eq_2ps_ener.edr not recognized, maybe different CPU?

Can any one help me, please???

Dept. Biotechnology
Ext. 3108

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