[gmx-users] Is anyone also using lammps?s

David van der Spoel spoel at xray.bmc.uu.se
Sun Nov 1 19:19:45 CET 2009

Peng Yi wrote:
> Thank for your reply!  I have done some NVT runs per your suggestion, and
> the results are similar to NPT runs, i.e., Gromacs results is more
> affected by changing integration timestep than Lammps.  Details below:
> A melt of 240 octane chains by united-atom model. T=300K, V=55.46 nm^3.
> Both Gromacs and Lammps use Nose-Hoover thermostat with tau_t=0.2 ps.

As some people have note the tau_t is short for Nose Hoover. Are you 
sure this means the same in Lammps and in Gromacs? For one thing, there 
is no tau_t in the NH algorithm as far as I know, and Gromacs converts 
it to an appropriate weight or whatever that is called. What does Lammps 
do with this tau_t. To be a the safe side you could run both with 
Berendsen as well. Is the std err identical in both packages? And in the 
2 fs run, are both simulation equlibrated with this time step as well?

> All other parameters in .top and .mdp files are the same as previously
> attached..
> If I use integration time 1fs, Lammps and Gromacs produce
> consistent results:
>                      Lammps          Gromacs      std. err.
> Ebond(kJ/mol):        2133            2160         100
> Eangle:               1757            1780          80
> Etors:                2531            2510          80
> Elj+corr:           -10711          -10767          90
> P(atm):               3500            3250         500
> if I use integration time 2fs, Lammps results remain unchanged, but
> Gromacs results change significantly, particularly bonded energy:
>                      Lammps          Gromacs      std. err.
> Ebond(kJ/mol):        2175            2710         100
> Eangle:               1799            1640          70
> Etors:                2573            2230          80
> Elj+corr:           -10711          -11007         100 
> P(atm):               3200            2730         700
> Would that be a result of using different integrator between Lammps 
> and Gromacs?  Lammps uses Velocity-Verlet, and Gromacs uses Leap-frog.
> Thanks,
> -Peng
> On Thu, 29 Oct 2009, David van der Spoel wrote:
>> aherz wrote:
>>> Hey,
>>> are you running single or double precision gromacs?
>>> Afaik, depending on the circumstances the energy drift in gromacs 
>>> can be
>>> rather bad for single precision.
>> Please refer to the gromacs 4.0 paper for a discussion of the drift.
>> If you want to compare energies you need the same density, which you 
>> do not have, you may need to run NVT for that.
>> Note that your integration time step is quite large, and the 
>> temperature coupling constant is very small.
>> You could try a shifted LJ + dispersion correction, it is not clear 
>> to me how LAMMPS treats cutoffs, couldn't find it in the manual.
>>> Alex
>>> Peng Yi schrieb:
>>>> On Wed, 28 Oct 2009, Mark Abraham wrote:
>>>>> Peng Yi wrote:
>>>>>> I am trying to simulate alkane melt and found out that gromacs and
>>>>>> lammps gave different results, particularly the bonded interaction
>>>>>> energy.
>>>>>> I wonder if anyone has such experience.  Thanks,
>>>>> Even two installations of the same version of GROMACS can give
>>>>> different results. The question is whether when using comparable
>>>>> model physics you observe the same ensemble averages.
>>>>> Mark
>>>> Hi, Mark,
>>>> Thanks for reply!  The difference is statistically significant.  
>>>> And I am
>>>> wondering if it is caused by the integrator: Leap-frog for Gromacs and
>>>> Velocity-verlet for Lammps.  Detail description of the comparison 
>>>> please
>>>> see below:
>>>> It is an NPT simulation of a melt of 240 n-octane molecules using
>>>> united-atom model, i.e., CHx group is considered as one atom.  
>>>> There are
>>>> bond, angle, torsion and LJ interactions.  T=300K and P=1atm.
>>>> Lammps uses nose-hoover thermostat and barostat, and Gromacs uses
>>>> nose-hoover thermostat and Parranello-Rahman barostat.  Time constants
>>>> for
>>>> thermostat and barostat are 0.02ps and 2.0ps, respectively.
>>>> If I use integration time 1fs, Lammps and Gromacs gave consistent
>>>> results:
>>>>                     Lammps           Gromacs
>>>> Ebond(kJ/mol):        2092             2146
>>>> Eangle:               1757             1760
>>>> Etors:                2510             2500
>>>> Elj+corr:            -9238            -9350
>>>> Volume(nm^3):         66.7             66.5
>>>> where energy fluctuation is 100 kJ/mol and volume fluctuation is 1 
>>>> nm^3,
>>>> Elj+corr is the total LJ energy including tail correction.
>>>> However, if I use integration time 2fs, Lammps results do not change
>>>> much, but Gromacs results changed a lot:
>>>>                     Lammps           Gromacs
>>>> Ebond(kJ/mol):        2133             2700 Eangle:              
>>>> 1799 1640
>>>> Etors:                2552             2200
>>>> Elj+corr:            -9292            -9886 Volume:              
>>>> 66.7 64.0
>>>> The results given by Lammps is more reasonable because the Ebond 
>>>> should
>>>> be equal to the total # of bonds times 1/2k_BT and Eangle should be 
>>>> equal
>>>> to the total # of angles times 1/2k_BT.  At T=300K, 1/2k_BT=1.25 
>>>> kJ/mol.
>>>> 240 n-octanes have total 1680 bonds and 1440 angles.
>>>> The bond and angle interactions are both harmonic functions.  Bond
>>>> interaction constant kl=292880 kJ/mol/nm^2, corresponding to a bond
>>>> ossilation period 16 fs.
>>>> Is there something related to the integrator?
>>>> Here I attached my grompp.mdp and topol.top files.
>>>> ##########
>>>> grompp.mdp
>>>> ##########
>>>> title                    = Yo
>>>> cpp                      = /usr/bin/cpp
>>>> include                  = define                   =
>>>> integrator               = md
>>>> tinit                    = 0
>>>> dt                       = 0.001
>>>> nsteps                   = 2000000
>>>> init_step                = 0
>>>> comm-mode                = Linear
>>>> nstcomm                  = 1
>>>> comm-grps                =
>>>> nstxout                  = 5000
>>>> nstvout                  = 5000
>>>> nstfout                  = 5000
>>>> nstcheckpoint            = 10000
>>>> nstlog                   = 1000
>>>> nstenergy                = 1000
>>>> nstxtcout                = 5000
>>>> xtc-precision            = 1000
>>>> xtc-grps                 = energygrps               =
>>>> nstlist                  = 10
>>>> ns_type                  = grid
>>>> pbc                      = xyz
>>>> rlist                    = 1.0025
>>>> domain-decomposition     = no
>>>> coulombtype              = Cut-off
>>>> rcoulomb-switch          = 0
>>>> rcoulomb                 = 1.0025
>>>> epsilon-r                = 1
>>>> vdw-type                 = Cut-off
>>>> rvdw-switch              = 0        ; default 
>>>> rvdw                    = 1.0025    ; default 1 nm
>>>> DispCorr                 = EnerPres
>>>> ;table-extension          = 1.5
>>>> fourierspacing           = 0.12
>>>> fourier_nx               = 0
>>>> fourier_ny               = 0
>>>> fourier_nz               = 0
>>>> pme_order                = 4
>>>> ewald_rtol               = 1e-05
>>>> ewald_geometry           = 3d
>>>> epsilon_surface          = 0
>>>> optimize_fft             = no
>>>> Tcoupl                   = nose-hoover
>>>> tc-grps                  = System
>>>> tau_t                    = 0.02
>>>> ref_t                    = 300.0
>>>> Pcoupl                   = Parrinello-Rahman
>>>> Pcoupltype               = isotropic
>>>> tau_p                    = 2.0
>>>> compressibility          = 4.5e-5
>>>> ref_p                    = 1.0
>>>> andersen_seed            = 815131
>>>> gen_vel                  = yes
>>>> gen_temp                 = 300
>>>> gen_seed                 = 2009
>>>> ; OPTIONS FOR BONDS constraints              = none
>>>> constraint-algorithm     = Lincs
>>>> unconstrained-start      = no
>>>> Shake-SOR                = no
>>>> shake-tol                = 1e-04
>>>> lincs-order              = 4
>>>> lincs-iter               = 1
>>>> lincs-warnangle          = 30
>>>> morse                    = no
>>>> ; Pairs of energy groups for which all non-bonded interactions are
>>>> excluded
>>>> energygrp_excl           =
>>>> ; NMR refinement stuff disre                    = No
>>>> disre-weighting          = Conservative
>>>> disre-mixed              = no
>>>> disre-fc                 = 1000
>>>> disre-tau                = 0
>>>> nstdisreout              = 100
>>>> orire                    = no
>>>> orire-fc                 = 0
>>>> orire-tau                = 0
>>>> orire-fitgrp             = nstorireout              = 100
>>>> dihre                    = No
>>>> dihre-fc                 = 1000
>>>> dihre-tau                = 0
>>>> nstdihreout              = 100
>>>> #########
>>>> topol.top
>>>> #########
>>>> #include "ffG53a6.itp"
>>>> [atom-types]
>>>> ;name    mass    charge    ptype    V/c6    W/c12
>>>>  CH2    14.0    0.00    A    0.0    0.0
>>>>  CH3    15.0    0.00    A    0.0    0.0
>>>> [nonbond-params]
>>>> ; i     j     func    V/c6    W/c12
>>>>  CH2    CH2    1    0.0078   3.24e-5
>>>>  CH2    CH3    1    0.0078   3.24e-5
>>>>  CH3    CH3    1    0.0078   3.24e-5
>>>> [ moleculetype ]
>>>> ; name  nrexcl
>>>> Octane1      3
>>>> [ atoms ]
>>>> ;   nr    type   resnr  residu    atom    cgnr  charge
>>>>      1     CH3       1    C8       CH3      1     0.0
>>>>      2     CH2       1    C8       CH2      2     0.0
>>>>      3     CH2       1    C8       CH2      3     0.0
>>>>      4     CH2       1    C8       CH2      4     0.0
>>>>      5     CH2       1    C8       CH2      5     0.0
>>>>      6     CH2       1    C8       CH2      6     0.0
>>>>      7     CH2       1    C8       CH2      7     0.0
>>>>      8     CH3       1    C8       CH3      8     0.0
>>>> [ bonds ]
>>>> ;  ai    aj funct         c0(nm)           c1(kJ/mol/nm^2)
>>>>     1      2    1     0.153    292880.0
>>>>     2      3    1     0.153    292880.0
>>>>     3      4    1     0.153    292880.0
>>>>     4      5    1     0.153    292880.0
>>>>     5      6    1     0.153    292880.0
>>>>     6      7    1     0.153    292880.0
>>>>     7      8    1     0.153    292880.0
>>>> [ pairs ]
>>>> ;  ai    aj funct           c0           c1
>>>> ;    1     4     1 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 ;    2     5     1
>>>> 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 ;    3     6     1 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
>>>> ;    4     7     1 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 ;    5     8     1
>>>> 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
>>>> [ angles ]
>>>> ;  ai    aj    ak funct           c0(degree)           
>>>> c1(kJ/mol/rad^-2)
>>>>      1     2     3     1         109.5    502.08
>>>>      2     3     4     1         109.5    502.08
>>>>      3     4     5     1         109.5    502.08
>>>>      4     5     6     1         109.5    502.08
>>>>      5     6     7     1         109.5    502.08
>>>>      6     7     8     1         109.5    502.08
>>>> [ dihedrals ]
>>>> ;  ai    aj    ak    al funct    c0       c1       c2      c3      
>>>> c4  c5
>>>>      1     2     3     4     3   6.4977   16.9868  3.6275  -27.112  
>>>> 0 0
>>>>      2     3     4     5     3   6.4977   16.9868  3.6275  -27.112  
>>>> 0 0
>>>>      3     4     5     6     3   6.4977   16.9868  3.6275  -27.112  
>>>> 0 0
>>>>      4     5     6     7     3   6.4977   16.9868  3.6275  -27.112  
>>>> 0 0
>>>>      5     6     7     8     3   6.4977   16.9868  3.6275  -27.112  
>>>> 0 0
>>>> [ system ]
>>>> octane melt
>>>> [ molecules ]
>>>> Octane1        240
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>> -- 
>> David.
>> ________________________________________________________________________
>> David van der Spoel, PhD, Professor of Biology
>> Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University.
>> Husargatan 3, Box 596,      75124 Uppsala, Sweden
>> phone:    46 18 471 4205        fax: 46 18 511 755
>> spoel at xray.bmc.uu.se    spoel at gromacs.org   http://folding.bmc.uu.se
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