[gmx-users] Center of mass: distance restrain for groups

Li, Hualin Hualin.Li at uth.tmc.edu
Fri Oct 7 20:52:07 CEST 2011

Dear GMX users,

           I am using pull code to make a distance restrain to my proteins and membrane,which looks like this:

    pull             =   umbrella
  pull_geometry    =   cylinder
 pull_vec1         =   0 0 1
 pull_r1          =   2.5
 pull_r0          =   2.5
 pull_dim         =   N N Y ;# 3D

pull_start       =   yes ;# add COM distance to initial value (initial value = equilibrium value)
pull_ngroups     =   32 ;# excluding the reference
pull_group0      =   membrane ;# the reference group - the membrane
pull_pbcatom0    =   -1 ;# or -1 - important for PBC of groups larger than half box,
                      ;# as here for membrane (see manual)
pull_group1      =   protein ;# the protein
pull_pbcatom1    =   0 ;# here is no issue since protein is smaller than half the box
pull_rate1       =   0 ;# do not pull, just maintain distance!
pull_k1          =   800 ;# kJ mol^(-1) nm^(-2)

However, I have 32 protein to keep this local dynamic distance restrain (   pull_geometry    =   cylinder ), making the calculation goes very slowly. Is there any method to reduce the frequency to update the dynamic distance check and restrain please?

Thank you in advance.


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