[gmx-users] dssp problem

lina zhao lnzhao99 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 26 08:11:05 CET 2010


wget ftp://ftp.cmbi.ru.nl/pub/molbio/software/dsspcmbi.zip
unzip dsspcmbi.zip

cd dssp

cd ..
sudo mv dssp /usr/local/src/
cd /usr/local/bin
sudo ln -s ../src/dssp/dsspcmbi .


On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Mark Abraham <Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au>wrote:

>  On 25/12/2010 11:03 PM, mustafa bilsel wrote:
> Hi Justin,
> maybe I am making a mistake with installation. What I am doing is this:
> I am creating a diretory called DSSP, then I write
> rsync -avz rsync://rsync.cmbi.ru.nl/dssp/ /home/m/DSSP/
>  on the terminal, and then file transfer starts. Then I write export
> DSSP=/home/m/DSSP/dssp (pointing the exe file).
> In above procedures there is NO INSTALLATION. If any installation  is
> required?
> We don't support DSSP. Please read their instructions and follow them. If
> you can't follow them, please communicate the problem to them so they can
> fix it.
> Another important thing is that I couldn't copy dssp to anywhere with copy
> dssp /..... command, but I can do it cp -r dssp /....
> It means that dssp isnot a file, it seems a folder. And I also see
> uncompressed zip explanation near the dssp.
> OK, so if it's a folder, open it and look for the executable  to work out
> its fully-qualified name...
> I have written axactly what I did so far.
> No, you've used some frustrating ellipses, instead of copying and pasting
> from your terminal, thereby leaving us the option of presuming you've done
> something wrong.
> Mark
>  Maybe it will help you to understand the mistake.
> Thank you for your kind interests
> best wishes
> Mustafa
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