[gmx-users] Re: Re[7]: Flat energy profile in g_wham
chris.neale at utoronto.ca
chris.neale at utoronto.ca
Tue Aug 31 03:11:52 CEST 2010
First, you confuse me when you say "pulling direction was along
Y-axis" since your .mdp file indicates pull_dim = Y Y Y and so you are
pulling in *all* dimensions.
Your profile doesn't look like mine at all, but then again I took mine
from a force profile. Now that I can see your forces and
displacements, I can't find any match between them. For example:
cneale at cneale-desktop:~/work/August2010/integral/u10$ tail pullf_u10.xvg
11982.0000 255.769
11984.0000 332.586
11986.0000 291.367
11988.0000 264.031
11990.0000 330.69
11992.0000 336.757
11994.0000 327.46
11996.0000 475.078
11998.0000 440.766
12000.0000 342.814
cneale at cneale-desktop:~/work/August2010/integral/u10$ tail pullx_u10.xvg
11982.0000 3.05189 4.39188 -1.23643 2.03259 2.62201 3.35563
11984.0000 3.12086 4.37951 -1.63297 1.98567 2.64212 -3.25943
11986.0000 3.13274 4.37699 -1.57303 1.97354 2.64089 -3.32607
11988.0000 3.13754 4.38542 -1.52275 1.94917 2.63444 -3.38366
11990.0000 3.12712 4.38416 -1.61647 1.93608 2.63691 -3.29597
11992.0000 3.11342 4.37694 -1.59735 1.95931 2.61705 -3.28952
11994.0000 3.0957 4.384 -1.5691 1.99226 2.57634 -3.3149
11996.0000 3.08384 4.38684 5.24141 2.00727 2.57168 -3.09875
11998.0000 2.99618 4.41111 5.25558 2.08776 2.53869 -3.1227
12000.0000 2.79826 4.41958 5.22444 2.29862 2.53084 -3.12472
Can you explain to me how these can match up (with an equation please)?
Quoting alexander yakovenko <yakovenko_a at ukr.net>:
> Yep, it was mistake with a sign, is
> http://picasaweb.google.ca/117558205101329348732/G_wham#5511351478636719042
> looks like your one? Btw my temperature was 310K.
> The dollars you would lost (as I used only 1 mdp for all runs via
> script and thus avoiding humans mistakes like with pictures) is
> probably because complicated landscape - the dissociation is coupled
> to (partial) unfolding and relative sub-domains shift (actually
> this experiment is aimed to support this hypothesis). I.e. it does
> not look too suspicious for me; something closer to manual was
> expected though. Anyway I attach logs from all my simulations and
> the mdp.
> As for box, it has 10x16x7 edges and pulling direction was along
> Y-axis to bring molecules only 5.5nm apart (DNA and protein of ~2 nm
> radii) so there is definitely sufficient distances.
> Anyway the only bug in g_wham is an explanation I can give to
> ABSOLUTELY flat line of PMF profile.
> As for colors, can we please stick on windows ids instead? I guess
> you told about w4, w6 and w8 so I attached their logs from mdrun and
> for w10 too.
> P.S. I still not understand if there is a way to make g_wham working
> for me (suggesting all other calculations were made fairly)?
> Alex
> First, I don't think that you converted and debiased correctly. Once
> you have a histogram of the displacement, then you will debias that
> histogram like this (assuming run at 298K):
> FC=1000
> T=298
> cat biased.hist |awk '{print
> $1,-0.00831447*'${T}'*log($2)-0.5*'${FC}'*$1*$1}' > debiased.hist
> You attached the force file, not the coordinate file. I tried to
> convert like this:
> cat pullf_u10.xvg|grep -v '[@|#]' |awk '{print $1,-($2/1000)}'
> and then I made a histogram and then I converted to energy and
> debiased, but I got something entirely different than yours.
> I would bet dollars to donoughts that either your force constant was
> not 1000 or your sampling is otherwise messed up. Can you post the
> coord.xvg from that same window?
> What are your .mdp options? if your cutoffs are shorter than 3 nm then
> your 2 molecules are not going to see each other (unless you have
> PME). This is one reason you might get a relatively flat PMF.
> Nevertheless, a perfectly flat PMF is certainly an error! (where's the
> noise?)
> My main concern is that your sampling is incorrect for some reason. To
> see this, look at your original set of probability histograms at
> http://picasaweb.google.ca/117558205101329348732/G_wham#5511244561053627250
> See the cyan peak on the left half? now look below it and you'll see a
> green (and a purple) histogram line that is half the height and twice
> the width, but is in nearly the same spot. This is suggestive of
> massive unconvergence, so massive that you have probably done
> something wrong.
> Please go back through your runs and see if you might have set
> something up incorrectly. If you still think that it's correct, then
> please *cut and paste* sections of your setup for that cyan peak and
> for the green histogram below it (e.g. pull code options in .mdp file,
> commands for mdrun, etc.) and send all of that to the mailing list.
> Quoting alexander yakovenko <yakovenko_a at ukr.net>:
>> 0. Thank you all who spent time answering my post (and especially
>> for explanations how to convert bins into energy)!
>> 1. Yes, force is 1000 kJ/mol/nm^2 in all windows
>> 2. z is in nm as default in wham
>> 3. I made profile for w#10 (just in the case I attach forces file).
>> the picture of window profile is there
>> http://picasaweb.google.ca/117558205101329348732/G_wham#5511315785714749378.
>> Thank you once more!
>> P.S. Looks like (some of) you are not surprised with zeros in my
>> wham output, but cant you please explain me what is wrong there?
>> P.P.S. Resending message again because of server error, sorry for
>> possible duplication.
>> Alex
>> Alexander, please post the following:
>> 1. force constants for your plot at
>> http://picasaweb.google.ca/117558205101329348732/G_wham#5511287294315721970
>> NOTE: if they are all 1000 as in your first post, then you have a
>> problem in your sampling.
>> 2. units for your x-axis in the plot mentioned in part 1, above (i.e.
>> angstroms or nanometers?)
>> 3. convert one (only one) of your sampling probability histograms to
>> an energy histogram and debias it (without using wham). To convert to
>> energy, take each histogram bin and apply E=-kB*T*ln(P). Now debias by
>> subtracting E_rest=0.5*Fc*(r-r0). You will have noise at each end, but
>> what about the middle part, is it flat or not? Post a picture of this
>> please.
>> Chris
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