[gmx-users] remd error
Bratin Kumar Das
177cy500.bratin at nitk.edu.in
Thu Jul 18 08:33:02 CEST 2019
I am running remd simulation in gromacs-2016.5. After generating the
multiple .tpr file in each directory by the following command
*for i in {0..7}; do cd equil$i; gmx grompp -f equil${i}.mdp -c em.gro -p
topol.top -o remd$i.tpr -maxwarn 1; cd ..; done*
I run *mpirun -np 80 gmx_mpi mdrun -s remd.tpr -multi 8 -replex 1000
-reseed 175320 -deffnm remd_equil*
It is giving the following error....
There are not enough slots available in the system to satisfy the 40 slots
that were requested by the application:
Either request fewer slots for your application, or make more slots
for use.
There are not enough slots available in the system to satisfy the 40 slots
that were requested by the application:
Either request fewer slots for your application, or make more slots
for use.
I am not understanding the error. Any suggestion will be highly
appriciated. The mdp file and the qsub.sh file is attached below
#! /bin/bash
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=20
#PBS -l walltime=48:00:00
#PBS -N mdrun-serial
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -o output.log
#PBS -e error.log
#cd /home/bratin/Downloads/GROMACS/Gromacs_fibril
module load openmpi3.0.0
module load gromacs-2016.5
NP='cat $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -1'
# mpirun --machinefile $PBS_PBS_NODEFILE -np $NP 'which gmx_mpi' mdrun -v
-s nvt.tpr -deffnm nvt
#/apps/gromacs-2016.5/bin/mpirun -np 8 gmx_mpi mdrun -v -s remd.tpr -multi
8 -replex 1000 -deffnm remd_out
for i in {0..7}; do cd equil$i; gmx grompp -f equil${i}.mdp -c em.gro -r
em.gro -p topol.top -o remd$i.tpr -maxwarn 1; cd ..; done
for i in {0..7}; do cd equil${i}; mpirun -np 40 gmx_mpi mdrun -v -s
remd.tpr -multi 8 -replex 1000 -deffnm remd$i_out ; cd ..; done
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