SV: [gmx-users] Hydrogen bonding
Justin A. Lemkul
jalemkul at
Wed Nov 18 22:24:28 CET 2009
Sarah Witzke wrote:
> Yes, I see this. Do you by the way know why this .ndx files under the title [ donors_hydrogens_DMPC ] lists a lot of non-heteroatoms (carbon atoms)?
No clue. Probably the code identifies the functional group to which the donor
belongs. The more pertinent directive is the [ hbonds... ] one, which contains
the indices of the atoms actually participating in hydrogen bonding.
> When I use the -ac option I get this output:
> ...
> ACF 53/53
> Normalization for c(t) = 1.19876 for gh(t) = 9.96115e-05
> WARNING: Correlation function is probably not long enough
> because the standard deviation in the tail of C(t) > 0.001
> Tail value (average C(t) over second half of acf): 0.0155651 +/- 0.014574
> Hydrogen bond thermodynamics at T = 298.15 K
> Fitting parameters chi^2 = 5.76828e-05
> Q = 0
> --------------------------------------------------
> Type Rate (1/ps) Time (ps) DG (kJ/mol) Chi^2
> Forward 0.001 682.571 20.705 5.76828e-05
> Backward 0.013 75.432 15.245
> One-way 0.001 1001.338 21.655
> Integral 0.000 3419.839 24.700
> Relaxation 0.001 1216.745 22.138
> 100%
> ...
> When looking at the produced .xvg file I see these three data sets as a function of time:
> @ s0 legend "Ac\sfin sys\v{}\z{}(t)"
> @ s1 legend "Ac(t)"
> @ s2 legend "Cc\scontact,hb\v{}\z{}(t)"
> @ s3 legend "-dAc\sfs\v{}\z{}/dt"
> In neither the output nor the .xvg file I see any mention of 'Forward lifetime'. Perhabs this is because of the warning 'Correlation function is probably not long enough because the standard deviation in the tail of C(t) > 0.001' which I sadly don't understand. Is this a matter of actual length of the .xtc file? I use the last 120 ns of a 220 ns simulation. Any suggestions?
Please see the following output line:
Forward 0.001 682.571 20.705 5.76828e-05
The note about the correlation function would imply that the correlation
function itself has not converged until its value is < 0.001. This is usually a
result of insufficient data, either the length of the simulation, or number of
frames analyzed (based on the spacing of the frames).
Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080
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