[gmx-users] Several questions about log file.
Theodore Si
sjyzhxw at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 07:57:15 CEST 2014
1. Does "force" in the R E A L C Y C L E A N D T I M E A C C O U
N T I N G table mean the time spent on short-range force calculation?
2. Does "Comm. coord" mean the communication of atom positions when
calculating short-range force interaction?
3. What forces are waited and communicated in "Wait + Comm. F"?
Each node of our cluster has two Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 0 @
2.60GHz, each has 8 cores.
When we are using 2 nodes, that is 2nodes * 2 cpus * 8 cores = 32 cores,
we will be
Using 32 MPI processes
Using 1 OpenMP thread per MPI proces
Comm. coord. 24 1 19200 1.483 92.327 1.0
1.483s are spent on the coordinate communication
When we are using 32 nodes, that is 32nodes * 2 cpus * 8 cores = 32
cores, we will be
Using 512 MPI processes
Using 1 OpenMP thread per MPI proces
Comm. coord. 384 1 19200 2.094 2086.377 5.2
2.094s are spent on the coordinate communication
4. Why the time spent on communication of coordinate doesn't scale up as
the cores are increasing?
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