[gmx-users] problem pdb2gmx and acetylation

Justin Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Thu Sep 20 11:41:59 CEST 2012

On 9/20/12 4:24 AM, menica dibenedetto wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a problem with pdb2gmx function.
> I want to create the gro file of an acetylated at N-term protein.
> I copy here the head of the file:
> ATOM   2016  HC  ACE     0      24.770 -62.381 -11.080                       H
> ATOM   2015  CT  ACE     0      25.644 -61.867 -10.739                       C
> ATOM   2017  HC  ACE     0      26.283 -61.657 -11.571                       H
> ATOM   2018  HC  ACE     0      26.167 -62.480 -10.034                       H
> ATOM   2013   C  ACE     0      25.231 -60.546 -10.063                       C
> ATOM   2014   O  ACE     0      24.058 -60.199  -9.966                       O
> ATOM   2019   N  MET     1      26.336 -59.728  -9.542                       N
> ATOM   2020   H  MET     1      27.236 -59.762  -9.976                       H
> ATOM      1  CA  MET     1      26.144 -59.704  -8.063                       C
> The problem is that the output error told me that the atoms labels of
> ACE not correspond to the labels in the rtp file,
> but I checked it and them corresponds:
> Program pdb2gmx_d, VERSION 4.5.5
> Source code file: pdb2gmx.c, line: 655
> Fatal error:
> Atom HC in residue ACE 0 was not found in rtp entry ACE with 6 atoms
> while sorting atoms.
> I used the amber99sb-ildn.ff
> What can I do?

You've confused atom name with atom type.  Refer to the aminoacids.rtp file for 
the force field.  I would also suggest removing the "TER" from between the ACE 
and MET, otherwise pdb2gmx is likely going to try to write them as separate chains.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


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