[gmx-users] error Can not invert matrix, determinant =
soumadwip ghosh
soumadwipghosh at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 08:43:28 CET 2015
Dear users,
I was trying to equilibrate my system containing a ssDNA,
CNT, water and some ions. I observed that it took many steps for the energy
minimization of the system and after 7/8 steps the potential finally
converged < 500 steps in a steepest descent method. Now, with that system I
proceeded to NVT equilibration. Initially, by keeping the dt= 0.002 an
error saying that
'A charged group moved too far between two domain decomposition steps'
Then I decreased the dt to 0.001 and finally to 0.0005 and tried to
equilibrate the system at NVT first for 200 ps and then for 1 ns and 2 ns
respectively. The temp of the system got converged nicely. Now, when I
increased the dt to 0.001 while running mdrun I'm getting this error-
Program mdrun, VERSION 4.5.6
Source code file: ../../include/vec.h, line: 765
Fatal error:
Can not invert matrix, determinant =
Then I went back to the dt = 0.0005 and tried to do mdrun but again this
error occured. It is reported as a bug somewhere on the internet but I dont
know how to fix this. As you can see I am having problems with a simple NVT
equilibration and cant proceed further. Is it really a bug or is it
appearing because my system is not well-equilibrated? Any suggestion would
be of great relief. I am pasting my NVT.mdp file below for your reference.
Any general guidance regarding the handling of the particular error or the
overall equilibration will be greatly appreciated.
title = OPLS Lysozyme NVT equilibration
define = -DPOSRES ; position restrain the protein
; Run parameters
integrator = md ; leap-frog integrator
nsteps = 2000000 ; 2 * 500000 = 1000 ps
dt = 0.001 ; 2 fs
; Output control
nstxout = 500 ; save coordinates every 0.2 ps
nstvout = 500 ; save velocities every 0.2 ps
nstenergy = 500 ; save energies every 0.2 ps
nstlog = 500 ; update log file every 0.2 ps
freezegrps = 1MY0
freezedim = Y Y Y
; Bond parameters
continuation = no ; first dynamics run
constraint_algorithm = lincs ; holonomic constraints
constraints = all-bonds ; all bonds (even heavy atom-H bonds)
lincs_iter = 1 ; accuracy of LINCS
lincs_order = 4 ; also related to accuracy
; Neighborsearching
ns_type = grid ; search neighboring grid cells
nstlist = 5 ; 10 fs
rlist = 1.5 ; short-range neighborlist cutoff (in nm)
rcoulomb = 1.5 ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in nm)
rvdw = 1.5 ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm)
; Electrostatics
coulombtype = PME ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range
pme_order = 4 ; cubic interpolation
fourierspacing = 0.16 ; grid spacing for FFT
; Temperature coupling is on
tcoupl = V-rescale ; modified Berendsen thermostat
tC-GRPS = SYSTEM ; two coupling groups - more
tau_t = 0.1 ; time constant, in ps
ref_t = 300 ; reference temperature, one for each
group, in K
; Pressure coupling is off
pcoupl = no ; no pressure coupling in NVT
; Periodic boundary conditions
pbc = xyz ; 3-D PBC
; Dispersion correction
DispCorr = EnerPres ; account for cut-off vdW scheme
; Velocity generation
gen_vel = yes ; assign velocities from Maxwell
gen_temp = 300 ; temperature for Maxwell distribution
gen_seed = -1 ; generate a random seed
I changed the dt as required and this 1MYO is my CNT. Thanks for your time.
Soumadwip Ghosh
Research Fellow,
IITB, Mumbai
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