[gmx-users] Problem in PMF simulation
Billy Williams-Noonan
billy.williams-noonan at monash.edu
Fri Dec 2 02:55:54 CET 2016
Thanks :)
On 1 December 2016 at 23:40, Justin Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:
> On 12/1/16 4:53 AM, Billy Williams-Noonan wrote:
>> Also, you may want to check that your rcoulomb and rvdw values are
>> correct... Didn't look at your mdp files until just now. Why are they
>> set
>> to zero?
> Vacuum simulations are done with infinite cutoffs (rlist=rcoulomb=rvdw=0)
> and no PBC.
> -Justin
> On 29 November 2016 at 16:56, Billy Williams-Noonan <
>> billy.williams-noonan at monash.edu> wrote:
>> My PMF curves look similar to that. What you're seeing towards the end of
>>> that curve is either an artifact of the algorithms used to model the
>>> system, a very minor sampling problem, or a mix of both. Your Gaussians
>>> may be split because they are bi-modal and the most energetically
>>> favourable position around your constraint is in two places. Try having
>>> a
>>> look at your individual umbrella windows to figure out what's going on.
>>> :)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Billy
>>> On 29 November 2016 at 15:20, Shi Li <sli259 at g.uky.edu> wrote:
>>> Dear Gromacs users,
>>>> I posted this question a few days ago, but still couldn’t solve it. This
>>>> problem has bothered my for a long time, so I am reposting this for
>>>> help.
>>>> I am currently doing some PMF simulations for two small molecular types
>>>> in vacuum. I applied an energy minimization, a NVT equilibrium and a
>>>> production run on my system. Following are the mdp files for each. I
>>>> used a
>>>> commend in my run script to change the Window in pull_coord1_init in the
>>>> pull code for each sample window.
>>>> Energy minimization
>>>> ---
>>>> integrator = steep
>>>> nsteps = 20000
>>>> nstenergy = 500
>>>> nstlog = 500
>>>> nstxout-compressed = 1000
>>>> cutoff-scheme = group
>>>> coulombtype = Cut-off
>>>> rcoulomb = 0
>>>> vdwtype = Cut-off
>>>> rvdw = 0
>>>> rlist = 0
>>>> pbc = no
>>>> ; Pull code
>>>> pull = umbrella
>>>> pull_geometry = distance
>>>> pull_start = no
>>>> pull-ncoords = 1
>>>> pull_group1_name = ADT1
>>>> pull_group2_name = ADT2
>>>> pull-coord1-groups = 1 2
>>>> pull_coord1_init = WINDOW
>>>> pull_coord1_rate = 0.0
>>>> pull_coord1_k = 5000
>>>> —
>>>> NVT
>>>> ----
>>>> integrator = md
>>>> dt = 0.002 ; 2 fs
>>>> nsteps = 500000 ; 1.0 ns
>>>> nstenergy = 200
>>>> nstlog = 2000
>>>> nstxout-compressed = 10000
>>>> continuation = yes
>>>> constraint-algorithm = lincs
>>>> constraints = h-bonds
>>>> cutoff-scheme = group
>>>> rlist = 0
>>>> rcoulomb = 0
>>>> rvdw = 0
>>>> pbc = no
>>>> tcoupl = V-rescale
>>>> tc-grps = System
>>>> tau-t = 2.0
>>>> ref-t = 298.15
>>>> nhchainlength = 1
>>>> ; Pull code
>>>> pull = umbrella
>>>> pull_geometry = distance
>>>> ;pull_dim = N N Y
>>>> pull_start = no
>>>> pull-ncoords = 1
>>>> pull_ngroups = 2
>>>> pull_group1_name = ADT1
>>>> pull_group2_name = ADT2
>>>> pull-coord1-groups = 1 2
>>>> pull_coord1_init = WINDOW
>>>> pull_coord1_rate = 0.0
>>>> pull_coord1_k = 5000
>>>> ——
>>>> Production run:
>>>> ----
>>>> integrator = md
>>>> dt = 0.002 ; 2 fs
>>>> nsteps = 10000000 ; 20.0 ns
>>>> nstenergy = 5000
>>>> nstlog = 5000
>>>> nstxout-compressed = 5000
>>>> continuation = yes
>>>> constraint-algorithm = lincs
>>>> constraints = h-bonds
>>>> cutoff-scheme = Group
>>>> rcoulomb = 0
>>>> rlist = 0
>>>> rvdw = 0
>>>> pbc = no
>>>> tcoupl = V-rescale; Nose-Hoover
>>>> tc-grps = System
>>>> tau-t = 2.0
>>>> ref-t = 298.15
>>>> nhchainlength = 1
>>>> ; Pull code
>>>> pull = umbrella
>>>> pull_geometry = distance
>>>> pull_start = no
>>>> pull-ncoords = 1
>>>> pull_ngroups = 2
>>>> pull_group1_name = ADT1
>>>> pull_group2_name = ADT2
>>>> pull-coord1-groups = 1 2
>>>> pull_coord1_init = WINDOW
>>>> pull_coord1_rate = 0.0
>>>> pull_coord1_k = 5000
>>>> ———
>>>> I have a very strange profile and histogram. I uploaded to these links.
>>>> PMF: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i10hn1p30w2j71r/F-anti-adt.eps?dl=0
>>>> HISTO: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1xi9i4cj60g97n2/F-anti-histo.eps?dl=0
>>>> The molecule is about 1.5 nm long, so the smooth profile before 1.5 nm
>>>> looks fine, but I don’t understand why the profile had this fluctuation
>>>> after 1.5 nm and the histogram seems to have some split peaks after this
>>>> length. Can anyone tell me why this happened? Is there something wrong
>>>> in
>>>> my mdp file or something wrong in my topology? I have used this similar
>>>> mdp
>>>> files for my other types of molecular systems and the results were
>>>> fine. So
>>>> it is really confused me now.
>>>> I appreciate for any help! Thanks!
>>>> Shi
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>>> Billy Noonan* | *PhD Student *|* Bsci ( *Adv* ), IA Hon
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> ==================================================
> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow
> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
> School of Pharmacy
> Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
> University of Maryland, Baltimore
> 20 Penn St.
> Baltimore, MD 21201
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Billy Noonan* | *PhD Student *|* Bsci ( *Adv* ), IA Hon
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Monash Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences ( *MIPS* )
Royal Parade, Parkville, 3052
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