[gmx-users] Re: greetings

Justin Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Wed Jun 26 06:13:57 CEST 2013

Please keep all Gromacs-related questions on the gmx-users mailing list.  I am 
not a private help service.

On 6/26/13 12:05 AM, Dwey wrote:
> HI  Justin,
>   Thanks for your suggestions about GPU/CPU load imbalance.
> I actually dug into Archive. It concludes that a single and faster GPU is better
> than dual GPUs on the same card, in general.  However, I am looking for
> answers to resolve the issue of load imbalance with respect to the number of GPU
> cards or improvement of mdp settings.
> To answer this, I guess someone must have experience of  playing  multiple
> configures of GPU/CPU although I expect someone like you have experience of
> modifying mdp files.
> If it works by changing mdp files, I am happy with this way as well.

I don't modify .mdp files to try for better performance.  I prefer accurate 
results, even if it costs me a bit in terms of performance.

> So I plan to buy another GTX 680 or two new high-end GTX 780s  to figure it out.
> In this way, I will have multiple settings of GPU/CPU.  I will keep you updated.
> By the way, do you know about a SLI bridge  that is used to connect two GPU
> cards ?  I wonder if you have knowledge about this because I do not want to
> accidentally burn GPU cards.
> I guess I try to ask if I have to use a SLI bridge  or just plug separately into
> two cards into two different PCIe without a SLI bridge.

I have no expertise in tweaking hardware.  I have some experience with GPU's, 
but it is limited to configurations that were made available to me and I did not 
performance testing.  This is why discussions need to stay on the list; you 
stand a better chance of someone knowing how to help you.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


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