[gmx-users] Simulating an alkanethiol SAM on gold: atom type not recognized when running pdb2gmx
Justin A. Lemkul
jalemkul at vt.edu
Thu Oct 20 00:13:49 CEST 2011
Olivia Waring wrote:
> Hello GROMACS users,
> I wish to simulate an alkanethiol self-assembled monolayer on a gold
> surface. The first molecule I am attempting to model is quite simple:
> CH3(CH2)11S. I have constructed a united atom force field based on
> parameters published by Hautman and Klein (J. Chem. Phys. 1989) to
> represent the alkanethiol chain. I wrote an rtp file containing a single
> residue [ ALK ] which contains the following list of atoms:
> [ ALK ]
> [ atoms ]
> ; name type charge chargegroup
> CH3 CH3 0.000 1
> CH2A CH2 0.000 1
> CH2B CH2 0.000 1
> CH2C CH2 0.000 1
> CH2D CH2 0.000 1
> CH2E CH2 0.000 1
> CH2F CH2 0.000 1
> CH2G CH2 0.000 1
> CH2H CH2 0.000 1
> CH2I CH2 0.000 1
> CH2J CH2 0.000 1
> CH2K CH2 0.000 1
> S S 0.000 1
> I have defined the CH3, CH2, and S atom types in an atomtypes.atp file.
> I used PRODRG to generate an all-atom pdb file representing my
> alkanethiol, which I then manually modified to reflect my united atom
> approach. Here is an excerpt:
> HETATM 1 CH3 ALK 1 -0.920 -1.820 -0.970 1.00
> 20.00 C
> HETATM 2 CH2A ALK 1 -0.010 -2.270 0.170 1.00
> 20.00 C
> HETATM 3 CH2B ALK 1 0.240 -3.780 0.060 1.00
> 20.00 C
> HETATM 4 CH2C ALK 1 1.140 -4.290 1.190 1.00
> 20.00 C
> HETATM 5 CH2D ALK 1 0.420 -4.310 2.540 1.00
> 20.00 C
> HETATM 6 CH2E ALK 1 1.310 -4.850 3.660 1.00
> 20.00 C
> HETATM 7 CH2F ALK 1 1.530 -6.360 3.540 1.00
> 20.00 C
> HETATM 8 CH2G ALK 1 2.420 -6.850 4.680 1.00
> 20.00 C
> HETATM 9 CH2H ALK 1 2.630 -8.360 4.540 1.00
> 20.00 C
> HETATM 10 CH2I ALK 1 3.510 -8.860 5.700 1.00
> 20.00 C
> HETATM 11 CH2J ALK 1 3.750 -10.370 5.610 1.00
> 20.00 C
> HETATM 12 CH2K ALK 1 2.490 -11.170 5.960 1.00
> 20.00 C
> HETATM 12 S ALK 1 2.730 -12.980 5.840 1.00
> 20.00 S
> When I try to run pdb2gmx on my coordinate file, I get the following error:
> Atom CH2 in residue ALK 0 was not found in rtp entry ALK with 13
> atoms while sorting atoms.
The error suggests something is wrong with the format of your .pdb file. Likely
a column is shifted incorrectly and the atom name is interpreted as CH2 rather
than CH2[whatever]. Note that pdb2gmx is unnecessary in this case. PRODRG
provides a topology (albeit usually wrong) that can simply be #included in a
system topology. Generally, the charges are all that need to be adjusted, but
if you're content with setting everything to zero, then the PRODRG topology is
easy to fix.
> Although I have read through a significant portion of the manual, I am a
> very new GROMACS user, and have most likely made numerous mistakes!! If
> someone could please point out how to address this error and anything
> else I might be missing, I would appreciate it very much. Any general
> tips for constructing a system from scratch are also quite welcome.
In a generic sense, it is as easy as:
#include "whatever.ff/forcefield.itp"
#include "molecule.itp"
#include "another_molecule.itp"
[ system ]
My system
[ molecules ]
MOL2 1
Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
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