[gmx-users] unit of surface tension, KJ/mol?

Justin A. Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Wed Mar 23 12:47:38 CET 2011

Mark Abraham wrote:
>   On 23/03/2011 3:39 PM, Elisabeth wrote:
>> Thanks Mark for the hints. I am using a pre equilibrated box for both 
>> runs. Can you again explain how Can I interpret this from fluctuations 
>> from two runs? Below is the resutls from two versions: Thanks!
> IIRC the contents of the .edr file didn't change across these versions, 
> but the reporting of computed quantities did, so I'd make my life 
> simpler and use only the 4.5.3 g_energy.

Actually, 4.5.3 may have the bug:


The quantities in the .edr file are correct, but the output from g_energy is 
nonsense.  It was fixed for 4.5.4.


> Both simulations have a much higher value for the root-mean-squared 
> deviation from the average (i.e. standard deviation) than for the 
> average. So that means your data set looks something like "10000 20 6543 
> 200 23444 23434 15 500 3444". Look at the .xvg file that is produced. 
> You need a heck of a lot of such data to have confidence that your 
> sample average reflects the true average. If you haven't got that pile 
> of data, then you haven't observed the average with any confidence. This 
> is normal for quantities computed from fluctuations in atomic positions. 
> They're macroscopic quantities, and have to be observed over a lot of 
> microscopic configurations.
> Be sure to check visually that your system is doing what you hope it is 
> doing.
> Mark
>> 4.0.7
>> Statistics over 733801 steps [ 0.0000 thru 1467.6001 ps ], 1 data sets
>> All averages are exact over 733801 steps
>> Energy                      Average       RMSD     Fluct.      Drift  
>> Tot-Drift
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> #Surf*SurfTen               203.778    3623.99    3623.98 
>> -0.00203751   -2.99026
>> Statistics over 483401 steps [ 500.0000 thru 1466.8000 ps ], 1 data sets
>> All averages are exact over 483401 steps
>> Energy                      Average       RMSD     Fluct.      Drift  
>> Tot-Drift
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> #Surf*SurfTen               203.129    3612.58    3612.28   
>> 0.168686    163.086
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 4.5.3
>> Statistics over 732501 steps [ 1.0000 through 1466.0000 ps ], 1 data sets
>> All statistics are over 73251 points
>> Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> #Surf*SurfTen               2374.49        570    21081.3   -3251.38  
>> (bar nm)
>> Statistics over 384501 steps [ 1000.0000 through 1769.0000 ps ], 1 
>> data sets
>> All statistics are over 38451 points
>> Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> #Surf*SurfTen               2610.25       1000    21109.9    4638.38  
>> (bar nm)
>> Statistics over 483001 steps [ 500.0000 through 1466.0000 ps ], 1 data 
>> sets
>> All statistics are over 48301 points
>> Energy                      Average   Err.Est.       RMSD  Tot-Drift
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> #Surf*SurfTen               1645.07        390    20288.3   -174.289  
>> (bar nm)
>> On 22 March 2011 23:56, Mark Abraham <mark.abraham at anu.edu.au 
>> <mailto:mark.abraham at anu.edu.au>> wrote:
>>     On 23/03/11, *Elisabeth * <katesedate at gmail.com
>>     <mailto:katesedate at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>     On 22 March 2011 22:46, Justin A. Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu
>>>     <mailto:jalemkul at vt.edu>> wrote:
>>>         Elisabeth wrote:
>>>             On 22 March 2011 22:31, Justin A. Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu
>>>             <mailto:jalemkul at vt.edu> <mailto:jalemkul at vt.edu
>>>             <mailto:jalemkul at vt.edu>>> wrote:
>>>                Elisabeth wrote:
>>>                    Hello,
>>>                     I did two simulations on the same system using
>>>             versions 4.0.7
>>>                    and 4.5.3. It seems like the unit of surface
>>>             tension is not the
>>>                    same in these versions because I am getting ~250
>>>             KJ/mol an in
>>>                    4.0.7 and ~ 5000bar nm in 4.5.3?! How KJ/mol can
>>>             be converted
>>>                    into bar nm? Can anyone help please.
>>>                Is this from g_energy output?  In past versions,
>>>             everything was
>>>                printed as "kJ/mol," even quantities that obviously
>>>             weren't, like
>>>                temperature, pressure, etc.
>>>             Yes, so why are the results so different. I am using
>>>             exactly the same mdp file.!
>>>         Any pressure-related quantity is going to be subject to
>>>         enormous fluctuations. This has been discussed within the
>>>         last few days.  Without seeing the .mdp file and a
>>>         description of the system, it's hard for anyone to comment on
>>>         what the results might mean.
>>>     Thanks. I am working on a pure alkane system, in a box of 3X3X3
>>>     which is extended in Z to create liq/air interface. That is 3X3X6
>>>     . What could be reason for such a big difference in results from
>>>     two version? Thanks alot!   
>>     Look at the size of the fluctuations printed by g_energy. If
>>     they're comparable or larger than your differences, then you are
>>     not observing a statistically significant difference. Over just
>>     2ns of a small system, that's likely to be the case. Damping such
>>     fluctuations requires large simulations or long times or both.
>>     You are also generating velocities at the start of this run, so
>>     probably you are including spurious measurements on
>>     non-equilibrated configurations in your statistics. If you'd
>>     thought to tell us your command lines, I wouldn't be guessing :-)
>>     You can fix this with g_energy -b, but really you should separate
>>     your equilibration from your production run, even if you don't
>>     really need to, so that all your workflows have similar
>>     properties. Then when you come back to repeat some analysis in a
>>     month's time, you don't have to remember to ignore the first 1ns
>>     of this simulation...
>>     Mark
>>>     integrator          =  md                    
>>>     dt                  =  0.002                 
>>>     nsteps              =  1000000
>>>     nstenergy           =  100                  
>>>     nstxout             =  100               
>>>     nstlist             =  10               
>>>     ns_type             =  grid               
>>>     coulombtype         =  PME                    
>>>     vdw-type            =  Shift             
>>>     rcoulomb-switch     =  0                    
>>>     rvdw-switch         =  0            
>>>     rlist               =  1.1               
>>>     rcoulomb            =  1.1             
>>>     rvdw                =  1.0               
>>>     fourierspacing      =  0.12                 
>>>     fourier_nx          =  0
>>>     fourier_ny          =  0
>>>     fourier_nz          =  0
>>>     pme_order          =  4                 
>>>     ewald_rtol          =  1e-5
>>>     ;optimize_fft      =  yes
>>>     Tcoupl              =  v-rescale               
>>>     tc-grps             =  System       
>>>     tau_t               =  0.1       
>>>     ref_t               =  300                
>>>     pbc              =  xyz      
>>>     gen_vel             =  yes               
>>>     gen_temp            =  300.0               
>>>     gen_seed            =  173529               
>>>     constraints             = all-bonds          
>>>     constraint-algorithm = lincs
>>>         -Justin
>>>         -- 
>>>         ========================================
>>>         Justin A. Lemkul
>>>         Ph.D. Candidate
>>>         ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
>>>         MILES-IGERT Trainee
>>>         Department of Biochemistry
>>>         Virginia Tech
>>>         Blacksburg, VA
>>>         jalemkul[at]vt.edu <http://vt.edu> | (540) 231-9080
>>>         http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin
>>>         ========================================
>>>         -- 
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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


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