[gmx-users] About Area per lipid using Gid-MAT Continuation...

Poncho Arvayo Zatarain poncho_8629 at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 17 17:40:14 CET 2016

Hello Justin: Following with the error on my Grid-MAT-MD.pl line 761. This is my param_exampe using in Grid-MAT for calculate area per lipid in DPPC/DPPE bilayer

Input file and input file parameters

coord_file:         dppc128+dppe128+hlt+tip3.gro

file_type:           gro

num_frames:    1

num_lipid_types:  2

resname1:          DPPC

atomname1:         P8

resname2:           DPPE

atomname2:         P8

Solvent:                 TIP3

Define the size and shape of the grid

box_size: Vectors

#override_vectors: 8.83600, 8.83600, 7.90000

grid: 100

conserve_ratio: yes

Define whether there is a protein embedded in the bilayer

protein: yes

precision: 1.3

value: 5.0

Defined the desire output files and format

output_prefix: output

output_format: vector

thickness: yes

area: yes

top_pbc: yes

bottom_pbc: yes

average_pbc: yes

top_areas: yes

bottom_areas: yes

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