[gmx-users] Re: still can not run md for creatine

Mark Abraham Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au
Mon Nov 15 23:44:24 CET 2010

On 16/11/2010 6:22 AM, Vitaly Chaban wrote:
> Olga -
> What is gromos43a1.ff? I do not remember the files with ff-extension
> in gromacs. I am sure you should include the topology files in the

There's a new force field organization in 4.5.x. PRODRG still presumes 
the previous organization, which leads to the OP's first symptoms. 
However the real issue is not wanting to use the gmx force field at all.


> inverse order as compared to what is below:
> 1) general FF with atoms, bonds, angles, etc (~ include "gromos43a1.ff");
> 2) molecule definition, its own atoms, bonds, etc (~ include "creatine.itp")
> After that, you'll probably get another error, and it will be more informative.
> Good luck!
> Vitaly
> On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 12:09 PM, Olga Ivchenko<olga.ivchenko at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Hey Vitaly,
>> Thank you for your reply. Here is the files:
>> itp:
>> ;
>> ;
>> ;       This file was generated by PRODRG version AA081006.0504
>> ;       PRODRG written/copyrighted by Daan van Aalten
>> ;       and Alexander Schuettelkopf
>> ;
>> ;       Questions/comments to dava at davapc1.bioch.dundee.ac.uk
>> ;
>> ;       When using this software in a publication, cite:
>> ;       A. W. Schuettelkopf and D. M. F. van Aalten (2004).
>> ;       PRODRG - a tool for high-throughput crystallography
>> ;       of protein-ligand complexes.
>> ;       Acta Crystallogr. D60, 1355--1363.
>> ;
>> ;
>> [ moleculetype ]
>>   Name nrexcl
>> DRG      3
>> [ atoms ]
>> ;   nr      type  resnr resid  atom  cgnr   charge     mass
>>       1        OM     1  DRG     OXT     1   -0.701  15.9994
>>       2         C     1  DRG       C     1    0.402  12.0110
>>       3        OM     1  DRG       O     1   -0.701  15.9994
>>       4       CH2     1  DRG      CA     2    0.185  14.0270
>>       5         N     1  DRG       N     2    0.468  14.0067
>>       6       CH3     1  DRG     CAG     2    0.201  15.0350
>>       7         C     1  DRG     CAH     2    0.377  12.0110
>>       8        NZ     1  DRG     NAE     2   -0.163  14.0067
>>       9         H     1  DRG     HA6     2    0.023   1.0080
>>      10         H     1  DRG     HAE     2    0.024   1.0080
>>      11        NZ     1  DRG     NAD     2   -0.163  14.0067
>>      12         H     1  DRG     HA5     2    0.024   1.0080
>>      13         H     1  DRG     HAD     2    0.024   1.0080
>> [ bonds ]
>> ; ai  aj  fu    c0, c1, ...
>>     2   1   2    0.125  13400000.0    0.125  13400000.0 ;     C  OXT
>>     2   3   2    0.125  13400000.0    0.125  13400000.0 ;     C    O
>>     2   4   2    0.153   7150000.0    0.153   7150000.0 ;     C   CA
>>     5   4   2    0.147   8710000.0    0.147   8710000.0 ;     N   CA
>>     5   6   2    0.147   8710000.0    0.147   8710000.0 ;     N  CAG
>>     5   7   2    0.134  10500000.0    0.134  10500000.0 ;     N  CAH
>>     7   8   2    0.134  10500000.0    0.134  10500000.0 ;   CAH  NAE
>>     7  11   2    0.134  10500000.0    0.134  10500000.0 ;   CAH  NAD
>>     8   9   2    0.100  18700000.0    0.100  18700000.0 ;   NAE  HA6
>>     8  10   2    0.100  18700000.0    0.100  18700000.0 ;   NAE  HAE
>>    11  12   2    0.100  18700000.0    0.100  18700000.0 ;   NAD  HA5
>>    11  13   2    0.100  18700000.0    0.100  18700000.0 ;   NAD  HAD
>> [ pairs ]
>> ; ai  aj  fu    c0, c1, ...
>>     1   5   1                                           ;   OXT    N
>>     2   6   1                                           ;     C  CAG
>>     2   7   1                                           ;     C  CAH
>>     3   5   1                                           ;     O    N
>>     4   8   1                                           ;    CA  NAE
>>     4  11   1                                           ;    CA  NAD
>>     5   9   1                                           ;     N  HA6
>>     5  10   1                                           ;     N  HAE
>>     5  12   1                                           ;     N  HA5
>>     5  13   1                                           ;     N  HAD
>>     6   8   1                                           ;   CAG  NAE
>>     6  11   1                                           ;   CAG  NAD
>>     8  12   1                                           ;   NAE  HA5
>>     8  13   1                                           ;   NAE  HAD
>>     9  11   1                                           ;   HA6  NAD
>>    10  11   1                                           ;   HAE  NAD
>> [ angles ]
>> ; ai  aj  ak  fu    c0, c1, ...
>>     1   2   3   2    126.0       770.0    126.0       770.0 ;   OXT    C
>> O
>>     1   2   4   2    117.0       635.0    117.0       635.0 ;   OXT    C
>> CA
>>     3   2   4   2    117.0       635.0    117.0       635.0 ;     O    C
>> CA
>>     2   4   5   2    109.5       520.0    109.5       520.0 ;     C   CA
>> N
>>     4   5   6   2    121.0       685.0    121.0       685.0 ;    CA    N
>> CAG
>>     4   5   7   2    122.0       700.0    122.0       700.0 ;    CA    N
>> CAH
>>     6   5   7   2    117.0       635.0    117.0       635.0 ;   CAG    N
>> CAH
>>     5   7   8   2    120.0       670.0    120.0       670.0 ;     N  CAH
>> NAE
>>     5   7  11   2    120.0       670.0    120.0       670.0 ;     N  CAH
>> NAD
>>     8   7  11   2    120.0       670.0    120.0       670.0 ;   NAE  CAH
>> NAD
>>     7   8   9   2    120.0       390.0    120.0       390.0 ;   CAH  NAE
>> HA6
>>     7   8  10   2    120.0       390.0    120.0       390.0 ;   CAH  NAE
>> HAE
>>     9   8  10   2    120.0       445.0    120.0       445.0 ;   HA6  NAE
>> HAE
>>     7  11  12   2    120.0       390.0    120.0       390.0 ;   CAH  NAD
>> HA5
>>     7  11  13   2    120.0       390.0    120.0       390.0 ;   CAH  NAD
>> HAD
>>    12  11  13   2    120.0       445.0    120.0       445.0 ;   HA5  NAD
>> HAD
>> [ dihedrals ]
>> ; ai  aj  ak  al  fu    c0, c1, m, ...
>>     2   1   3   4   2      0.0  167.4        0.0  167.4   ; imp     C  OXT
>> O   CA
>>     5   4   6   7   2      0.0  167.4        0.0  167.4   ; imp     N   CA
>>     7   5   8  11   2      0.0  167.4        0.0  167.4   ; imp   CAH    N
>>     8   7  10   9   2      0.0  167.4        0.0  167.4   ; imp   NAE  CAH
>> HAE  HA6
>>    11   7  13  12   2      0.0  167.4        0.0  167.4   ; imp   NAD  CAH
>> HAD  HA5
>>     5   4   2   1   1      0.0    1.0 6      0.0    1.0 6 ; dih     N   CA
>> C  OXT
>>     2   4   5   7   1    180.0    1.0 6    180.0    1.0 6 ; dih     C   CA
>> N  CAH
>>    11   7   5   4   1    180.0   33.5 2    180.0   33.5 2 ; dih   NAD  CAH
>> N   CA
>>     5   7   8  10   1    180.0   33.5 2    180.0   33.5 2 ; dih     N  CAH
>>     5   7  11  13   1    180.0   33.5 2    180.0   33.5 2 ; dih     N  CAH
>> And top. I am prettu sure this file is wrong. And I do not know yet how to
>> modify it correctly:
>> ;
>> ;    File 'creatine.top' was generated
>> ;    By user: onbekend (0)
>> ;    On host: onbekend
>> ;    At date: Mon Nov 15 13:24:44 2010
>> ;
>> ;    This is your topology file
>> ;    it was generated using program:
>> ;    pdb2gmx - version 4.5-beta2
>> ;    with command line:
>> ;    pdb2gmx -f creatine_all_hyd_PRODRGBeta.pdb -o creatine.gro -p
>> creatine.top
>> ;
>> #include "creatine.itp"
>> #include "gromos43a1.ff"
>> ; Include forcefield parameters
>> ;#include "gromos43a1.ff/forcefield.itp"
>> ;"gromos43a1.ff/creatine.itp"
>> ;[ system ]
>> ;[ molecules ]
>> ;DRG      3
>> 2010/11/15 Vitaly Chaban<vvchaban at gmail.com>
>>> Hey, Olga -
>>>> Also please can you tell me where can I get "ffgmx.itp" file?
>>> /$gromacs_folder/share/gromacs/top/ffgmx.itp as well as all other
>>> standard topology files are there.
>>> By trying to run md I am getting an error: Fatal error:
>>>> moleculetype UNK is redefined
>>> Please post you top and itp files here. Looks like you have 2 creatine
>>> molecules in your topology right now.
>>> Good luck!
>>> Vitaly

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