[gmx-users] Re: REMD analysis
bharat gupta
bharat.85.monu at gmail.com
Thu May 23 01:58:21 CEST 2013
Dear Sir,
I performed another round of trial with different set of temperature and I
got the avg accp. ration around 0.22. Here's the temp. dist. that I used :
250 268 288 308 331 355 380 408 438 469 503 540 579 621
I then checked the replica_index and replica_temp files for each replica
individually. The plots are exactly similar for all the replicas, as an eg.
here's the link for first three replicas .
I checked the PE overlap also, that looks fine (
I checked for the temp. dist. which also looks fine to me .
I don't know why all plots are similar ?? Is this related to wrong settings
in mdp file. Here's the mdp file that I am using for production run. I
changed ref_t for each replica in the mdp file.
constraints = all-bonds
integrator = md
dt = 0.002 ; ps
nsteps = 25000000; 50000 ps = 50 ns
nstcomm = 10
nstcalcenergy = 10
nstxout = 1000 ; frequency to write coordinates to output
nstvout = 0 ; frequency to write velocities to output
trajectory; the last velocities are always written
nstfout = 0 ; frequency to write forces to output
nstlog = 1000 ; frequency to write energies to log
nstenergy = 1000 ; frequency to write energies to edr file
vdwtype = cut-off
coulombtype = cut-off
pbc = no
nstlist = 0
ns_type = simple
rlist = 0 ; this means all-vs-all (no cut-off), which
gets expensive for bigger systems
rcoulomb = 0
rvdw = 0
comm-mode = angular
comm-grps = system
optimize_fft = yes
; V-rescale temperature coupling is on
Tcoupl = v-rescale
tau_t = 0.1
tc_grps = system
ref_t = 250
; Pressure coupling is off
Pcoupl = no
; Generate velocites is on
gen_vel = yes
gen_temp = 300
gen_seed = -1
; Implicit solvent
implicit_solvent = GBSA
gb_algorithm = Still ; HCT ; OBC
nstgbradii = 1
rgbradii = 0 ; [nm] Cut-off for the calculation of the
Born radii. Currently must be equal to rlist
gb_epsilon_solvent = 78.5 ; Dielectric constant for the implicit
; gb_saltconc = 0 ; Salt concentration for implicit
solvent models, currently not used
sa_algorithm = Ace-approximation
sa_surface_tension = 0.005
I suspect that I am doing something wrong somewhere ...
It will be helpful if anybody can help me in this regard...
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