[gmx-users] X Amino Acids for Building CG Structure

Elka Firmanda firmand46 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 11:26:21 CEST 2016

Hi, I just got "X" amino acids on DSSP, what does it means ? when I use the
DSSP file to build coarse grained structure with martini 2.2 force field, I
lost some amino acids because of this "x" amino acids on DSSP. So, how to
build CG structure if I have this "x" amino acids ? I want to build CG
structure for phycocyanin (1GH0) chain A-F. The "x" amino acids refers to
modified residues called "MEN", L-Peptide Linking. Thank you for your help.

*Elka Firmanda*
Graduate Student
Biophysics Division,
​ ​
Department of Physics
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia 16680

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