[gmx-users] definition of "eigenvector" in gromacs
devicerandom at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 11:04:45 CET 2015
I am gluing this email exchange to my office wall. This is just awesome.
Thanks to you all.
On 3/9/15 10:19 AM, Tsjerk Wassenaar wrote:
> Hi Brett,
> Let's say you're sitting at your _desk_ writing that paper with a deadline
> yesterday and you put a quick _meal_ next to you, wondering why on _earth_
> you keep up with this. Your hands are moving between the meal and the
> keyboard. You notice that the average position of your hands is somewhere
> between the two and mark the mean position on your desk. Then you draw a
> line through it that corresponds to the major extent of the motion of your
> hands, and write 'eigenvector 1' along it. You add a line through the
> average position, perfectly perpendicular to the first, and write
> 'eigenvector 2' along it. Now you can project every position of your hands
> onto your desk, giving it an 'eigenvector 1' coordinate (or score) and an
> 'eigenvector 2' coordinate (or score). You notice that it's only part of
> the total motion, as you neglect the height, which will be a third line,
> perpendicular to the desk.
> You can look at it a bit differently and say that your desk is the subspace
> of your real space, spanned by the two perpendicular vectors, which
> together describe most of your hand's motion.
> I hope this makes some sense :)
> Cheers,
> Tsjerk
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 2:33 AM, Brett <brettliu123 at 163.com> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> Recently I have read a gromacs related article which contain a sentence
>> "Trajectories pojected on the first two eigenvectors". Will you please tell
>> me the meaning of "eigenvector" and "Trajectories pojected on the first two
>> eigenvectors"? Will you please also explain it to me using common-used
>> words simple as desk, meal, earth, etc?
>> Brett
>> --
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