[gmx-users] PR

Zhe Wu zephyrwuz at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 05:17:18 CET 2010

Thank you for the discussion. I am basically having a similar problem:
position restraining (PR) 2 plates in NPT and the system blow up
(posted here: http://lists.gromacs.org/pipermail/gmx-users/2010-November/055975.html).
I will try to use smaller time step to see whether the situation
becomes better. A quick question, can we really do meaningful NPT
simulation with PR, in which the position need to be almost like
fixed? I know we cannot do freeze. PR supposed to be OK, right?


On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Mark Abraham <Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au> wrote:
> On 21/11/2010 9:09 PM, pawan raghav wrote:
>> Thank mark for comments, but I have check the structure after energy
>> minimization through ramachandran plot and found 82% residues were lies in
>> core region. After performed position restrained dynamics it reduced to 52%
>> in core region also 1 bad contact was found. I have taken SPC water model
>> then add 2 NA+ ions in the solvent, done energy minimization at emtol value
>> of 2000 kJ/mol and steps for 250. Below is the pr.mdp file for position
>> restraiuned dynamics, please let me know if any serious flaws. So help me by
>> giving me the reference.
>> title = Position restrained of Bcl-2.
>> integrator = md
>> define = -DPOSRES
>> dt = 0.002
> A smaller timestep during equilibration will better help the integration
> cope with anything that is not very happy.
>> nsteps = 100000
>> nstcomm = 1
>> nstxout = 250
>> nstvout = 1000
>> nstfout = 0
>> nstlog = 10
>> nstenergy = 10
>> nstlist = 5
>> xtc_grps = protein sol
>> energygrps = protein sol
>> ns_type = grid
>> rlist = 1.0
>> coulombtype = PME
>> rcoulomb = 1.0
>> vdwtype = cut-off
>> rvdw = 1.4
>> fourierspacing = 0.135
>> fourier_nx = 0
>> fourier_ny = 0
>> fourier_nz = 0
>> pme_order = 4
>> ewald_rtol = 1e-5
>> optimize_fft = yes
>> Dispcorr = no
>> Tcoupl = v-rescale
>> tc-grps = protein sol NA+
> Those groups are bad. See
> http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Terminology/Thermostats
> Mark
>> tau_t = 0.1 0.1 0.1
>> ref_t = 300 300 300
>> Pcoupl = parrinello-rahman
>> Pcoupltype = isotropic
>> tau_p = 0.5
>> compressibility = 4.5e-5
>> ref_p = 1.0
>> gen_vel = yes
>> gen_temp = 300.0
>> gen_seed = 173529
>> constraints = all-bonds
>> --
>> Pawan
> --
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