[gmx-users] Re: still can not run md for creatine
Vitaly Chaban
vvchaban at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 20:22:35 CET 2010
Olga -
What is gromos43a1.ff? I do not remember the files with ff-extension
in gromacs. I am sure you should include the topology files in the
inverse order as compared to what is below:
1) general FF with atoms, bonds, angles, etc (~ include "gromos43a1.ff");
2) molecule definition, its own atoms, bonds, etc (~ include "creatine.itp")
After that, you'll probably get another error, and it will be more informative.
Good luck!
On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 12:09 PM, Olga Ivchenko <olga.ivchenko at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Vitaly,
> Thank you for your reply. Here is the files:
> itp:
> ;
> ;
> ; This file was generated by PRODRG version AA081006.0504
> ; PRODRG written/copyrighted by Daan van Aalten
> ; and Alexander Schuettelkopf
> ;
> ; Questions/comments to dava at davapc1.bioch.dundee.ac.uk
> ;
> ; When using this software in a publication, cite:
> ; A. W. Schuettelkopf and D. M. F. van Aalten (2004).
> ; PRODRG - a tool for high-throughput crystallography
> ; of protein-ligand complexes.
> ; Acta Crystallogr. D60, 1355--1363.
> ;
> ;
> [ moleculetype ]
> Name nrexcl
> DRG 3
> [ atoms ]
> ; nr type resnr resid atom cgnr charge mass
> 1 OM 1 DRG OXT 1 -0.701 15.9994
> 2 C 1 DRG C 1 0.402 12.0110
> 3 OM 1 DRG O 1 -0.701 15.9994
> 4 CH2 1 DRG CA 2 0.185 14.0270
> 5 N 1 DRG N 2 0.468 14.0067
> 6 CH3 1 DRG CAG 2 0.201 15.0350
> 7 C 1 DRG CAH 2 0.377 12.0110
> 8 NZ 1 DRG NAE 2 -0.163 14.0067
> 9 H 1 DRG HA6 2 0.023 1.0080
> 10 H 1 DRG HAE 2 0.024 1.0080
> 11 NZ 1 DRG NAD 2 -0.163 14.0067
> 12 H 1 DRG HA5 2 0.024 1.0080
> 13 H 1 DRG HAD 2 0.024 1.0080
> [ bonds ]
> ; ai aj fu c0, c1, ...
> 2 1 2 0.125 13400000.0 0.125 13400000.0 ; C OXT
> 2 3 2 0.125 13400000.0 0.125 13400000.0 ; C O
> 2 4 2 0.153 7150000.0 0.153 7150000.0 ; C CA
> 5 4 2 0.147 8710000.0 0.147 8710000.0 ; N CA
> 5 6 2 0.147 8710000.0 0.147 8710000.0 ; N CAG
> 5 7 2 0.134 10500000.0 0.134 10500000.0 ; N CAH
> 7 8 2 0.134 10500000.0 0.134 10500000.0 ; CAH NAE
> 7 11 2 0.134 10500000.0 0.134 10500000.0 ; CAH NAD
> 8 9 2 0.100 18700000.0 0.100 18700000.0 ; NAE HA6
> 8 10 2 0.100 18700000.0 0.100 18700000.0 ; NAE HAE
> 11 12 2 0.100 18700000.0 0.100 18700000.0 ; NAD HA5
> 11 13 2 0.100 18700000.0 0.100 18700000.0 ; NAD HAD
> [ pairs ]
> ; ai aj fu c0, c1, ...
> 1 5 1 ; OXT N
> 2 6 1 ; C CAG
> 2 7 1 ; C CAH
> 3 5 1 ; O N
> 4 8 1 ; CA NAE
> 4 11 1 ; CA NAD
> 5 9 1 ; N HA6
> 5 10 1 ; N HAE
> 5 12 1 ; N HA5
> 5 13 1 ; N HAD
> 6 8 1 ; CAG NAE
> 6 11 1 ; CAG NAD
> 8 12 1 ; NAE HA5
> 8 13 1 ; NAE HAD
> 9 11 1 ; HA6 NAD
> 10 11 1 ; HAE NAD
> [ angles ]
> ; ai aj ak fu c0, c1, ...
> 1 2 3 2 126.0 770.0 126.0 770.0 ; OXT C
> O
> 1 2 4 2 117.0 635.0 117.0 635.0 ; OXT C
> CA
> 3 2 4 2 117.0 635.0 117.0 635.0 ; O C
> CA
> 2 4 5 2 109.5 520.0 109.5 520.0 ; C CA
> N
> 4 5 6 2 121.0 685.0 121.0 685.0 ; CA N
> 4 5 7 2 122.0 700.0 122.0 700.0 ; CA N
> 6 5 7 2 117.0 635.0 117.0 635.0 ; CAG N
> 5 7 8 2 120.0 670.0 120.0 670.0 ; N CAH
> 5 7 11 2 120.0 670.0 120.0 670.0 ; N CAH
> 8 7 11 2 120.0 670.0 120.0 670.0 ; NAE CAH
> 7 8 9 2 120.0 390.0 120.0 390.0 ; CAH NAE
> HA6
> 7 8 10 2 120.0 390.0 120.0 390.0 ; CAH NAE
> 9 8 10 2 120.0 445.0 120.0 445.0 ; HA6 NAE
> 7 11 12 2 120.0 390.0 120.0 390.0 ; CAH NAD
> HA5
> 7 11 13 2 120.0 390.0 120.0 390.0 ; CAH NAD
> 12 11 13 2 120.0 445.0 120.0 445.0 ; HA5 NAD
> [ dihedrals ]
> ; ai aj ak al fu c0, c1, m, ...
> 2 1 3 4 2 0.0 167.4 0.0 167.4 ; imp C OXT
> O CA
> 5 4 6 7 2 0.0 167.4 0.0 167.4 ; imp N CA
> 7 5 8 11 2 0.0 167.4 0.0 167.4 ; imp CAH N
> 8 7 10 9 2 0.0 167.4 0.0 167.4 ; imp NAE CAH
> 11 7 13 12 2 0.0 167.4 0.0 167.4 ; imp NAD CAH
> 5 4 2 1 1 0.0 1.0 6 0.0 1.0 6 ; dih N CA
> 2 4 5 7 1 180.0 1.0 6 180.0 1.0 6 ; dih C CA
> 11 7 5 4 1 180.0 33.5 2 180.0 33.5 2 ; dih NAD CAH
> N CA
> 5 7 8 10 1 180.0 33.5 2 180.0 33.5 2 ; dih N CAH
> 5 7 11 13 1 180.0 33.5 2 180.0 33.5 2 ; dih N CAH
> And top. I am prettu sure this file is wrong. And I do not know yet how to
> modify it correctly:
> ;
> ; File 'creatine.top' was generated
> ; By user: onbekend (0)
> ; On host: onbekend
> ; At date: Mon Nov 15 13:24:44 2010
> ;
> ; This is your topology file
> ; it was generated using program:
> ; pdb2gmx - version 4.5-beta2
> ; with command line:
> ; pdb2gmx -f creatine_all_hyd_PRODRGBeta.pdb -o creatine.gro -p
> creatine.top
> ;
> #include "creatine.itp"
> #include "gromos43a1.ff"
> ; Include forcefield parameters
> ;#include "gromos43a1.ff/forcefield.itp"
> ;"gromos43a1.ff/creatine.itp"
> ;[ system ]
> ;[ molecules ]
> ;DRG 3
> 2010/11/15 Vitaly Chaban <vvchaban at gmail.com>
>> Hey, Olga -
>> > Also please can you tell me where can I get "ffgmx.itp" file?
>> /$gromacs_folder/share/gromacs/top/ffgmx.itp as well as all other
>> standard topology files are there.
>> By trying to run md I am getting an error: Fatal error:
>> > moleculetype UNK is redefined
>> Please post you top and itp files here. Looks like you have 2 creatine
>> molecules in your topology right now.
>> Good luck!
>> Vitaly
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