[gmx-users] Crashes during protein-ligand simulation

Justin A. Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Sun Jul 8 13:46:44 CEST 2012

On 7/8/12 6:57 AM, James Starlight wrote:
> Justin,
> unfortunately my last system have also been crashed after 35ns of
> simulation with the links warnings accompanied by the error
> Fatal error:
> A charge group moved too far between two domain decomposition steps
> This usually means that your system is not well equilibrated
> For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
> website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors
> This time I've devided all functional groups of my ADENOSINE ligand
> into separate charge groups in topol.itp.

Note that these charges are not the same as the adenosine moiety of ATP, which 
is standard in the Gromos96 force fields.  Perhaps you should re-evaluate some 
charges (see aminoacids.rtp for the existing ATP implementation).

> ;  nr  type  resnr  resid  atom  cgnr  charge    mass    total_charge
>      1    NT    1    ADN     N6    1   -0.844  14.0067
>      2     H    1    ADN    H11    1    0.422   1.0080
>      3     H    1    ADN    H12    1    0.422   1.0080      ;  0.000
>      4     C    1    ADN     C8    2    0.097  12.0110
>      5    HC    1    ADN    H01    2    0.177   1.0080
>      6    NR    1    ADN     N3    2   -0.642  14.0067
>      7     C    1    ADN     C4    2    0.175  12.0110
>      8     C    1    ADN     C5    2    0.092  12.0110
>      9    NR    1    ADN     N7    2   -0.556  14.0067
>     10     C    1    ADN     C6    2    0.657  12.0110      ;  0.000
>     11     C    1    ADN    C5'    3   -0.677  12.0110
>     12     C    1    ADN    C4'    3    0.834  12.0110
>     13    OE    1    ADN    O4'    3   -0.248  15.9994
>     14     C    1    ADN    C1'    3   -0.558  12.0110
>     15     C    1    ADN    C2'    4    0.603  12.0110
>     16     C    1    ADN    C3'    5   -0.212  12.0110
>     17    NR    1    ADN     N9    3    0.415  14.0067
>     18    OA    1    ADN    O2'    4   -0.606  15.9994
>     19     H    1    ADN    H08    4    0.482   1.0080
>     20    OA    1    ADN    O3'    5   -0.606  15.9994
>     21     H    1    ADN    H06    5    0.482   1.0080
>     22    OA    1    ADN    O5'    3   -0.246  15.9994
>     23     H    1    ADN    H03    3    0.337   1.0080      ; -0.000
>     24     C    1    ADN     C2    6    0.502  12.0110
>     25    HC    1    ADN    H10    6    0.106   1.0080
>     26    NR    1    ADN     N1    6   -0.608  14.0067      ;  0.000
> Also I've done proper equilibration in tho steps (I've used 1fs
> integrator steps on both stages of equilibration)
> 1- I've made equilibration with posres ( 500ps) on protein backbone
> atoms as well as ligand with x-ray water
> 2- The next step (5ns) was done without posres only with smaller
> integrator steps.
> What another possible sollutions could be ?

Try some diagnostics:


If simulations of the same system without a ligand run fine, then the error is 
still related to the ligand, either its topology or placement.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


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