[gmx-users] Coulomb and Lennnard-Jones parameters

Maria Astón Serrano m.aston.serrano at gmail.com
Thu Mar 27 11:25:21 CET 2014

Dear Gromacs users

I would like to ask for your advice concerning to the input parameters for
a simulation. I am simulating a protein (1L2Y,
http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/explore/explore.do?structureId=1L2Y). I obtain the
timing results below.

     R E A L   C Y C L E   A N D   T I M E   A C C O U N T I N G

 Computing:         Nodes     Number     G-Cycles    Seconds     %
  Comm. coord.           8     100001      198.994       58.7       1.0
 Neighbor search        8      20001     1402.166      413.3       7.3
 Force                        8     100001    10529.644     3103.9    54.6
 Wait + Comm. F         8     100001      331.925       97.8       1.7
 PME mesh                 8     100001     6183.435     1822.8     32.0
 Write traj.                   8        101        3.434        1.0
 Update                       8     100001      148.251       43.7       0.8
 Constraints                 8     100001      304.236       89.7       1.6
 Comm. energies         8      20002       36.774       10.8         0.2
 Rest                          8                 162.448       47.9
 Total                         8               19301.307     5689.7
 PME redist. X/F        8     200002     3957.969     1166.7    20.5
 PME spread/gather      8     200002     1502.640      443.0     7.8
 PME 3D-FFT             8     200002      477.460      140.7     2.5
 PME solve              8     100001      242.220       71.4     1.3

Parallel run - timing based on wallclock.

I was expecting the constraint time to take above 15% of the total time.
However, I find just 1.6%. I suspect that perhaps the parameters for the
Coulomb and Lennnard-Jones calculation may be improved: In the md.log file,
I find:

 Computing:                                    M-Number         M-Flops
  % Flops
  Coul(T) + LJ [W3-W3]                 18217.759964     6959184.306    76.8

Is this wise? May you give me a hint on how to tune the parameters?

These are my input parameters:

    integrator           = md
   nsteps               = 100000
   init_step            = 0
   ns_type              = Grid
   nstlist              = 5
   ndelta               = 2
   nstcomm              = 10
   comm_mode            = Linear
   nstlog               = 1000
   nstxout              = 1000
   nstvout              = 1000
   nstfout              = 0
   nstcalcenergy        = 5
   nstenergy            = 1000
   nstxtcout            = 1000
   init_t               = 0
   delta_t              = 0.002
   xtcprec              = 1000
   nkx                  = 28
   nky                  = 28
   nkz                  = 28
   pme_order            = 4
   ewald_rtol           = 1e-05
   ewald_geometry       = 0
   epsilon_surface      = 0
   optimize_fft         = FALSE
   ePBC                 = xyz
   bPeriodicMols        = FALSE
   bContinuation        = TRUE
   bShakeSOR            = FALSE
   etc                  = V-rescale
   nsttcouple           = 5
   epc                  = Parrinello-Rahman
   epctype              = Isotropic
   nstpcouple           = 5
   tau_p                = 2
   ref_p (3x3):
      ref_p[    0]={ 1.00000e+00,  0.00000e+00,  0.00000e+00}
      ref_p[    1]={ 0.00000e+00,  1.00000e+00,  0.00000e+00}
      ref_p[    2]={ 0.00000e+00,  0.00000e+00,  1.00000e+00}
   compress (3x3):
      compress[    0]={ 4.50000e-05,  0.00000e+00,  0.00000e+00}
      compress[    1]={ 0.00000e+00,  4.50000e-05,  0.00000e+00}
      compress[    2]={ 0.00000e+00,  0.00000e+00,  4.50000e-05}
   refcoord_scaling     = No
   posres_com (3):
      posres_com[0]= 0.00000e+00
      posres_com[1]= 0.00000e+00
      posres_com[2]= 0.00000e+00
   posres_comB (3):
      posres_comB[0]= 0.00000e+00
      posres_comB[1]= 0.00000e+00
      posres_comB[2]= 0.00000e+00
   andersen_seed        = 815131
   rlist                = 1
   rlistlong            = 1
   rtpi                 = 0.05
   coulombtype          = PME
   rcoulomb_switch      = 0
   rcoulomb             = 1
   vdwtype              = Cut-off
   rvdw_switch          = 0
   rvdw                 = 1
   epsilon_r            = 1
   epsilon_rf           = 1
   tabext               = 1
   implicit_solvent     = No
   gb_algorithm         = Still
   gb_epsilon_solvent   = 80
   nstgbradii           = 1
   rgbradii             = 1
   gb_saltconc          = 0
   gb_obc_alpha         = 1
   gb_obc_beta          = 0.8
   gb_obc_gamma         = 4.85
   gb_dielectric_offset = 0.009
   sa_algorithm         = Ace-approximation
   sa_surface_tension   = 2.05016
   DispCorr             = EnerPres
   free_energy          = no
   init_lambda          = 0
   delta_lambda         = 0
   n_foreign_lambda     = 0
   sc_alpha             = 0
   sc_power             = 0
   sc_sigma             = 0.3
   sc_sigma_min         = 0.3
   nstdhdl              = 10
   separate_dhdl_file   = yes
   dhdl_derivatives     = yes
   dh_hist_size         = 0
   dh_hist_spacing      = 0.1
   nwall                = 0
   wall_type            = 9-3
   wall_atomtype[0]     = -1
   wall_atomtype[1]     = -1
   wall_density[0]      = 0
   wall_density[1]      = 0
   wall_ewald_zfac      = 3
   pull                 = no
   disre                = No
   disre_weighting      = Conservative
   disre_mixed          = FALSE
   dr_fc                = 1000
   dr_tau               = 0
   nstdisreout          = 100
   orires_fc            = 0
   orires_tau           = 0
   nstorireout          = 100
   dihre-fc             = 1000
   em_stepsize          = 0.01
   em_tol               = 10
   niter                = 20
   fc_stepsize          = 0
   nstcgsteep           = 1000
   nbfgscorr            = 10
   ConstAlg             = Shake
   shake_tol            = 0.0001
   lincs_order          = 4
   lincs_warnangle      = 30
   lincs_iter           = 1
   bd_fric              = 0
   ld_seed              = 1993
   cos_accel            = 0
   deform (3x3):
      deform[    0]={ 0.00000e+00,  0.00000e+00,  0.00000e+00}
      deform[    1]={ 0.00000e+00,  0.00000e+00,  0.00000e+00}
      deform[    2]={ 0.00000e+00,  0.00000e+00,  0.00000e+00}
   userint1             = 0
   userint2             = 0
   userint3             = 0
   userint4             = 0
   userreal1            = 0
   userreal2            = 0
   userreal3            = 0
   userreal4            = 0
   nrdf:     601.892     16092.1
   ref_t:         300         300
   tau_t:         0.1         0.1
anneal:          No          No
ann_npoints:           0           0
   acc:               0           0           0
   nfreeze:           N           N           N
   energygrp_flags[  0]: 0
      n = 0
      n = 0
      n = 0
      n = 0
      n = 0
      n = 0
   bQMMM                = FALSE
   QMconstraints        = 0
   QMMMscheme           = 0
   scalefactor          = 1
   ngQM                 = 0
Table routines are used for coulomb: TRUE
Table routines are used for vdw:     FALSE
Will do PME sum in reciprocal space.

Thank you very much.


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