[gmx-users] Fwd: pdb2gmx converting coordinates incorrectly.

Justin A. Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Thu Sep 29 00:16:34 CEST 2011

William Welch wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *William Welch* <wwelch000 at gmail.com <mailto:wwelch000 at gmail.com>>
> Date: Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 3:43 PM
> Subject: pdb2gmx converting coordinates incorrectly.
> To: gmxusers at gromacs.org <mailto:gmxusers at gromacs.org>
> Friends,
> I generated a pdb for a tyrosineamide molecule and made an entry for it 
> in ffcharmm27.rtp.  Everything seems to be fucntional--I can make the 
> .gro file and the .top file using pdb2gmx and subsequent processes seem 
> to execute fine.  The only problem is that when I look at the .gro file 
> in VMD, I can see that the atoms have been moved to entirely different 
> coordinates with respect to each other---I mean it's not even a real 
> molecule, and certainly not the one I'm starting with  Looking at the 
> text of the .gro file, I see that the x cooridinate seems to have been 
> converted correctly to nanometers, but the y and z coordinates are 
> clearly wrong.   Here are copies of the coordinates (the columns are 
> aligned in the real files).  This happens when I use pdb2gmx  Version 
> 4.0.5 

Your alignment is the problem.  Compare the first line (from your file) with a 
standard PDB file:

ATOM      1 NH3  TYRA ?   1      -1.797   5.686  -1.030                       N
ATOM      1  N   LYS     1      35.360  22.340 -11.980  1.00  0.00

You can easily see that the coordinates are going to be junk.  The PDB format 
requires fixed spacing.  If this is not the case, you get unpredictable output.


> TITLE       tyrosineamide2                 
> REMARK   4
> REMARK   4      COMPLIES WITH FORMAT V. 2.2, 16-DEC-1996
> REMARK   6  created by ArgusLab version 4.0.1
> REMARK   6  http://www.arguslab.com
> REMARK   6
> ATOM      1 NH3  TYRA ?   1      -1.797   5.686  
> -1.030                       N
> ATOM      2 CA   TYRA ?   1      -1.575   4.269  
> -0.716                       C
> ATOM      3 C    TYRA ?   1      -0.273   3.854  
> -1.311                       C
> ATOM      4 O    TYRA ?   1       0.570   3.201  
> -0.654                       O
> ATOM      5 CB   TYRA ?   1      -2.734   3.441  
> -1.274                       C
> ATOM      6 CG   TYRA ?   1      -3.924   3.374  
> -0.339                       C
> ATOM      7 CD1  TYRA ?   1      -3.942   2.496   
> 0.665                       C
> ATOM      8 CD2  TYRA ?   1      -5.007   4.235  
> -0.538                       C
> ATOM      9 CE1  TYRA ?   1      -5.072   2.449   
> 1.563                       C
> ATOM     10 CE2  TYRA ?   1      -6.152   4.156   
> 0.320                       C
> ATOM     11 CZ   TYRA ?   1      -6.140   3.253   
> 1.299                       C
> ATOM     12 OH   TYRA ?   1      -7.278   3.176   
> 2.149                       O
> ATOM     13 NH2  TYRA ?   1       0.019   4.207  
> -2.655                       N
> ATOM     14 HA   TYRA ?   1      -1.536   4.134   
> 0.375                       H
> ATOM     15 HB1  TYRA ?   1      -3.064   3.890  
> -2.223                       H
> ATOM     16 HB2  TYRA ?   1      -2.380   2.416  
> -1.457                       H
> ATOM     17 HD1  TYRA ?   1      -3.096   1.808   
> 0.810                       H
> ATOM     18 HD2  TYRA ?   1      -4.980   4.973  
> -1.354                       H
> ATOM     19 HE1  TYRA ?   1      -5.055   1.776   
> 2.433                       H
> ATOM     20 HE2  TYRA ?   1      -7.007   4.829   
> 0.160                       H
> ATOM     21 HH   TYRA ?   1      -7.154   2.339   
> 2.852                       H
> ATOM     22 HC1  TYRA ?   1      -0.899   6.265  
> -0.766                       H
> ATOM     23 HC2  TYRA ?   1      -2.656   6.059  
> -0.453                       H
> ATOM     24 HC3  TYRA ?   1      -2.000   5.796  
> -2.105                       H
> ATOM     25 HN1  TYRA ?   1       0.976   3.907  
> -3.107                       H
> ATOM     26 HN2  TYRA ?   1      -0.682   3.761  
> -3.376                       H
> .gro
>  tyrosineamide2
>    26
>     1TYRA   NH3    1  -0.179   0.700   0.600
>     1TYRA   HC1    2  -0.089   0.900   0.500
>     1TYRA   HC2    3  -0.265   0.600   0.900
>     1TYRA   HC3    4  -0.200   0.000   0.600
>     1TYRA    CA    5  -0.157   0.500   0.900
>     1TYRA    HA    6  -0.153   0.600   0.400
>     1TYRA    CB    7  -0.273   0.400   0.100
>     1TYRA   HB1    8  -0.306   0.400   0.000
>     1TYRA   HB2    9  -0.238   0.000   0.600
>     1TYRA    CG   10  -0.392   0.400   0.400
>     1TYRA   CD1   11  -0.394   0.200   0.600
>     1TYRA   HD1   12  -0.309   0.600   0.800
>     1TYRA   CE1   13  -0.507   0.200   0.900
>     1TYRA   HE1   14  -0.505   0.500   0.600
>     1TYRA    CZ   15  -0.614   0.000   0.300
>     1TYRA    OH   16  -0.727   0.800   0.600
>     1TYRA    HH   17  -0.715   0.400   0.900
>     1TYRA   CD2   18  -0.500   0.700   0.500
>     1TYRA   HD2   19  -0.498   0.000   0.300
>     1TYRA   CE2   20  -0.615   0.200   0.600
>     1TYRA   HE2   21  -0.700   0.700   0.900
>     1TYRA     C   22  -0.027   0.300   0.400
>     1TYRA     O   23   0.057   0.000   0.100
>     1TYRA   NH2   24   0.001   0.900   0.700
>     1TYRA   HN1   25   0.097   0.600   0.700
>     1TYRA   HN2   26  -0.068   0.200   0.100
>    0.82400   0.90000   0.90000
> Will


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


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