[gmx-users] DENIZ-senin yapacagina benzer birsey yapmis, residue eklemis..

Emine Deniz Tekin edeniztekin at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 08:38:55 CET 2011

On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 9:13 AM, Mark Abraham <Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au>wrote:

> On 3/03/2011 11:42 PM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:
>> bharat gupta wrote:
>>> The residue is a chromophore of Green Fluorescent Protein. The parameter
>>> file that I have got has the connection for serine and glycine :-
>> For those of us who aren't fluent in CHARMM (or whatever this is), it
>> would be more useful if you describe plainly the nature of the connection
>> between your chromophore and the protein.  If the bonds are simply between
>> backbone atoms (which should be the case for the GFP chromophore, right?)
>> then you specify the bonds within the .rtp file (making use of the +/-
>> connection feature), otherwise you have to use specbond.dat to build the
>> connections.
> Agreed. However if things look anything like
> http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitxer:The_chromophore_of_GFP.png then I'd
> make a single new residue for the whole chromophore and forget about
> specbond.dat. If you have to introduce new atom or interaction types, then
> you do that by analogy with the existing types, in consultation with chapter
> 5 of the manual and its CHARMM-equivalent.
> Mark
>>  !Connection to the ser fragment
>>> !------------------------------
>>> CT2  CT1  CP2c    52.000   108.0000 ! ALLOW   ALI PEP POL ARO
>>> HB   CT1  CP2c  50.000   109.5000 ! ALLOW  PEP
>>> NH1  CT1  CP2c  50.000   107.0000 ! ALLOW   PEP POL ARO ALI
>>> NR2C CP2C CT1   40.00    125.00   ! NR1C CP2C CT1   35.00    121.40   ! !
>>> !Connection to the gly fragment
>>> !------------------------------
>>> NR1C CT2  C     50.000   107.0000 NR1c CT2  HB     48.000   108.0000
>>> CP2C NR1C CT2   36.00    129.00
>>> CP1C NR1C CT2   32.00    123.40
>>> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 1:23 AM, Mark Abraham <mark.abraham at anu.edu.au<mailto:
>>> mark.abraham at anu.edu.au>> wrote:
>>>    On 03/03/11, *bharat gupta * <bharat.85.monu at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:bharat.85.monu at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>    Hi,
>>>>    I followed the tutorial
>>>>    -
>>>> http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/How-tos/Adding_a_Residue_to_a_Force_Fieldfor
>>>>    updating the Charmm FF for my modified residue ..
>>>>    I added the residues to the .rtp file , then I added the new atom
>>>>    types in .atp file ,
>>>>    The compound has some linkage with serine and glycine ... I want
>>>>    to know how and where shall I add the linkage parameters and the
>>>>    parameters (in bits) given below
>>>    Without some idea what you mean by "linkage with serine and glycine"
>>>    it's too hard to offer help.
>>>    Mark
>>>>    (The parameter file of the compound looks like this ) ..
>>>>    BONDS
>>>>    !
>>>>    !V(bond) = Kb(b - b0)**2
>>>>    !
>>>>    !Kb: kcal/mole/A**2
>>>>    !b0: A
>>>>    !
>>>>    !atom type Kb          b0
>>>>    CA1  CA2   305.00      1.3750 !
>>>>    CA2  CA3   305.00      1.3750 !
>>>>    CA3  CA4   305.00      1.3750 !
>>>>    HPc  CA1   340.000     1.08   !
>>>>    HPc  CA2   340.000     1.08   !
>>>>    HPc  CA3   340.000     1.08   !
>>>>    HPc  CA4   340.000     1.08   !
>>>>    ANGLES
>>>>    !
>>>>    !V(angle) = Ktheta(Theta - Theta0)**2
>>>>    !
>>>>    !V(Urey-Bradley) = Kub(S - S0)**2
>>>>    !
>>>>    !Ktheta: kcal/mole/rad**2
>>>>    !Theta0: degrees
>>>>    !Kub: kcal/mole/A**2 (Urey-Bradley)
>>>>    !S0: A
>>>>    !
>>>>    !atom types     Ktheta    Theta0   Kub     S0
>>>>    !
>>>>    NR2c CP2c NR1c  130.00    114.00   !     CP2c NR2c CP1c  130.00
>>>>  106.00   !     CP2c NR1c CP1c  130.00    107.90   !     NR2c CP1c CP1c
>>>>  130.00    108.30   !     NR2c CP1c CE1c   45.80    129.50   !     NR1c CP1c
>>>> OcH    42.00    126.00   !
>>>>    NR1c CP1c CP1c  130.00    103.00   !
>>>>    !Connection to the ser fragment
>>>>    !------------------------------
>>>>    CT2  CT1  CP2c    52.000   108.0000 ! ALLOW   ALI PEP POL ARO
>>>>    HB   CT1  CP2c  50.000   109.5000 ! ALLOW  PEP
>>>>    NH1  CT1  CP2c  50.000   107.0000 ! ALLOW   PEP POL ARO ALI
>>>>    NR2C CP2C CT1   40.00    125.00   !
>>>>    !Connection to the gly fragment
>>>>    !------------------------------
>>>>    NR1C CT2  C     50.000   107.0000     NR1c CT2  HB     48.000
>>>> 108.0000
>>>>    CP2C NR1C CT2   36.00    129.00
>>>>    CP1C NR1C CT2   32.00    123.40
>>>>    !
>>>>    !
>>>>    !V(dihedral) = Kchi(1 + cos(n(chi) - delta))
>>>>    !
>>>>    !Kchi: kcal/mole
>>>>    !n: multiplicity
>>>>    !delta: degrees
>>>>    !
>>>>    !atom types             Kchi    n   delta
>>>>    !
>>>>    CP2C NR2C CP1C CP1C    14.0000  2   180.00 !     CP2C NR1C CP1C CP1C
>>>>    14.0000  2   180.00 !
>>>>    NR2C CP2C NR1C CP1C    14.0000  2   180.00 !
>>>>    NR2C CP1C CP1C NR1C     4.0000  2   180.00 !     NR1C CP2C NR2C CP1C
>>>>     4.0000  2   180.00 !     CA1  CA2  CA3  CA4      3.1000  2   180.00 !
>>>>    !barrier CA-CB
>>>>    CP1C CP1C CE1C HA1C     6.84   2   180.00 !     CP1C CP1C CE1C CA1
>>>>    6.84   2   180.00 !
>>>>    NR2C CP1C CE1C HA1C     6.84   2   180.00 !
>>>>    NR2C CP1C CE1C CA1      6.84   2   180.00 !     !
>>>>    !barrier CB-CG2
>>>>    CP1C CE1C CA1  CA2      1.4  2   180.00 !      HA1C CE1C CA1  CA2
>>>>  1.4  2   180.00 !     !
>>>>    CP2C NR1C CP1C OCH      14.00    2   180.00 !
>>>>    NR2C CP2C NR1C CT2      14.00    2   180.00 !
>>>>    NR2C CP1C CP1C OCH      14.00    2   180.00 !
>>>>    CP1C NR1C CP2C CT1      14.00    2   180.00 !
>>>>    OCH  CP1C NR1C CT2      14.00    2   180.00 !
>>>>    CP1C NR2C CP2C CT1      14.00    2   180.00 !
>>>>    CP1C CP1C NR1C CT2      14.00    2   180.00 !
>>>>    CT1  CP2C NR1C CT2      14.00    2   180.00 !
>>>>    !
>>>>    ! Linking the chromophore and the glycine fragment
>>>>    O    C    CT2  NR1C      0.0000  1     0.00 !       NH1  C    CT2
>>>>  NR1c       0.6000  1     0.00 !      CP2C NR1C CT2 HB         0.032  3
>>>> 0.00 !     CP2c NR1c CT2 C          0.032  3     0.00 !
>>>>    CP1c NR1c CT2 HB         0.032  3   180.00 !
>>>>    CP1c NR1c CT2 C          0.032  3   180.00 !
>>>>    !
>>>>    ! Linking the chromophore and the serine fragment
>>>>    C    NH1  CT1  CP2C      0.2000  1   180.00 !
>>>>    H    NH1  CT1  CP2C      0.0000  1     0.00 !
>>>>    NR2C CP2C CT1 HB         0.105   3   180.00 !     NR2C CP2C CT1 NH1
>>>>      0.105   3   180.00 !     NR2C CP2C CT1 CT2        0.105   3   180.00 !
>>>>     NR1C CP2C CT1 HB         0.105   3     0.00 !
>>>>    IMPROPER
>>>>    !
>>>>    !V(improper) = Kpsi(psi - psi0)**2
>>>>    !
>>>>    !Kpsi: kcal/mole/rad**2
>>>>    !psi0: degrees
>>>>    !note that the second column of numbers (0) is ignored
>>>>    !
>>>>    !atom types           Kpsi                   psi0
>>>>    !
>>>>    CP2C NR2C NR1C CT1      0.5       0           0.00
>>>>    CP2C NR1C NR2C CT1      0.5       0           0.00
>>>>    !
>>>>    CP1C NR1C CP1C OCH       0.5       0           0.00
>>>>    CP1C CP1C NR1C OCH       0.5       0           0.00
>>>>    !
>>>>    NR1C CP1C CP2C CT2      0.45       0           0.00     NR1C CP2C
>>>> CP1C CT2      0.45       0           0.00      !
>>>>    CP1C NR2C CP1C CE1C   220.0       0           0.00
>>>>    CP1C CP1C NR2C CE1C   220.0       0           0.00
>>>>    !
>>>>    !V(Lennard-Jones) = Eps,i,j[(Rmin,i,j/ri,j)**12 -
>>>> 2(Rmin,i,j/ri,j)**6]
>>>>    !
>>>>    !epsilon: kcal/mole, Eps,i,j = sqrt(eps,i * eps,j)
>>>>    !Rmin/2: A, Rmin,i,j = Rmin/2,i + Rmin/2,j
>>>>    !
>>>>    !atom  ignored    epsilon      Rmin/2   ignored   eps,1-4
>>>>  Rmin/2,1-4
>>>>    !
>>>>    !CAc    5.000000  -0.070000     1.992400 ! ALLOW   ARO
>>>>    !                ! benzene (JES)
>>>>    CA1    5.000000  -0.070000     1.992400 ! ALLOW   ARO
>>>>    CA2    5.000000  -0.070000     1.992400 ! ALLOW   ARO
>>>>    CA3    5.000000  -0.070000     1.992400 ! ALLOW   ARO
>>>>    CA4    5.000000  -0.070000     1.992400 ! ALLOW   ARO
>>>>    CE1c   0.000000  -0.068000     2.090000 !     ! for propene, yin/adm
>>>> jr., 12/95
>>>>    CP1c   0.000000  -0.050000     1.800000 ! ALLOW ARO
>>>>                    ! adm jr., 10/23/91, imidazole solvation and
>>>>    sublimation
>>>>    CP2c   0.000000  -0.050000     1.800000 ! ALLOW ARO
>>>>                    ! adm jr., 10/23/91, imidazole solvation and
>>>>    sublimation
>>>>    CT3c   0.000000  -0.080000     2.060000   0.000000  -0.010000
>>>>  1.900000 ! ALLOW   ALI
>>>>                    ! methane/ethane a.i. and ethane pure solvent, adm
>>>>    jr, 2/3/92
>>>>    !
>>>>    Hch   -2.000000  -0.046000     0.224500 ! ALLOW PEP POL SUL ARO ALC
>>>>                    ! same as TIP3P hydrogen, adm jr., 7/20/89
>>>>    HAc    0.000000  -0.022000     1.320000 ! ALLOW PEP ALI POL SUL
>>>>    ARO PRO ALC
>>>>                    ! methane/ethane a.i. and ethane pure solvent, adm
>>>>    jr, 2/3/92
>>>>    HA1c   0.000000  -0.031000     1.250000 !
>>>>                    ! for propene, yin/adm jr., 12/95
>>>>    HPc    0.000000  -0.030000     1.358200   0.000000  -0.030000
>>>>  1.358200 ! ALLOW ARO
>>>>                    ! JES 8/25/89 values from Jorgensen fit to
>>>>    hydration energy
>>>>    !
>>>>    NR1c   0.000000  -0.200000     1.850000 ! ALLOW ARO
>>>>                    ! His, adm jr., 9/4/89
>>>>    NR2c   0.000000  -0.200000     1.850000 ! ALLOW ARO
>>>>                    ! His, adm jr., 9/4/89
>>>>    !
>>>>    !Och    0.000000  -0.120000     1.700000   0.000000  -0.120000
>>>>  1.400000 ! ALLOW   PEP POL
>>>>    !                ! This 1,4 vdW allows the C5 dipeptide minimum to
>>>>    exist.(LK)
>>>>    Och    0.000000  -0.120000     1.700000! ALLOW   PEP POL,
>>>>    suppression du terme 1,4 (N.R. 10/2000)
>>>>    OHc    0.000000  -0.152100     1.770000 ! ALLOW   ALC ARO
>>>>                    ! adm jr. 8/14/90, MeOH nonbond and solvent (same
>>>>    as TIP3P)
>>>>    HBOND CUTHB 0.5  ! If you want to do hbond analysis (only), then use
>>>>                     ! READ PARAM APPEND CARD
>>>>                     ! to append hbond parameters from the file:
>>>>    par_hbond.inp
>>>>    END
>>>>    --     Bharat
>>>>    Ph.D. Candidate
>>>>    Room No. : 7202A, 2nd Floor
>>>>    Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory
>>>>    Division of Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science
>>>>    Pusan National University
>>>>    Busan -609735
>>>>    South Korea
>>>>    Lab phone no. - +82-51-510-3680, +82-51-583-8343
>>>>    Mobile no. - 010-5818-3680
>>>>    E-mail : monu46010 at yahoo.com <mailto:monu46010 at yahoo.com>
>>>    --
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>>> --
>>> Bharat
>>> Ph.D. Candidate
>>> Room No. : 7202A, 2nd Floor
>>> Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory
>>> Division of Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science
>>> Pusan National University
>>> Busan -609735
>>> South Korea
>>> Lab phone no. - +82-51-510-3680, +82-51-583-8343
>>> Mobile no. - 010-5818-3680
>>> E-mail : monu46010 at yahoo.com <mailto:monu46010 at yahoo.com>
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