[gmx-users] equilibrium stage runs for too long
evenstar32 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 19:20:11 CEST 2012
Dear all,
I'm performing NVT on a system consisting a water layer, a decane layer
and a lipid layer in between those two layers. There are 40 lipids, 627
decane molecules and 8577 water molecules in total.
The EM was conducted successfully, however, when I try to run NVT on
this system, it seems to take forever. I'm using 48 cores on a super
computer and the report suggests it has token 367 hours already for the
performance of one core, and it still has not finished yet.
So I'm wondering does it really require so much time to run or is there
something wrong in my system which prevents it to converge?
Additionally, there's a running time specified in the mdp file which in
my case is 100 ps, so I suppose the simulation should end when the time
limit is reached regardless of whether the pressure converges to the
reference value?
I'm new to gromacs, could anyone help me with this? Your efforts are
very much appreciated!
Thanks a lot!
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