[gmx-users] Unknown function type 17

Mark Abraham mark.j.abraham at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 19:35:30 CEST 2018


That sounds like your topology is using a feature only implemented for more
recent versions of GROMACS. The main approach for dealing with this is to
generate one with the tools in that ancient version of GROMACS (which
unfortunately is no longer supported).


On Mon, Jul 30, 2018, 19:32 Åge Aleksander Skjevik <age.a.skjevik at gmail.com>

> Dear Gromacs experts,
> I am interested in using a tool that seems to be compatible only with the
> Gromacs 3.3 series. An input tpr file is required, and I have understood
> that I have to generate the tpr file using grompp from the same Gromacs
> version (3.3.4 in my case). However I get the following fatal error:
> "unknown function type 17 in convparm.c line 276".
> Which function type is this? I guess it is a matter of making some minor
> modifications to the input topology file. (I am able to successfully
> generate a tpr file using the same pdb/top/mdp input files and grompp from
> versions 4.5.5 and 2018.2.)
> Some pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your
> help.
> Best regards,
> Aage
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