[gmx-users] non-bonded sigma for amino nitrogen–carboxylate oxygen interactions in OPLSAA in GROMACS
gozde ergin
gozdeeergin at gmail.com
Thu Jun 22 15:47:17 CEST 2017
Hey Justin,
I figured out how they calculated the sigma values.
Basically they just take the geometric mean of nitrogen and oxygen sigma and epsilon from ffnonbed.itp file in OPLS-AA force field
and calculated the pairwise LJ for N-O interaction.
Now I also try to add this information in my topol.top file.
In order to do that as you have mentioned I added a section ,
[ nonbond_params ]
; i j func sigma epsilon
opls_287 opls_272 1 0.323161248385416 0.790543521382599
after [ atoms ] section however I am facing with an error :
Fatal error:
Syntax error - File topol.top, line 42
Last line read:
'[ nonbond_params ]'
Invalid order for directive nonbond_params
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
> On 21 Jun 2017, at 16:46, Justin Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:
> On 6/21/17 10:39 AM, gozde ergin wrote:
>> Hi MArk,
>> Thanks for the respond. I understood that point however I still do not get which sigma to change.
>> I the paper JCTC 2017, Miller et. al. they have mentioned that they increase the for nitrogen–carboxylate oxygen interactions in OPLSAA.
>> However there are two sigma in oplsaa.ff/ffnonbonded.itp one for amino notrogen and one for carboxylate oxygen.
>> sigma epsilon
>> opls_287 N3 7 14.00670 -0.300 A 3.25000e-01 7.11280e-01
>> opls_272 O2 8 15.99940 -0.800 A 2.96000e-01 8.78640e-01
>> Which one defines the amino nitrogen–carboxylate oxygen interactions?
>> Which sigma should I change?
> What people are doing more and more is introducing pair-specific parameters to override the combination rule values. That's likely what is being referred to. OPLS-AA by default does not use pair-specific LJ interactions, hence why you find no [nonbond_params] in ffnonbonded.itp. The same is true of AMBER. CHARMM uses some (also called NBFIX in the literature), while GROMOS uses a ton of these.
> To override the LJ combination rules, add a [nonbond_params] directive with the published parameters, which refer to an *interaction*, not an atom type.
> -Justin
>> Thanks
>>> On 21 Jun 2017, at 16:21, Mark Abraham <mark.j.abraham at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Different force fields work differently and thus are implemented
>>> differently. Look at oplsaa.ff/ffnonbonded.itp and you will see that sigma
>>> is a property of the atomtype
>>> Mark
>>> On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 4:16 PM gozde ergin <gozdeeergin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear users,
>>>> I am trying to change the sigma value of amino nitrogen–carboxylate oxygen
>>>> interactions in OPLSAA in GROMACS.
>>>> However I have difficulties to understand which parameter i should change
>>>> in ffnonbonded.itp file?
>>>> I am looking something like [ nonbond_params ] section however it is not
>>>> exist in ffnonbonded.itp?
>>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>>> Thanks in advance.
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> ==================================================
> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow
> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
> School of Pharmacy
> Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
> University of Maryland, Baltimore
> 20 Penn St.
> Baltimore, MD 21201
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