[gmx-users] Vmd error

Emran Heshmati heshmaty at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 16 10:42:06 CEST 2017

Dear Rahulyou can visualize your final *.xtc output in another tool/software first, to ensure your simulation steps.   Best Regards
Emran Heshmati Ph. D.Biophysicist,Computational  Bio-Chemist
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      From: RAHUL SURESH <drrahulsuresh at gmail.com>
 To: "gmx-users at gromacs.org" <gmx-users at gromacs.org> 
 Sent: Friday, 16 June 2017, 9:04
 Subject: [gmx-users] Vmd error
I extended my simulation of a free protein from 100ns to 150ns.
Corresponding files are extend.gro and extend.xtc.
I applied pbc conditions and my new xtc s newmd.xtc.

I tried to visualise my trajectory in vmd

I uploaded the extend.gro file and  loaded newmd.xtc in gro file. But I
couldn't visualise the trajectory. No frames are read. Am doing anythg

Thank you so much for your valuable advice.
*Rahul Suresh*
*Research Scholar*
*Bharathiar University*
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