[gmx-users] problem with g_bar
Tom Kirchner
tomkirch at mis.mpg.de
Mon Mar 19 13:57:51 CET 2012
Dear all,
Recently I posted my problem with g_bar on this mailing list but got no
solution for it. After additional testing I decided to send an enhanced
description of my problem.
I am doing Free Energy calculation. The dhdl values are put in separate
.xvg files. The routine g_bar is then started using:
g_bar -b 100 -f md_*.xvg -o -oi -oh
With the result:
Program g_bar, VERSION 4.5.5
Source code file: .../src/gromacs-4.5.5/src/tools/gmx_bar.c, line: 2054
Fatal error:
Temperature in file md_0.05.xvg different from earlier files or setting
Checking the header of all .xvg files showed the same line for the
temperature for all files:
@ subtitle "T = 298.15 (K), \xl\f{} = 0.025"
Changing the temperature manually to any integer (but still with .0) let
g_bar run fine.
sed -i 's/T\ \=\ 298.15/T\ \=\ 298.0/g' md*
Do you have any suggestions what's wrong here?
I'm not that familiar with C, but my suggestion would be an error with
floating point arithmetic in line 2052 of gmx_bar.c
if ( ( *temp != barsim->temp) && (*temp > 0) )
where *temp and barsim->temp are compared. Maybe it has something to do
with the input as long double (%lf) and statement "real *temp" in the
function header?
I appreciate any hints.
Best regards
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