March 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Mar 1 00:01:20 CET 2015
Ending: Tue Mar 31 20:25:36 CEST 2015
Messages: 620
- [gmx-users] Thermostats and MSD
sujithkakkat .
- [gmx-users] First frame already out of box, getting very large RMSD
yunshi11 .
- [gmx-users] First frame already out of box, getting very large RMSD
yunshi11 .
- [gmx-users] First frame already out of box, getting very large RMSD
yunshi11 .
- [gmx-users] First frame already out of box, getting very large RMSD
yunshi11 .
- [gmx-users] First frame already out of box, getting very large RMSD
yunshi11 .
- [gmx-users] First frame already out of box, getting very large RMSD
yunshi11 .
- [gmx-users] First frame already out of box, getting very large RMSD
yunshi11 .
- [gmx-users] command line with gangle
ABEL Stephane 175950
- [gmx-users] command line with gangle
ABEL Stephane 175950
- [gmx-users] Forcefield parameters for Zinc
Emma A
- [gmx-users] Forcefield parameters for Zinc
Emma A
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling - gromcas 5.0.4
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling - gromcas 5.0.4
- [gmx-users] gmx_mtop_atomlookup_settle_init called without settles
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] solvate with an exact number of solvent molecules
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] GMX5.0 g_select
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] using g_energy
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] using g_energy
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] topology include file "gmx43a1.ff/ffG43a1.itp " not found
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] GMX5.0 g_select
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] Separate .xtc file according to the result from g_cluster
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] gromacs.org_gmx-users Digest, Vol 131, Issue 41
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] definition of "eigenvector" in gromacs
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] Error: see option -rdd, for pairs and tabulated bonds also see option -ddcheck
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] gromacs.org_gmx-users Digest, Vol 131, Issue 41
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] REMD exchange probabilities
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] Writing out the neighbor list
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] Writing out the neighbor list
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] template parallelization
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] enemat output
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] Compiler
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] Segmentation fault
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] genbox + python bug?
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] Format of bond type directives
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] Query- Ligand topology
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] Inconsistency of multicore simulations in Gromacs 4.5.3
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] pdb2gmx error
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] Langevin temperature coupling in Gromacs
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] questions about remove PBC condition from trajectory
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] Did this MD simulation run correctly? If so, how do I visualize it nicely?
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] g_sans_mpi problem: bus error (core dumped)
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] g_sans_mpi problem: bus error (core dumped)
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] Fwd: Is_trjcat_suitable_for_concatenating_REMD_trajectorie
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] Feature wishlist
Mark Abraham
- [gmx-users] GROMACS and CNT/graphene (probably for the 1000th time)
- [gmx-users] GROMACS and CNT/graphene (probably for the 1000th time)
- [gmx-users] GROMACS and CNT/graphene (probably for the 1000th time)
- [gmx-users] GROMACS and CNT/graphene (probably for the 1000th time)
- [gmx-users] GROMACS and CNT/graphene (probably for the 1000th time)
- [gmx-users] GROMACS and CNT/graphene (probably for the 1000th time)
- [gmx-users] GROMACS and CNT/graphene (probably for the 1000th time)
- [gmx-users] GROMACS and CNT/graphene (probably for the 1000th time)
- [gmx-users] OPLS/AA support for DNA
- [gmx-users] OPLS/AA support for DNA
- [gmx-users] OPLS/AA support for DNA
- [gmx-users] Setting custom atoms in FF
- [gmx-users] Setting custom atoms in FF
- [gmx-users] Setting custom atoms in FF
- [gmx-users] Setting custom atoms in FF
- [gmx-users] Setting custom atoms in FF
- [gmx-users] Density of pure tetrolic acid does not agree with experimental data
- [gmx-users] Density of pure tetrolic acid does not agree with experimental data
- [gmx-users] Setting custom atoms in FF
- [gmx-users] topology file from glycam/gaff to gromacs
Rasha Alqus
- [gmx-users] Removing molecules around protein
Todor Antonijevic
- [gmx-users] walls + domain decomposition
Aranha, Michelle
- [gmx-users] Walls - segmentation fault
Aranha, Michelle
- [gmx-users] walls - segmentation fault
Aranha, Michelle
- [gmx-users] Simulation of polarizable Carbon nanotubes
Jashimuddin Ashraf
- [gmx-users] ethanol solvation (equilibrated ethanol .gro file)
Jashimuddin Ashraf
- [gmx-users] Simulation of polarizable Carbon nanotubes
Jashimuddin Ashraf
- [gmx-users] question about g_bundle
- [gmx-users] crossing angle value
- [gmx-users] definition of "eigenvector" in gromacs
Antonio Baptista
- [gmx-users] van hove correlation function
Ipsita Basu
- [gmx-users] How to set a system consists of membranes and cholestrols
Batdorj Batsaikhan
- [gmx-users] Inconsistency in gmx sasa/g_sas buried SASA?
Leandro Bortot
- [gmx-users] Removing molecules around protein
Leandro Bortot
- [gmx-users] pdb2gmx and specbond with arbitrary ligand
Leandro Bortot
- [gmx-users] Force field choosing and parameterization
Leandro Bortot
- [gmx-users] pdb2gmx and specbond with arbitrary ligand
Leandro Bortot
- [gmx-users] Forcefield parameters for Zinc
Leandro Bortot
- [gmx-users] changing partial charge/atom type upon covalent bonding
Leandro Bortot
- [gmx-users] parametrization of protein-ligand covalent bond
Leandro Bortot
- [gmx-users] parametrization of protein-ligand covalent bond
Leandro Bortot
- [gmx-users] Normal mode analysis
Leandro Bortot
- [gmx-users] MD on protein-RNA complex
- [gmx-users] MD on protein-RNA complex
- [gmx-users] MD on protein-RNA complex
- [gmx-users] definition of "eigenvector" in gromacs
- [gmx-users] distribution of water molecules in system
Turgay Cakmak
- [gmx-users] distribution of water molecules
Turgay Cakmak
- [gmx-users] Segmentation fault
Wim Rm Cardoen
- [gmx-users] Langevin temperature coupling in Gromacs
Kevin C Chan
- [gmx-users] translate problem
Chandan Choudhury
- [gmx-users] template parallelization
Chandan Choudhury
- [gmx-users] GROMACS and CNT/graphene (probably for the 1000th time)
Bogdan Costescu
- [gmx-users] Inconsistency in gmx sasa/g_sas buried SASA?
João M. Damas
- [gmx-users] Postdoc positions available at IBM (bio-molecular modeling and MD)
Payel Das
- [gmx-users] Error in make index.ndx
Priya Das
- [gmx-users] Error in make index.ndx
Priya Das
- [gmx-users] Query- Advice needed
Priya Das
- [gmx-users] Query: Protein-ligand simulation
Priya Das
- [gmx-users] Query- position restraining
Priya Das
- [gmx-users] Query- Ligand topology
Priya Das
- [gmx-users] Query- Ligand topology
Priya Das
- [gmx-users] Query- Ligand parametrization
Priya Das
- [gmx-users] Query- Ligand parameterization
Priya Das
- [gmx-users] Query- Ligand parametrization
Priya Das
- [gmx-users] Query- Ligand parametrization
Priya Das
- [gmx-users] Query- Ligand parametrization
Priya Das
- [gmx-users] Query- Ligand parametrization
Priya Das
- [gmx-users] Advice needed
Priya Das
- [gmx-users] Advice needed
Priya Das
- [gmx-users] Installation problem on CRAY XC40----Gromacs-5.0.4
Satyabrata Das
- [gmx-users] Installation problem on CRAY XC40----Gromacs-5.0.4
Satyabrata Das
- [gmx-users] genbox + python bug?
Marcelo Depólo
- [gmx-users] genbox + python bug?
Marcelo Depólo
- [gmx-users] DNA-protein complex
Marcelo Depólo
- [gmx-users] DNA-protein complex
Marcelo Depólo
- [gmx-users] Carbohydrate force fields in GROMACS
Marcelo Depólo
- [gmx-users] Carbohydrate force fields in GROMACS
Marcelo Depólo
- [gmx-users] Carbohydrate force fields in GROMACS
Marcelo Depólo
- [gmx-users] comm removal in xy-direction only
Diddo Diddens
- [gmx-users] helix rotation
Natalia Alveal F.
- [gmx-users] trjorder
Natalia Alveal F.
- [gmx-users] solvate with an exact number of solvent molecules
Rebeca García Fandiño
- [gmx-users] solvate with an exact number of solvent molecules
Rebeca García Fandiño
- [gmx-users] different mdrun errors in different machines
Rebeca García Fandiño
- [gmx-users] different mdrun errors in different machines
Rebeca García Fandiño
- [gmx-users] coarse-grained topology for vitamin E
Rebeca García Fandiño
- [gmx-users] fine-grained and coarse-grained
Rebeca García Fandiño
- [gmx-users] fixed number of clusters from a MD simulation
Rebeca García Fandiño
- [gmx-users] Umbrella Sampling result
Warren Gallin
- [gmx-users] Umbrella Sampling result
Warren Gallin
- [gmx-users] Umbrella Sampling result
Warren Gallin
- [gmx-users] REMD exchange probabilities
Neha Gandhi
- [gmx-users] CUDA fails to allocate memory to mdrun
Akshay Kumar Ganguly
- [gmx-users] mdrun blowing up with PME node error in 1 window of umbrella sampling
Agnivo Gosai
- [gmx-users] mdrun blowing up with PME node error in 1 window of umbrella sampling
Agnivo Gosai
- [gmx-users] LIE beta(Van der Waals) term for DNA-ligand interaction
Hovakim Grabski
- [gmx-users] factor of 1.25 in lipid and GROMOS87 parameter
Rakesh Gupta
- [gmx-users] KALP-15 in DPPC tutorial
- [gmx-users] Core Dump
- [gmx-users] Core Dump
- [gmx-users] Density of pure tetrolic acid does not agree with experimental data
Nathan K Houtz
- [gmx-users] Ensemble average in dipole correlation function
Kim Q Hwan
- [gmx-users] Potential modification
Christoph Junghans
- [gmx-users] KALP-15 in DPPC tutorial
- [gmx-users] KALP-15 in DPPC tutorial
- [gmx-users] g_dist
- [gmx-users] g_dist
- [gmx-users] Hamiltonian replica exchange with umbrella sampling
Maria Kalimeri
- [gmx-users] Feature wishlist
Sridhar Kumar Kannam
- [gmx-users] charge vibrating periodically
abhijit Kayal
- [gmx-users] vibrating charge
abhijit Kayal
- [gmx-users] GROMACS and CNT/graphene (probably for the 1000th time)
abhijit Kayal
- [gmx-users] x2top segmentation fault in gromacs 5.0.x, but runs well for 4.0.x, 4.6.x
abhijit Kayal
- [gmx-users] x2top segmentation fault in gromacs 5.0.x, but runs well for 4.0.x, 4.6.x
abhijit Kayal
- [gmx-users] Running gromacs on Rocks cluster
Lang Kong
- [gmx-users] Binding free energy of an ion from alchemical transformation
Wojciech Kopeć
- [gmx-users] Validation suite for force fields for Proteins, RNA, DNA and Lipids?
James Kress
- [gmx-users] Simulation of polarizable Carbon nanotubes
Peter Kroon
- [gmx-users] Placing system at the centre of the box.
Rajan Kumar
- [gmx-users] Placing system at the centre of the box.
Rajan Kumar
- [gmx-users] Format of bond type directives
Rajan Kumar
- [gmx-users] LINCS waring during MD.
Rajan Kumar
- [gmx-users] CNT going out of the simulation box after NVT.
- [gmx-users] Umbrella Sampling result
Alexander Law
- [gmx-users] Umbrella Sampling result
Alexander Law
- [gmx-users] First frame already out of box, getting very large RMSD
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] First frame already out of box, getting very large RMSD
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] First frame already out of box, getting very large RMSD
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] high temperature
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] First frame already out of box, getting very large RMSD
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] (no subject)
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] First frame already out of box, getting very large RMSD
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] First frame already out of box, getting very large RMSD
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] translate problem
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] make_ndx specific residues backbone in Chain A and B
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] First frame already out of box, getting very large RMSD
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] high temperature
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Bond connectivity not found during visualization in VMD
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] high temperature
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] How to define the center of mass for a droplet consisting of different ions and molecules?
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Appropriate Force Field for Dendrimer-Drug Systems
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Appropriate Force Field for Dendrimer-Drug Systems
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] high temperature
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] regarding glycolipids parameters for GROMACS
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] high temperature
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] high temperature
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] MD on protein-RNA complex
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] MD on protein-RNA complex
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Build oligosaccharide topology with pdb2gmx
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Build oligosaccharide topology with pdb2gmx
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Simulation of polarizable Carbon nanotubes
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] questions about umbrella sampling
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Simulation of polarizable Carbon nanotubes
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] CNT going out of the simulation box after NVT.
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] g_select same residue as
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] different mdrun errors in different machines
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] different mdrun errors in different machines
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] CNT going outside during NVT
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Unable to maintain proper density of polyunsaturated fatty acid
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Docked ligand, umbrella sampling and "aiming"
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Docked ligand, umbrella sampling and "aiming"
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] System blowing up - equilibration step - CG simulation
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Energy Decomposition
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] MD on protein-RNA complex
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Best strategy to set up a system for an Umbrella sampling simulations
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Embedding protein into lipid bilayer
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] GMX5.0 g_select
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] topology include file "gmx43a1.ff/ffG43a1.itp " not found
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] initial position?
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Error in make index.ndx
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Error: see option -rdd, for pairs and tabulated bonds also see option -ddcheck
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] initial position?
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Morse potential conversion.
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Comparing two Ptn-Ptn docking models
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] add. residue in topology database
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Comparing two Ptn-Ptn docking models
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] pdb2gmx and specbond with arbitrary ligand
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] trajectory film
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] boron atom
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] problems with pressure control when using implicit solvent
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Correlation of dynamics between pairs of residues
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] problems with pressure control when using implicit solvent
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] problem in defining protonation state of amino acids
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Query: Protein-ligand simulation
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Query- position restraining
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Query- Ligand topology
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] ethanol solvation (equilibrated ethanol .gro file)
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Query- Ligand topology
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] gmx rmsdist: rmsmax vs. rmscmax
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] KALP-15 in DPPC tutorial
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Problem in making index.ndx and disres.itp
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] A jump in potential just after extension
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] error in grompp : No such molecule type Protein
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] g_dist
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] error in grompp : Something is wrong in the coordinate formatting of file system.gro
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Problem in making index.ndx and disres.itp
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Normal mode analysis error
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Error while shrinking lipids (KALP15 in DPPC tutorial)
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] DNA-protein complex
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] jump problem
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Error while shrinking lipids (KALP15 in DPPC tutorial)
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] error while equilibration
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Core Dump
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Core Dump
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] potential energy is from energy mimization
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] g_dist
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Tutorial For Installing Gromacs on window
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Mixed Solvent (H2O/CH3CN)
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] dihedral restraints
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] parallel calculation problem in implicit solvent modeling
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] command line with gangle
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Carbohydrate force fields in GROMACS
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Carbohydrate force fields in GROMACS
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Carbohydrate force fields in GROMACS
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Carbohydrate force fields in GROMACS
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Performance drops when simulating protein with small ligands
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Performance drops when simulating protein with small ligands
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Did this MD simulation run correctly? If so, how do I visualize it nicely?
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Mixed Solvent (H2O/CH3CN)
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] vibrating charge
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Query- Ligand parametrization
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] GROMACS and CNT/graphene (probably for the 1000th time)
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] forcefield error for atoms
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] parametrization of protein-ligand covalent bond
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] GROMACS and CNT/graphene (probably for the 1000th time)
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Extracting frames to a new trajectory based on RMSD cut-off value
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Simulation of polarizable Carbon nanotubes
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] GROMACS and CNT/graphene (probably for the 1000th time)
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] oleic acid incorporation in the protein box..
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Correlation of dynamics between pairs of residues
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] GROMACS and CNT/graphene (probably for the 1000th time)
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] GROMACS and CNT/graphene (probably for the 1000th time)
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Correlation of dynamics between pairs of residues
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] unusual error in Gromacs
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] forcefield error for atoms
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] parameters obtained after NPT
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Topology for Cross linked polymer chains
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] factor of 1.25 in lipid and GROMOS87 parameter
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Query- Ligand parameterization
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Lumping different molecule types together as "rest"
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] OPLS/AA support for DNA
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] parameters obtained after NPT
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] forcefield error for atoms
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] OPLS/AA support for DNA
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Sending an email, question
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Coul-SR energy component - CG simulation
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] OPLS/AA support for DNA
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Query- Ligand parametrization
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Distance of residue’s centre of mass to a surface (COM)
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] x2top segmentation fault in gromacs 5.0.x, but runs well for 4.0.x, 4.6.x
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Topology for Cross linked polymer chains
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Distance of residue’s centre of mass to a surface (COM)
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] fatal error in DNA-ligand simulation
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Query- Ligand parametrization
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Query- Ligand parametrization
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Oleic acid.....topology problem...
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] About g_enemat tool
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Setting custom atoms in FF
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Setting custom atoms in FF
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Reg g_energy tool
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Setting custom atoms in FF
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Oleic acid.....topology problem...
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Setting custom atoms in FF
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] Advice needed
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] [gmx-developers] Problem with creating a topolgy from PDB file
Justin Lemkul
- [gmx-users] dihedral restraints
Jessica Leuchter
- [gmx-users] dihedral restraints
Jessica Leuchter
- [gmx-users] dihedral restraints
Jessica Leuchter
- [gmx-users] The umbrella sampling with the coordinate of energy gap
Tanping Li
- [gmx-users] gmx5.0.2 with GPU acceleration problem
Wayne Liang
- [gmx-users] gmx5.0.2 with GPU acceleration problem
Wayne Liang
- [gmx-users] Build oligosaccharide topology with pdb2gmx
Elena Lilkova
- [gmx-users] Build oligosaccharide topology with pdb2gmx
Elena Lilkova
- [gmx-users] Build oligosaccharide topology with pdb2gmx
Elena Lilkova
- [gmx-users] Build oligosaccharide topology with pdb2gmx
Elena Lilkova
- [gmx-users] Separate .xtc file according to the result from g_cluster
Xingcheng Lin
- [gmx-users] gromacs.org_gmx-users Digest, Vol 131, Issue 41
Xingcheng Lin
- [gmx-users] Error while shrinking lipids (KALP15 in DPPC tutorial)
Thomas Lipscomb
- [gmx-users] Error while shrinking lipids (KALP15 in DPPC tutorial)
Thomas Lipscomb
- [gmx-users] KALP15 in DPPC tutorial: system_shrink1.gro error?
Thomas Lipscomb
- [gmx-users] Performance drops when simulating protein with small ligands
Yunlong Liu
- [gmx-users] Performance drops when simulating protein with small ligands
Yunlong Liu
- [gmx-users] Distance of residue’s centre of mass to a surface (COM)
James Lord
- [gmx-users] Distance of residue’s centre of mass to a surface (COM)
James Lord
- [gmx-users] g_select same residue as
Josip Lovrić
- [gmx-users] MD on protein-RNA complex
Johnny Lu
- [gmx-users] Writing out the neighbor list
Alan Manning
- [gmx-users] Writing out the neighbor list
Alan Manning
- [gmx-users] gmx rmsdist: rmsmax vs. rmscmax
Alan Manning
- [gmx-users] gmx rmsdist: rmsmax vs. rmscmax
Alan Manning
- [gmx-users] DNA-protein complex distorted in vacuum simulation
Erik Marklund
- [gmx-users] Correlation of dynamics between pairs of residues
Ebert Maximilian
- [gmx-users] Correlation of dynamics between pairs of residues
Ebert Maximilian
- [gmx-users] Correlation of dynamics between pairs of residues
Ebert Maximilian
- [gmx-users] Umbrella Sampling result
Felipe Merino
- [gmx-users] (no subject)
Tushar Ranjan Moharana
- [gmx-users] Unable to maintain proper density of polyunsaturated fatty acid
Tushar Ranjan Moharana
- [gmx-users] Unable to maintain proper density of polyunsaturated fatty acid
Tushar Ranjan Moharana
- [gmx-users] problem in defining protonation state of amino acids
Tushar Ranjan Moharana
- [gmx-users] problem in defining protonation state of amino acids
Tushar Ranjan Moharana
- [gmx-users] Problem in making index.ndx and disres.itp
Tushar Ranjan Moharana
- [gmx-users] Problem in making index.ndx and disres.itp
Tushar Ranjan Moharana
- [gmx-users] (no subject)
Tushar Ranjan Moharana
- [gmx-users] Error while using pbc = xy Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Tushar Ranjan Moharana
- [gmx-users] Force field choosing and parameterization
Gustavo Avelar Molina
- [gmx-users] Force field choosing and parameterization
Gustavo Avelar Molina
- [gmx-users] Force field choosing and parameterization
Gustavo Avelar Molina
- [gmx-users] Force field choosing and parameterization
Gustavo Avelar Molina
- [gmx-users] command line with gangle
Teemu Murtola
- [gmx-users] grompp_d fatal error in Amber FF
Nash, Anthony
- [gmx-users] grompp_d fatal error in Amber FF
Nash, Anthony
- [gmx-users] Gromacs with InflateGro
Nash, Anthony
- [gmx-users] g_density appears broken in version 5
Christopher Neale
- [gmx-users] Lumping different molecule types together as "rest"
Stella Nickerson
- [gmx-users] Fwd: Gromacs: data distribution and work distribution
Federico Padua
- [gmx-users] g_sans_mpi problem: bus error (core dumped)
- [gmx-users] g_sans_mpi problem: bus error (core dumped)
- [gmx-users] g_sans_mpi problem: bus error (core dumped)
- [gmx-users] regarding glycolipids parameters for GROMACS
Xavier Periole
- [gmx-users] Build oligosaccharide topology with pdb2gmx
Thomas Piggot
- [gmx-users] Carbohydrate force fields in GROMACS
Thomas Piggot
- [gmx-users] Time frames for collecting data
Faezeh Pousaneh
- [gmx-users] Time frames for collecting data
Faezeh Pousaneh
- [gmx-users] boron atom
Faezeh Pousaneh
- [gmx-users] boron atom
Faezeh Pousaneh
- [gmx-users] boron atom
Faezeh Pousaneh
- [gmx-users] Jump in potential after extension
Faezeh Pousaneh
- [gmx-users] A jump in potential just after extension
Faezeh Pousaneh
- [gmx-users] A jump in potential just after extension
Faezeh Pousaneh
- [gmx-users] A jump in potential just after extension
Faezeh Pousaneh
- [gmx-users] comparison of entropy and enthalpy at different temperatures
Faezeh Pousaneh
- [gmx-users] Fwd: Is_trjcat_suitable_for_concatenating_REMD_trajectorie
NISHA Prakash
- [gmx-users] Fwd: Gromacs: data distribution and work distribution
Szilárd Páll
- [gmx-users] Fwd: Gromacs: data distribution and work distribution
Szilárd Páll
- [gmx-users] gmx5.0.2 with GPU acceleration problem
Szilárd Páll
- [gmx-users] gmx5.0.2 with GPU acceleration problem
Szilárd Páll
- [gmx-users] CUDA fails to allocate memory to mdrun
Szilárd Páll
- [gmx-users] Installation problem on CRAY XC40----Gromacs-5.0.4
Szilárd Páll
- [gmx-users] Installation problem on CRAY XC40----Gromacs-5.0.4
Szilárd Páll
- [gmx-users] make_ndx specific residues backbone in Chain A and B
- [gmx-users] free energy perturbation methods in gmx
- [gmx-users] pdb2gmx error
- [gmx-users] trjconv - pbc centering and fitting
Nixon Raj
- [gmx-users] adding parameters for selenium ion
Meenakshi Rajput
- [gmx-users] adding metal ion
Meenakshi Rajput
- [gmx-users] RMSD between two groups
Mohsen Ramezanpour
- [gmx-users] x2top segmentation fault in gromacs 5.0.x, but runs well for 4.0.x, 4.6.x
Hao Ren
- [gmx-users] x2top segmentation fault in gromacs 5.0.x, but runs well for 4.0.x, 4.6.x
Hao Ren
- [gmx-users] x2top segmentation fault in gromacs 5.0.x, but runs well for 4.0.x, 4.6.x
Hao Ren
- [gmx-users] x2top segmentation fault in gromacs 5.0.x, but runs well for 4.0.x, 4.6.x
Hao Ren
- [gmx-users] regarding glycolipids parameters for GROMACS
Carlos Navarro Retamal
- [gmx-users] regarding glycolipids parameters for GROMACS
Carlos Navarro Retamal
- [gmx-users] System blowing up - equilibration step - CG simulation
Carlos Navarro Retamal
- [gmx-users] System blowing up - equilibration step - CG simulation
Carlos Navarro Retamal
- [gmx-users] System blowing up - equilibration step - CG simulation
Carlos Navarro Retamal
- [gmx-users] System blowing up - equilibration step - CG simulation
Carlos Navarro Retamal
- [gmx-users] System blowing up - equilibration step - CG simulation
Carlos Navarro Retamal
- [gmx-users] Best strategy to set up a system for an Umbrella sampling simulations
Carlos Navarro Retamal
- [gmx-users] gmx mindist issue
Carlos Navarro Retamal
- [gmx-users] gmx mindist issue
Carlos Navarro Retamal
- [gmx-users] non-matching atom names in CG simulations
Carlos Navarro Retamal
- [gmx-users] non-matching atom names in CG simulations
Carlos Navarro Retamal
- [gmx-users] Coul-SR energy component - CG simulation
Carlos Navarro Retamal
- [gmx-users] Coul-SR energy component - CG simulation
Carlos Navarro Retamal
- [gmx-users] Coul-SR energy component - CG simulation
Carlos Navarro Retamal
- [gmx-users] dihedral restraints
Andrew Ritchie
- [gmx-users] dihedral restraints
Andrew Ritchie
- [gmx-users] potential energy is from energy mimization
- [gmx-users] oleic acid incorporation in the protein box..
Kamalesh Roy
- [gmx-users] Oleic acid.....topology problem...
Kamalesh Roy
- [gmx-users] Oleic acid.....topology problem...
Kamalesh Roy
- [gmx-users] Did this MD simulation run correctly? If so, how do I visualize it nicely?
Jonathan Saboury
- [gmx-users] Did this MD simulation run correctly? If so, how do I visualize it nicely?
Jonathan Saboury
- [gmx-users] initial position?
Sadeghi, Ehsan
- [gmx-users] Mixed Solvent (H2O/CH3CN)
Debashis Sahu
- [gmx-users] Mixed Solvent (H2O/CH3CN)
Debashis Sahu
- [gmx-users] Tutorial For Installing Gromacs on window
Rajneet kaur Saini
- [gmx-users] regarding installation of gromacs
Rajneet kaur Saini
- [gmx-users] Potential modification
Tuhin Samanta
- [gmx-users] Triclinic box output error
Sevasteiadis, Michail
- [gmx-users] Triclinic box output error
Sevasteiadis, Michail
- [gmx-users] Triclinic box output error
Sevasteiadis, Michail
- [gmx-users] Thermostats and MSD
Michael Shirts
- [gmx-users] Thermostats and MSD
Michael Shirts
- [gmx-users] time constant and tau p values for pressure coupling
Mohammad Sirajuddin
- [gmx-users] trjconv -center tool
Mohammad Sirajuddin
- [gmx-users] adding metal ion
Smith, Micholas D.
- [gmx-users] g_sans_mpi problem: bus error (core dumped)
Smith, Micholas D.
- [gmx-users] OPLS/AA support for DNA
Smith, Micholas D.
- [gmx-users] Protein-ligand interaction analysis after MD simulation
Smith, Micholas D.
- [gmx-users] OPLS/AA support for DNA
Smith, Micholas D.
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling - gromcas 5.0.4
Nima Soltani
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Nima Soltani
- [gmx-users] solvate with an exact number of solvent molecules
David van der Spoel
- [gmx-users] g_rotacf and P 1,2,3 meaning
David van der Spoel
- [gmx-users] Dihedral angle autocorrelation function - g_chi function mismatch
David van der Spoel
- [gmx-users] Dihedral angle autocorrelation function - g_chi function mismatch
David van der Spoel
- [gmx-users] Morse potential conversion.
Dan Sponseller
- [gmx-users] Extracting frames to a new trajectory based on RMSD cut-off value
Sandhyaa Subramanian
- [gmx-users] Extracting frames to a new trajectory based on RMSD cut-off value
Sandhyaa Subramanian
- [gmx-users] Extracting frames to a new trajectory based on RMSD cut-off value
Sandhyaa Subramanian
- [gmx-users] Comparing two Ptn-Ptn docking models
Diogo Martins de Sá
- [gmx-users] Comparing two Ptn-Ptn docking models
Diogo Martins de Sá
- [gmx-users] Comparing two Ptn-Ptn docking models
Diogo Martins de Sá
- [gmx-users] enemat output
Diogo Martins de Sá
- [gmx-users] Comparing two Ptn-Ptn docking models
Diogo Martins de Sá
- [gmx-users] Comparing two Ptn-Ptn docking models
Diogo Martins de Sá
- [gmx-users] Triple helix built by THeBuScr can not transform by pdb2gmx in Gromacs
Ming Tang
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Ming Tang
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Ming Tang
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Ming Tang
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Ming Tang
- [gmx-users] problems with pressure control when using implicit solvent
Ming Tang
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Ming Tang
- [gmx-users] problems with pressure control when using implicit solvent
Ming Tang
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Ming Tang
- [gmx-users] how to fix the center of mass of the three N-terminal atoms in a triple helix?
Ming Tang
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Ming Tang
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Ming Tang
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Ming Tang
- [gmx-users] umbrella sampling tutorial
Ming Tang
- [gmx-users] parallel calculation problem in implicit solvent modeling
Ming Tang
- [gmx-users] Unexpected trjconv -nojump behaviour
Trayder Thomas
- [gmx-users] CNT going outside during NVT
Naga Rajesh Tummala
- [gmx-users] Compiler
Alexander Tzanov
- [gmx-users] Compiler
Alexander Tzanov
- [gmx-users] DNA-protein complex
Urszula Uciechowska
- [gmx-users] DNA-protein complex
Urszula Uciechowska
- [gmx-users] high temperature
- [gmx-users] add. residue in topology database
Daniele Veclani
- [gmx-users] add. residue in topology database
Daniele Veclani
- [gmx-users] solvate with an exact number of solvent molecules
Jennifer Vo
- [gmx-users] why rotational correlation function decays to negative
Jennifer Vo
- [gmx-users] why rotational correlation function decays to negative
Jennifer Vo
- [gmx-users] How to interpret g_principal output calculates
Jennifer Vo
- [gmx-users] g_rotacf and P 1,2,3 meaning
Jennifer Vo
- [gmx-users] diisopropylethylene topology
Jennifer Vo
- [gmx-users] fine-grained and coarse-grained
Mirco Wahab
- [gmx-users] Triple helix built by THeBuScr can not transform by pdb2gmx in Gromacs
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] Triple helix built by THeBuScr can not transform by pdb2gmx in Gromacs
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] why rotational correlation function decays to negative
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] Triclinic box output error
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] Triclinic box output error
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] System blowing up - equilibration step - CG simulation
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] System blowing up - equilibration step - CG simulation
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] System blowing up - equilibration step - CG simulation
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] definition of "eigenvector" in gromacs
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] Gromacs with InflateGro
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] g_anaeig error
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] Cardiolipin in (MARTINI)
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] g_anaeig error inconsistent shifts
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] query regarding coarse grained simulation of a peripheral membrane protein
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] Placing system at the centre of the box.
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] Placing system at the centre of the box.
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] jump problem
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] Extracting frames to a new trajectory based on RMSD cut-off value
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] Correlation of dynamics between pairs of residues
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] non-matching atom names in CG simulations
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] fixed number of clusters from a MD simulation
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] Density of pure tetrolic acid does not agree with experimental data
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] Unexpected trjconv -nojump behaviour
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [gmx-users] How to define the center of mass for a droplet consisting of different ions and molecules?
Kester Wong
- [gmx-users] walls function in gromacs-4.6.7
Makoto Yoneya
- [gmx-users] Sending an email, question
Poncho Arvayo Zatarain
- [gmx-users] FW: Sending an email, question
Poncho Arvayo Zatarain
- [gmx-users] Inconsistency of multicore simulations in Gromacs 4.5.3
Fei Zhang
- [gmx-users] Docked ligand, umbrella sampling and "aiming"
Jernej Zidar
- [gmx-users] Docked ligand, umbrella sampling and "aiming"
Jernej Zidar
- [gmx-users] gromacs.org_gmx-users Digest, Vol 131, Issue 31
Jernej Zidar
- [gmx-users] error while equilibration
- [gmx-users] Appropriate Force Field for Dendrimer-Drug Systems
faride badalkhani
- [gmx-users] Appropriate Force Field for Dendrimer-Drug Systems
faride badalkhani
- [gmx-users] Dihedral angle autocorrelation function - g_chi function mismatch
atanu das
- [gmx-users] Dihedral angle autocorrelation function - g_chi function mismatch
atanu das
- [gmx-users] Dihedral angle autocorrelation function - g_chi function mismatch
atanu das
- [gmx-users] Dihedral angle autocorrelation function - g_chi function mismatch
atanu das
- [gmx-users] Dihedral angle autocorrelation function - g_chi function mismatch
atanu das
- [gmx-users] topolobuild error
marzieh dehghan
- [gmx-users] topology include file "gmx43a1.ff/ffG43a1.itp " not found
marzieh dehghan
- [gmx-users] Normal mode analysis error
rahul dhakne
- [gmx-users] DNA-protein complex distorted in vacuum simulation
rahul dhakne
- [gmx-users] Normal mode analysis
rahul dhakne
- [gmx-users] Topology for Cross linked polymer chains
sridhar dwadasi
- [gmx-users] Topology for Cross linked polymer chains
sridhar dwadasi
- [gmx-users] Post-Processing on the REMD trj
14110220035 at
- [gmx-users] Bond connectivity not found during visualization in VMD
soumadwip ghosh
- [gmx-users] CNT going out of the simulation box after NVT.
soumadwip ghosh
- [gmx-users] CNT going outside during NVT
soumadwip ghosh
- [gmx-users] PDB for nafion
soumadwip ghosh
- [gmx-users] How to build up a nafion PDB
soumadwip ghosh
- [gmx-users] unusual error in Gromacs
soumadwip ghosh
- [gmx-users] error Can not invert matrix, determinant =
soumadwip ghosh
- [gmx-users] parameters obtained after NPT
soumadwip ghosh
- [gmx-users] parameters obtained after NPT
soumadwip ghosh
- [gmx-users] using g_energy
sang eun jee
- [gmx-users] using g_energy
sang eun jee
- [gmx-users] simulation of infinite chains
sang eun jee
- [gmx-users] using g_energy
sang eun jee
- [gmx-users] inconsistent shifts warning
sang eun jee
- [gmx-users] cutting off the backbone bonds in polymer
hjqian at
- [gmx-users] Distance restraints
tarak karmakar
- [gmx-users] g_anaeig error
tasneem kausar
- [gmx-users] gromacs.org_gmx-users Digest, Vol 131, Issue 49
tasneem kausar
- [gmx-users] g_anaeig error inconsistent shifts
tasneem kausar
- [gmx-users] Compiler
melichercik at
- [gmx-users] (no subject)
pirate man
- [gmx-users] (no subject)
pirate man
- [gmx-users] high temperature
mah maz
- [gmx-users] high temperature
mah maz
- [gmx-users] high temperature
mah maz
- [gmx-users] high temperature
mah maz
- [gmx-users] high temperature
mah maz
- [gmx-users] high temperature
mah maz
- [gmx-users] high temperature
mah maz
- [gmx-users] high temperature
mah maz
- [gmx-users] trajectory film
mah maz
- [gmx-users] trajectory film
mah maz
- [gmx-users] forcefield error for atoms
mah maz
- [gmx-users] forcefield error for atoms
mah maz
- [gmx-users] forcefield error for atoms
mah maz
- [gmx-users] query regarding coarse grained simulation of a peripheral membrane protein
Antara mazumdar
- [gmx-users] error in grompp : No such molecule type Protein
Antara mazumdar
- [gmx-users] error in grompp : Something is wrong in the coordinate formatting of file system.gro
Antara mazumdar
- [gmx-users] Carbohydrate force fields in GROMACS
- [gmx-users] Carbohydrate force fields in GROMACS
- [gmx-users] Carbohydrate force fields in GROMACS
- [gmx-users] Carbohydrate force fields in GROMACS
- [gmx-users] Carbohydrate force fields in GROMACS
- [gmx-users] definition of "eigenvector" in gromacs
- [gmx-users] MARTINI POPG simulation temperature
shivangi nangia
- [gmx-users] Cardiolipin in (MARTINI)
shivangi nangia
- [gmx-users] Cardiolipin in (MARTINI)
shivangi nangia
- [gmx-users] peptide orientation with respect to bilayer normal
shivangi nangia
- [gmx-users] How to convert Xplor distance restraints to gromacs format
srinivas penumutchu
- [gmx-users] time depended electric field
petrishia petrishia
- [gmx-users] Application of electric field on membrane
petrishia petrishia
- [gmx-users] Membrane simulation
petrishia petrishia
- [gmx-users] Protein-ligand interaction analysis after MD simulation
salam pradeep
- [gmx-users] Tilt angle
asasa qsqs
- [gmx-users] translate problem
gromacs query
- [gmx-users] translate problem
gromacs query
- [gmx-users] translate problem
gromacs query
- [gmx-users] gmx_mtop_atomlookup_settle_init called without settles
gromacs query
- [gmx-users] Error: see option -rdd, for pairs and tabulated bonds also see option -ddcheck
gromacs query
- [gmx-users] Error: see option -rdd, for pairs and tabulated bonds also see option -ddcheck
gromacs query
- [gmx-users] Problem executing do_dssp in gromacs
Aarti rana
- [gmx-users] RMSD between two groups
leila salimi
- [gmx-users] About g_enemat tool
vidhya sankar
- [gmx-users] About g_enemat tool
vidhya sankar
- [gmx-users] Reg g_energy tool
vidhya sankar
- [gmx-users] Reg g_energy tool
vidhya sankar
- [gmx-users] fatal error in DNA-ligand simulation
marziyeh poshteh shirani
- [gmx-users] g_select same residue as
- [gmx-users] g_select same residue as
- [gmx-users] Energy Decomposition
- [gmx-users] Energy Decomposition
- [gmx-users] GMX5.0 g_select
- [gmx-users] GMX5.0 g_select
- [gmx-users] GMX5.0 g_select
- [gmx-users] About gromacs/orca question.
- [gmx-users] Embedding protein into lipid bilayer
- [gmx-users] Embedding protein into lipid bilayer
- [gmx-users] jump problem
Ahmet yıldırım
- [gmx-users] questions about umbrella sampling
- [gmx-users] questions about remove PBC condition from trajectory
- [gmx-users] problems with g_wham
Last message date:
Tue Mar 31 20:25:36 CEST 2015
Archived on: Tue Mar 31 20:25:37 CEST 2015
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).