[gmx-users] same initial velocities vs. -reprod
Benson Muite
benson_muite at emailplus.org
Fri Mar 22 21:29:17 CET 2019
Yes, finite precision and order of computations may not be respected by
the compiler. In most cases, they should be close, however much
analytical work remains in this area. A relevant paper (though there
are many others) is:
Collange, Defour, Grailaat and Iakymchuk
Numerical Reproducibility for the Parallel Reduction on Multi- and
Many-Core Architectures
It is unclear if it would be too expensive to implement such methods in
GROMACs though.
On 3/22/19 10:11 PM, Mala L Radhakrishnan wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Thanks so much -- good to know that it's basically equivalent to different
> starting velocities and I should expect them to be different.
> I found this page that sort of explains it:
> http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Terminology/Reproducibility
> Out of curiosity, I was wondering if someone can point me to something that
> explains why (a+b)+c != a+(b+c) sometimes for computations across multiple
> processors. Is it a finite precision issue?
> thanks again,
> M
> On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 1:21 PM Mark Abraham <mark.j.abraham at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The dynamic load balancing on by default for domain decomposition means
>> divergence happens by default. After a few ps it's logically equivalent to
>> starting from different velocities. See the GROMACS user guide for more
>> details on reproducibility questions!
>> Mark
>> On Fri., 22 Mar. 2019, 18:15 Mala L Radhakrishnan, <mradhakr at wellesley.edu
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> We set up replicate simulations (same starting mdp files and structures)
>>> that ran across GPUs WITHOUT using the -reprod flag, but we set gen-vel
>> to
>>> no and used the same ld-seed value for both with the v-rescale
>> thermostat.
>>> They also ran on the same machine -- so from a deterministic point of
>> view,
>>> I would expect them to be "exactly" the same.
>>> The simulations, while having similar average energetics throughout,
>> sample
>>> different conformations and they start to differ pretty much right after
>>> the simulation starts.
>>> I understand that I could have gotten results to be more reproducible by
>>> using the -reprod flag, but in the case I describe (and I don't think I
>>> have any other stochastic things going on unless I'm not understanding
>>> ld-seed or gen-vel = no, or am forgetting something?), what is causing
>> the
>>> difference? Online, I see something about domain decomposition and
>>> optimization, but I'd like to understand that better.
>>> My major question, though, is -- are the differences due to domain
>>> decomposition optimization enough to basically equal what you might get
>>> from "replicates" starting with different starting velocities, especially
>>> once equilibration (as measure by RMSD) is reached? That's what I'm
>> seeing,
>>> so I wanted to make sure that these differences can actually be this big.
>>> Or is there some other source of stochasticity I'm forgetting?
>>> Thanks so much, and I hope my question makes sense.
>>> M
>>> --
>>> Mala L. Radhakrishnan
>>> Whitehead Associate Professor of Critical Thought
>>> Associate Professor of Chemistry
>>> Wellesley College
>>> 106 Central Street
>>> Wellesley, MA 02481
>>> (781)283-2981
>>> --
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