[gmx-users] g_sas

Chih-Ying Lin chihying2008 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 4 22:18:37 CEST 2010


g_sas computes hydrophobic, hydrophilic and total solvent accessible surface

I chose => protein for calculation group
            => protein for output group

what does it define "hydrophobic solvent accessible surface area"?
=> does that, the surface area, enclose the hydrophobic atoms/residues?

what does it define "hydrophilic solvent accessible surface area"?
 => does that, the surface area, enclose the hydrophilic atoms/residues?

what does it define "total solvent accessible surface area"?
 => does that, the surface area, enclose the total surface of the protein?

I got hydrophobic SAS is  greater than hydrophilic SAS.
Isn't correct ?
I am supposing that hydrophobic atoms/residues are within the protein.
And, hydrophilic atoms/residues are on the surface of the protein.

Then, how can "hydrophobic SAS is  greater than hydrophilic SAS" ?

Thank you
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