[gmx-users] distribution of water molecules in system
Turgay Cakmak
turgaycakmak34 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 17 12:12:18 CET 2015
Dear Gromacs Users,
I want to show distribution of water inside the peptide based cylindirical
nanofiber. To do this:
1) I created an index file which contains OW atoms (=Oxygen atoms belongs
to the water molecules)
2) Then, I used the following command:
g_rdf -f traj.xtc -s OW.ndx -o rdf.gro
In this step, I should have choosen 2-groups, that is: Select a reference
group and 1 group.
Question 1) I chose OW for both groups.. But, I am not sure whether this
choice is correct or not.. That is, instead, should I have chosen Peptide
for a reference frame and OW for group 1?
Question 2) Can I also use g_rdf command to show distribution of water
inside the peptide based cylindirical nanofiber?
I really appreciate your help.
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