[gmx-users] Working on a GPU cluster with GROMACS 5

Ebert Maximilian m.ebert at umontreal.ca
Thu Dec 18 17:14:02 CET 2014

Dear list,

I am benchmarking my system on a GPU cluster with 6 GPU’s and two quad core CPUs for each node. First I am wondering if there is any output which confirms how many CPUs and GPUs were used during the run? I find the output for GPUs in the log file but only for a single node. When I use multiple nodes why don’t the other nodes show up in the log file as hosts? For instance in this example I used two nodes and claimed 4 GPUs each but got this in my log file:

6 GPUs detected on host ngpu-a4-01:
  #0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580, compute cap.: 2.0, ECC:  no, stat: compatible
  #1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580, compute cap.: 2.0, ECC:  no, stat: compatible
  #2: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580, compute cap.: 2.0, ECC:  no, stat: compatible
  #3: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580, compute cap.: 2.0, ECC:  no, stat: compatible
  #4: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580, compute cap.: 2.0, ECC:  no, stat: compatible
  #5: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580, compute cap.: 2.0, ECC:  no, stat: compatible

4 GPUs auto-selected for this run.
Mapping of GPUs to the 4 PP ranks in this node: #0, #1, #2, #3

ngpu-a4-02 is not shown here. Any idea? The job was submitted in the following way:

qsub -q @test -lnodes=2:ppn=4 -lwalltime=1:00:00 gromacs_run_gpu

and the gromacs_run_gpu file:


#PBS -o result_run10ns96-8.dat
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -W umask=022
#PBS -r n

cd 8_gpu

module add CUDA
module load gromacs/5.0.1-gpu

mpirun gmx_mpi mdrun -v -x -deffnm 10ns_rep1-8GPU

Another question I had was how can I define the number of CPUs and check if they were really used? I can’t find any information about the number of CPUs in the log file. I would also like to try combinations like 4 CPUs + 1 GPU or 2 CPUs + 2 GPU. How do I set this up?

Thank you very much for your help,


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