[gmx-users] errors with charmm36 ?
mailmd2011 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 17:47:42 CET 2014
It is good to know that the c36 and CGenFF is actively update. I just
noticed that this new version c36 no longer contains classic TII3P water
1: TIP3P TIP 3-point, recommended, by default uses CHARMM TIP3 with
LJ on H
2: TIP4P TIP 4-point
3: TIP5P TIP 5-point
4: SPC simple point charge
5: SPC/E extended simple point charge
6: None
So in priciple, we have to use CHARMM TIP3P model, is it correct?
I am always wondering, would it be better if there is a tool that could
convert the output from paramchem websever into a "single" ligand.itp
file? The parachem website can export the results including all known
information from CGenFF related to target ligand. In such compelte
output file, it contains all necessary information for a ligand
parameters and toplogy....
thank you very much
On 01/14/2014 05:14 PM, Justin Lemkul wrote:
> I think it is probably worth emphasizing a point I have made
> previously, because I suspect there may be some confusion among the
> users out there. The tarball that can be downloaded from the website
> contains updated parameters for CHARMM36 lipids ONLY. The parameters
> in that distribution have outdated CHARMM22+CMAP parameters for
> proteins and CHARMM27 for nucleic acids (i.e. the files distributed as
> "charmm27.ff" in Gromacs). Users should not be led to believe that
> this tarball contains the full CHARMM36 force field, which is a
> different entity, available only from the MacKerell lab (note we will
> be uploading a new tarball soon that has updated parameters for CGenFF
> 2b8).
> -Justin
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