[gmx-users] Umbrella Sampling
chris.neale at utoronto.ca
chris.neale at utoronto.ca
Thu Mar 31 18:36:12 CEST 2011
looks fine to me, no need to do that extra sampling that I suggested
since it appears that you already did this -- benefits of seeing real
data ;). If you want to understand why your histograms are not always
centered at r0 (note that this is just fine) then you should read more
about US, WHAM, and how to bias/debias the data for US (I am sure that
there are textbooks around that explain this). The only case in which
all of your histograms will be centered at their respective r0 is when
the underlying PMF is exactly flat.
-- original message --
Hi Chris many thanks again for the advise. I have, or at least I thought
have sampled my barrier region to death, but as I say some histograms
may not be centred around r0. I will proceed with what you suggest.
Please find attached a picture of the histograms, the corresponding
profile, and a sample mdp file that I use.
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