[gmx-users] FEP and loss of performance
Luca Bellucci
lcbllcc at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 15:55:51 CEST 2011
Ok. I agree with you, FEP performance is an important issue to resolve but I
know that there are also other priorities. However, I would thank you for your
interest and and your suggestions.
> I would suggest that you take Chris' advice and post all of this as a
> feature request on redmine.gromacs.org so that it can be put on a to-do
> list. Enhancing the performance of the free energy code is probably going
> to be a low-priority, long-term goal (in the absence of any proven bug),
> but at least it won't get lost in the shuffle of the mailing list. If
> there's no record of it in redmine, it likely won't get addressed.
> Gromacs is undergoing major changes at the moment, so the core developers
> are quite busy with other priorities.
> -Justin
> Luca Bellucci wrote:
> > I posted my test files in:
> > https://www.dropbox.com/link/17.-sUcJyMeEL?k=0f3b6fa098389405e7e15c886dcc
> > 83c1 This is a run for a dialanine peptide in a water box.
> > The cell side cubic box was 40 A.
> > The directory is organized as :
> > TEST\
> >
> > topol.top
> >
> > Run-00/confout.gro ; Equilibrated structure
> > Run-00/state.cp
> >
> > MD-std/Commands ; commands to run the simulation , grompp and mdrun
> >
> > MD-std/md.mdp
> >
> > MD-FEP/Commands
> > MD-FEP/md.mdp
> >
> > ~700 kb
> >
> >> David Mobley wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> This doesn't sound like normal behavior. In fact, this is not what I
> >>> typically observe. While there may be a small performance difference,
> >>> it is probably at the level of a few percent. Certainly not a factor
> >>> of more than 10.
> >>
> >> I see about a 50% reduction in speed when decoupling small molecules in
> >> water. For me, I don't care if a nanosecond takes 2 or 3 hours. For
> >> larger systems such as the ones considered here, it seems that the
> >> performance loss is much more dramatic.
> >>
> >> I can reproduce the poor performance with a simple water box with the
> >> free energy code on. Decoupling the whole system (or at least, a large
> >> part of it, as was the original intent of this thread, as I understand
> >> it) results in a 1500% slowdown. Some observations:
> >>
> >> 1. Water optimizations are turned off when decoupling the water, but
> >> this only accounts for 20% of the slowdown, which is relatively
> >> insignificant.
> >>
> >> 2. Using lambda=0.9 (from a previous post) in my water box results in
> >> even worse performance, but much of this is due to DD instability. The
> >> system I used has a few hundred water molecules in it, and after about
> >> 10-12 ps, they collapse in on one another and form clusters,
> >> dramatically shifting the balance of atoms between DD cells. DLB gets
> >> activated but the force imbalances are around 40%, and the total
> >> slowdown (relative to
> >> non-perturbed trajectories) is 2000%.
> >>
> >> 3. Using lambda=0 results in stable trajectories with very low
> >> imbalance, but also poor performance. It seems that mdrun spends all
> >> of its time in
> >>
> >> the free energy innerloops:
> >> Computing: M-Number M-Flops %
> >>
> >> Flops
> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> -- --- Free energy innerloop 19064.187513 2859628.127
> >> 89.1 Outer nonbonded loop 325.153806 3251.538
> >> 0.1 Calc Weights 231.754635 8343.167
> >> 0.3 Spread Q Bspline 9888.197760 19776.396
> >> 0.6 Gather F Bspline 9888.197760 59329.187
> >> 1.8 3D-FFT 24406.688124 195253.505
> >> 6.1 Solve PME 485.109702 31047.021
> >> 1.0 NS-Pairs 521.616615 10953.949
> >> 0.3 Reset In Box 2.575515 7.727
> >> 0.0 CG-CoM 7.728090 23.184
> >> 0.0 Virial 8.176635 147.179
> >> 0.0 Update 77.251545 2394.798
> >> 0.1 Stop-CM 0.774045 7.740
> >> 0.0 Calc-Ekin 77.253090 2085.833
> >> 0.1 Constraint-V 77.253090 618.025
> >> 0.0 Constraint-Vir 7.726545 185.437
> >> 0.0 Settle 51.502060 16635.165
> >> 0.5
> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> -- --- Total 3209687.978
> >> 100.0
> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> -- ---
> >>
> >>> You may want to provide an mdp file and topology, etc. so someone can
> >>> see if they can reproduce your problem.
> >>
> >> I agree that would be useful. I can contribute my water box system if
> >> it would help, as well.
> >>
> >> -Justin
> >>
> >>> Thanks.
> >>>
> >>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 7:59 AM, Luca Bellucci <lcbllcc at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>> I followed your suggestions and i tried to perform a MD run wit
> >>>> GROMACS and NAMD for dialanine peptide in a water box. The cell side
> >>>> cubic box was 40 A.
> >>>>
> >>>> GROMACS:
> >>>> With the free energy module there is a drop in gromacs performance of
> >>>> about 10/20 fold.
> >>>> Standard MD: Time: 6.693 6.693 100.0
> >>>> Free energy MD: Time: 136.113 136.113 100.0
> >>>>
> >>>> NAMD:
> >>>> With free energy module there is not a drop in performance so evident
> >>>> as in gromacs.
> >>>> Standard MD 6.900000
> >>>> Free energy MD 9.600000
> >>>>
> >>>> I would like to point out that this kind of calculation is common, in
> >>>> fact in the manual of gromacs 4.5.3 it is reported " There is a
> >>>> special option system that couples all molecules types in the system.
> >>>> This can be useful for equilibrating a system [..] ".
> >>>>
> >>>> Actually, I would understand if there is a solution to resolve the
> >>>> drop in gromacs performance for this kind of calculation.
> >>>>
> >>>> Luca
> >>>>
> >>>>> I don't know if it is possible or not. I think that you can enhance
> >>>>> your chances of developer attention if you develop a small and simple
> >>>>> test system that reproduces the slowdown and very explicitly state
> >>>>> your case for why you can't use some other method. I would suggest
> >>>>> posting that to the mailing list and, if you don't get any response,
> >>>>> post it as an enhancement request on the redmine page (or whatever
> >>>>> has taken over from bugzilla).
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Good luck,
> >>>>> Chris.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> -- original message --
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Yes i am testing the possibility to perform an Hamiltonian-REMD
> >>>>> Energy barriers can be overcome increasing the temperature system or
> >>>>> scaling potential energy with a lambda value, these methods are
> >>>>> "equivalent". Both have advantages and disavantages, at this stage it
> >>>>> is not the right place to debate on it. The main problem seems to be
> >>>>> how to overcome to the the loss of gromacs performance in such
> >>>>> calculation. At this moment it seems an intrinsic code problem.
> >>>>> Is it possible?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> >> Dear Chris and Justin
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> / Thank you for your precious suggestions
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> />>/ This is a test that i perform in a single machine with 8 cores
> >>>>>> />>/ and gromacs 4.5.4.
> >>>>>> />>/
> >>>>>> />>/ I am trying to enhance the sampling of a protein using the
> >>>>>> decoupling scheme />>/ of the free energy module of gromacs.
> >>>>>> However when i decouple only the />>/ protein, the protein
> >>>>>> collapsed. Because i simulated in NVT i thought that />>/ this was
> >>>>>> an effect of the solvent. I was trying to decouple also the solvent
> >>>>>> />>/ to understand the system behavior.
> >>>>>> />>/
> >>>>>> />
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Rather than suspect that the solvent is the problem, it's more
> >>>>>>> likely that decoupling an entire protein simply isn't stable. I
> >>>>>>> have never tried
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> anything that enormous, but the volume change in the system could
> >>>>>>> be unstable, along with any number of factors, depending on how
> >>>>>>> you approach it.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> If you're looking for better sampling, REMD is a much more robust
> >>>>>>> approach
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> than trying to manipulate the interactions of huge parts of your
> >>>>>>> system using the free energy code.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Presumably Luca is interested in some type of hamiltonian exchange
> >>>>>> where lambda represents the interactions between the protein and the
> >>>>>> solvent? This can actually be a useful method for enhancing
> >>>>>> sampling. I think it's dangerous if we rely to heavily on "try
> >>>>>> something else". I still see no methodological reason a priori why
> >>>>>> there should be any actual slowdown, so that makes me think that
> >>>>>> it's an implementation thing, and there is at least the possibility
> >>>>>> that this is something that could be fixed as an enhancement.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Chris.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> -Justin
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> / I expected a loss of performance, but not so drastic.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> />/ Luca
> >>>>>> />/
> >>>>>> />>/ Load balancing problems I can understand, but why would it
> >>>>>> take longer />>/ in absolute time? I would have thought that some
> >>>>>> nodes would simple be />>/ sitting idle, but this should not cause
> >>>>>> an increase in the overall />>/ simulation time (15x at that!).
> >>>>>> />>/
> >>>>>> />>/ There must be some extra communication?
> >>>>>> />>/
> >>>>>> />>/ I agree with Justin that this seems like a strange thing to
> >>>>>> do, but />>/ still I think that there must be some underlying
> >>>>>> coding issue (probably />>/ one that only exists because of a
> >>>>>> reasonable assumption that nobody />>/ would annihilate the
> >>>>>> largest part of their system). />>/
> >>>>>> />>/ Chris.
> >>>>>> />>/
> >>>>>> />>/ Luca Bellucci wrote:
> >>>>>> />>>/ / Hi Chris,
> >>>>>> />>/ />/ thank for the suggestions,
> >>>>>> />>/ />/ in the previous mail there is a mistake because
> >>>>>> />>/ />/ couple-moltype = SOL (for solvent) and not
> >>>>>> "Protein_chaim_P". />>/ />/ Now the problem of the load balance
> >>>>>> seems reasonable, because />>/ />/ the water box is large ~9.0 nm.
> >>>>>> />>/ /
> >>>>>> />>/ Now your outcome makes a lot more sense. You're decoupling
> >>>>>> all of the />>/ solvent? I don't see how that is going to be
> >>>>>> physically stable or terribly /
> >>>>
> >>>> --
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