[gmx-users] Running Grompp in reverse and backing up MD data

Paul bauer paul.bauer.q at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 17:08:05 CET 2018


just a warning concerning the last message: The mdp from gmx dump -om 
will not be the complete representation of your tpr, and you will not be 
able to regenerate the tpr from this mdp file! I have been working on a 
variant that would make this possible, but so far have not managed it.


On 29/11/2018 16:53, Thomas Piggot wrote:
> You can get an mdp from a tpr using gmx dump -om
> Cheers
> Tom
> On 29/11/2018 14:58, Peter Kroon wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> thanks for all the feedback.
>> @Milan: I've made a tally of diskspace used per filetype in our lab. In
>> general people here don't save trr files at all (too expensive), yet
>> still out of 125TB total, 65% is made up of xtc files, and 10% is trr
>> files (followed by gro and xvg at 2.5% each). And that kind of backup
>> space becomes expensive. Of course for some simulations that were super
>> expensive to run we should back up the trajectories. But as a general
>> solution it's impossible. That also opens up the point of tiered
>> backups. For example: archive for the past 5 years to verify old
>> research results; off-site backups for the past 3 months in case the
>> building burns down; and local storage against accidental deletion. For
>> each there are different requirements and costs.
>> @Mark: Part of the reason for this discussion is figuring out what my
>> responsibility is exactly. My thought was that as the TPR in general
>> contains the same information as the input used to make it, at least a
>> partial reverse should be possible. Then again, mdp/top/itp files are
>> pretty small (17GB/35GB/110GB respectively) and should be very
>> compressible. By comparison, tprs make up 880GB here.
>> @Justin: Great point, thanks!
>> Thanks guys :)
>> Peter
>> On 29-11-18 15:29, Mark Abraham wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Yes, that's useful output, though strictly some mdp settings (like
>>> constraints and gen-vel) are consumed by grompp and thus not 
>>> reported there.
>>> Mark
>>> On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 3:16 PM Justin Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:
>>>> On 11/29/18 6:43 AM, Peter Kroon wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>>> thanks for the rapid reply!
>>>>> Hmmn. It doesn't have to be exactly matching input. An equivalent to
>>>>> e.g. mdout.mdp produced by grompp would already be good enough for my
>>>> All of the input .mdp settings are also written to the header of the
>>>> .log file for the run.
>>>> -Justin
>>>>> purposes. The same goes for a top file containing only the 
>>>>> interactions
>>>>> relevant to the system.
>>>>> Peter
>>>>> On 29-11-18 11:31, Mark Abraham wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Unfortunately there is no way to generate matching inputs to grompp
>>>> from a
>>>>>> .tpr file. In the longer term, we want that to be possible, but 
>>>>>> it will
>>>>>> require a total rework of how users specify inputs, and that's a 
>>>>>> large
>>>>>> effort!
>>>>>> Mark
>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 11:27 AM Peter Kroon <p.c.kroon at rug.nl> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> In the lab we're thinking about backup solutions for MD data 
>>>>>>> (and in
>>>>>>> particular gromacs produced data). Since trajectories tend to be 
>>>>>>> large
>>>>>>> we quickly decided that backing up the results of simulations is a
>>>> waste
>>>>>>> of disk space. Instead, we'll probably go for backing up the TPR 
>>>>>>> files.
>>>>>>> Now for the question: Is there an easy way of generating the 
>>>>>>> files used
>>>>>>> to generate the TPR files? For example the MDP file used to make 
>>>>>>> a TPR
>>>>>>> file? How about a top file (I assume the original split between 
>>>>>>> top and
>>>>>>> itp is lost)? I know I can get the starting configuration (gro) 
>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>> editconf.
>>>>>>> And does anyone here have any other blinding insights on backing 
>>>>>>> up MD
>>>>>>> data?
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Peter
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>>>> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
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>>>> Lab: 303 Engel Hall
>>>> Virginia Tech Department of Biochemistry
>>>> 340 West Campus Dr.
>>>> Blacksburg, VA 24061
>>>> jalemkul at vt.edu | (540) 231-3129
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