[gmx-users] Coulomb-14 Energy
zaved at tezu.ernet.in
zaved at tezu.ernet.in
Thu Apr 26 12:28:19 CEST 2018
Thank you Mark and David for your kind responses.
> Den 2018-04-24 kl. 15:49, skrev Mark Abraham:
>> Hi,
>> There is no physical meaning to this decomposition. There is nothing to
>> justify.
>> The total energies are different for each system, too. How would you
>> justify that? They're just different systems with different
>> compositions.
I was thinking on the same line.
Just wondering then why am I getting identical C-14 value in case of water
and urea?
Further does it mean that all other energy values except total has no
meaning at all?
Thank You
> The 1-4 energy has intramolecular contributions from the solvent as well
> if it is larger than water. This is probably what you are seeing.
> Other than that Mark is right, there is only one energy.
>> Mark
>> On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 1:35 PM <zaved at tezu.ernet.in> wrote:
>>> Dear Gromacs Users
>>> I have simulated a protein in presence of GdmCl (1519 Gdm and 1519 Cl)
>>> and
>>> Urea (urea 1843) with gromos54a7 ff for 100ns each.
>>> The Average Coulomb-14 Energies of protein in water, urea and GdmCl
>>> are:
>>> 3.42E+04, 3.41E+04 and -3.16E+06 respectively.
>>> The value of Coulomb-14 in case of protein in presence of water and
>>> protein in presence of urea are almost identical whereas it tends to be
>>> in
>>> different in case of GdmCl. And inspite of the fact that both urea and
>>> GdmCl have negative potential.
>>> How do we justify this?
>>> Thank You
>>> Regards
>>> Zaved Hazarika
>>> PhD Scholar
>>> Dept.of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
>>> Tezpur University
>>> India
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