[gmx-users] Mismatching number of PP MPI processes and GPUs per node

George Patargias gpat at bioacademy.gr
Fri Mar 22 11:20:08 CET 2013

Hello Szilard

Many thanks for these very useful comments!

We run jobs on a single node of a small Apple cluster (no Infiniband
unfortunately). One node has two Intel(R) Xeon(R) X5650 Processors each
with 6 cores and 12 threads, so in total 12 cores and 24 threads.

I have compiled GROMACS 4.6.1 with OpenMP and CUDA support (-DGMX_MPI=OFF)

Do I understand correctly that this build will work efficiently without gpu
but not with gpu as you mention?

In order to run gromacs according to your suggestion

mpirun -np 2 -ntomp 6 mdrun_mpi -s test.tpr -deffnm test_out -gpu_id 00

Do I need to compile with MPI (i.e. -DGMX_MPI=ON)?

Would this then be the most efficient way to run GROMACS in the given
hardware set-up (dual socket, total 12 cores and GPU)?

Thanks again!


> FYI: On your machine running OpenMP across two sockets will probably not be
> very efficient. Depending on the input and at how high paralleliation
> you running, you could be better off with running multiple MPI ranks per
GPU. This is a bit of an unexplained feature due to it being complicated
> use and not fully supported (does not woth with thread-MPI), but you can
essentially make  multiple MPI ranks use the same GPU by passing the ID
> the GPU you want to "overload" multiple times (and launching the correct
number of MPI ranks).
> For instance, in your case you can try putting one MPI rank per socket,
both using GPU 0 by:
> mpirun -np 2 -ntomp 6 mdrun_mpi -s test.tpr -deffnm test_out -nb gpu
-gpu_id 00
> This is briefly explained on the wiki as well:
> http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Acceleration_and_parallelization#Multiple_MPI_ranks_per_GPU
Let us know whether you are able to get useful speedup from GPUs!
> --
> Szil?rd
> On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 10:06 AM, George Patargias
> <gpat at bioacademy.gr>wrote:
>> Hi Carsten
>> Thanks a lot for this tip. It worked!
>> George
>> > Hi,
>> > On Mar 11, 2013, at 10:50 AM, George Patargias <gpat at bioacademy.gr>
>> wrote:
>> >> Hello
>> >> Sorry for posting this again.
>> >> I am trying to run GROMACS 4.6 compiled with MPI and GPU
>> >> (CUDA 5.0 lib) using the following SGE batch script.
>> >> #!/bin/sh
>> >> #$ -V
>> >> #$ -S /bin/sh
>> >> #$ -N test-gpus
>> >> #$ -l h="xgrid-node02"
>> >> #$ -pe mpi_fill_up 12
>> >> #$ -cwd
>> >> source /opt/NetUsers/pgkeka/gromacs-4.6_gpu_mpi/bin/GMXRC
>> >> export
mpirun -np 12 mdrun_mpi -s test.tpr -deffnm test_out -nb gpu After
detection of the installed GPU card
>> >> 1 GPU detected on host xgrid-node02.xgrid:
>> >>  #0: NVIDIA Quadro 4000, compute cap.: 2.0, ECC:  no, stat:
>> compatible
>> >> GROMACS issues the following error
>> >> Incorrect launch configuration: mismatching number of PP MPI
>> processes
>> >> and
>> >> GPUs per node. mdrun_mpi was started with 12 PP MPI processes per
>> node,
>> >> but only 1 GPU were detected.
>> >> It can't be that we need to run GROMACS only on a single core so
>> it
>> >> matches the single GPU card.
>> > Have you compiled mdrun_mpi with OpenMP threads support? Then, if you do
>> > mpirun -np 1 mdrun_mpi ?
>> > it should start one MPI process with 12 OpenMP threads, which should
>> give
>> > you what you want. You can also manually specify the number of OpenMP
>> > by adding
>> > -ntomp 12
>> > Carsten
>> >> Do you have any idea what has to be done?
>> >> Many thanks.
>> >> Dr. George Patargias
>> >> Postdoctoral Researcher
>> >> Biomedical Research Foundation
>> >> Academy of Athens
>> >> 4, Soranou Ephessiou
>> >> 115 27
>> >> Athens
>> >> Greece
>> >> Office: +302106597568
>> >> --
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>> > Dr. Carsten Kutzner
>> > Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
>> > Theoretical and Computational Biophysics
>> > Am Fassberg 11, 37077 Goettingen, Germany
>> > Tel. +49-551-2012313, Fax: +49-551-2012302
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>> Dr. George Patargias
>> Postdoctoral Researcher
>> Biomedical Research Foundation
>> Academy of Athens
>> 4, Soranou Ephessiou
>> 115 27
>> Athens
>> Greece
>> Office: +302106597568
>> --
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Dr. George Patargias
Postdoctoral Researcher
Biomedical Research Foundation
Academy of Athens
4, Soranou Ephessiou
115 27

Office: +302106597568

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