[gmx-users] problem with g_density -center
Ali Alizadeh
ali.alizadehmojarad at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 16:12:48 CEST 2012
Dear Chris
I found your topic:
chris.neale | 21 Aug 01:30 , problem with g_density -center
The following text is your email. Is it correct?
I pursue your steps but :
1- I don't understand first commands that related to directories and :
empty.mdp ? and command : avg=($(cat coord.xvg|grep -v '[@|#]' |
awk '{x+=$2;y+=$3;z+=$4;n++}
END{print -1*x/n,-1*y/n}'))
2- I encounter with a problem in now make a new .tpr file, my error:
Fatal error:
Invalid line in tmpgro.gro for atom 1:
1LI C1 1 0.8 1.9 0.7
my top file is the same first top file in my simulation,
3- You can help me by simpler commands?
echo "KSC_DOPC" | trjconv -f bothsides_center_adjusted_*.xtc -o
/dev/shm/tmp.xtc -n cn.ndx
2- GMXLIB=/project/pomes/cneale/GPC/exe/intel/gromacs-4.5.3_modtrjconv/exec/share/gromacs/top
echo "NE_CZ_NH1_NH2_CB_CG_CD System" |
-center -pbc mol -f /dev/shm/tmp.xtc -o /dev/shm/tmp2.xtc -s
../../useful/dry.tpr -n cn.ndx
mv /dev/shm/tmp.xtc TEMPORARY_FILES
3- echo "DOPC System" |
-center -pbc atom -f /dev/shm/tmp2.xtc -o /dev/shm/tmp3.xtc -s
../../useful/dry.tpr -n cn.ndx
mv /dev/shm/tmp2.xtc TEMPORARY_FILES
4- ## now make a new .tpr file in which the solute is at the center of the box
#first output a single frame
echo "NE_CZ_NH1_NH2_CB_CG_CD System" |
-f /dev/shm/tmp3.xtc -dump 125000 -o /dev/shm/tmpgro.gro -s
../../useful/dry.tpr -center -pbc mol -n cn.ndx
5- #make a new .tpr file
touch empty.mdp
/dev/shm/tmpgro.gro -f empty.mdp -o centered.tpr -maxwarn
6- echo "NE_CZ_NH1_NH2_CB_CG_CD System" |
-fit transxy -pbc atom -f /dev/shm/tmp3.xtc -o /dev/shm/tmp4.xtc -s
centered.tpr -n cn.ndx
mv /dev/shm/tmp3.xtc TEMPORARY_FILES
7- echo "System" |
-box 6 6 14 -f /dev/shm/tmp4.xtc -o /dev/shm/tmp5.xtc -s centered.tpr
-n cn.ndx
mv /dev/shm/tmp4.xtc TEMPORARY_FILES
8- echo "DOPC System" |
-center -pbc none -f /dev/shm/tmp5.xtc -o /dev/shm/tmp6.xtc -s
centered.tpr -n cn.ndx
mv /dev/shm/tmp5.xtc TEMPORARY_FILES
9- echo "NE_CZ_NH1_NH2_CB_CG_CD System" |
-fit transxy -pbc none -f /dev/shm/tmp6.xtc -o /dev/shm/tmp7.xtc -s
centered.tpr -n cn.ndx
mv /dev/shm/tmp6.xtc TEMPORARY_FILES
10- # Now center the solute at 0 0 0
echo "NE_CZ_NH1_NH2_CB_CG_CD" |
-f /dev/shm/tmp7.xtc -ox -s ../../useful/dry.tpr -n cn.ndx -com
avg=($(cat coord.xvg|grep -v '[@|#]' | awk '{x+=$2;y+=$3;z+=$4;n++}
END{print -1*x/n,-1*y/n}'))
11- /project/pomes/cneale/GPC/exe/intel/gromacs-4.5.3_modtrjconv/exec/bin/trjconv
-f /dev/shm/tmp7.xtc -o /dev/shm/tmp8.xtc -trans ${avg[0]} ${avg[1]} 0
mv /dev/shm/tmp7.xtc TEMPORARY_FILES
Ali Alizadeh
University of Tehran
College of engineering(Fanni)
Department of chemical engineering
IPE (Institute of Petroleum Engineering)
M.Sc Candidate, class of 2013
B.Sc Graduate 2011(University of Tehran,Fanni)
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