[gmx-users] RAM usage of gmx msd

Martin martin.kern at uni-konstanz.de
Fri Sep 20 19:59:09 CEST 2019


thanks a lot for your answer. It contained exactly the information that 
I needed.
Here is a summary of my issue and how I resolved it:


I wanted to calculate lateral diffusion of lipids in a cell membrane 
using a key atom for each lipid. But gmx msd needs too much RAM.


I first created a smaller trajectory file using:
gmx trjconv -f mdrun.xtc -n key_atoms.ndx -o key_atoms.xtc
Then I adjusted the tpm file:
gmx convert-tpr -s mdrun.tpr -n key.ndx -o key_atoms.tpr
I have now limited the trajectory to only the atoms that I actually need.
But now the original index file no longer fits.
So I created a new one using:
gmx make_ndx -f key_atoms.tpr -o key_atoms.ndx

Once that was done I was able to calculate gmx msd with barely any RAM 
usage at all.

Thanks again for all your support.
Best regards
Martin Kern

Am 18.09.19 um 11:52 schrieb Mark Abraham:
> Hi,
> It's likely that using the same index file is the problem. The numbers it
> contains are interpreted relative to the tpr file, so if you make a subset
> of the tpr file, then it's on you to understand whether the necessary
> indices have changed or not.
> Mark
> On Tue, 17 Sep 2019 at 14:58, Martin Kern <martin.kern at uni-konstanz.de>
> wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> thanks for your answer. The mdrun_key_atoms.xtc FILE is only around 500
>> MB in size. But the issue here wasn't RAM usage but a segmentation
>> fault. gmx msd requires a tpr file and I guess that my tpr and xtc files
>> didn't fit together. Skipping frames might work without the need of a
>> modified tpr file. I'll try that tomorrow.
>> Am 17.09.2019 um 12:09 schrieb John Whittaker:
>>> Hi Martin,
>>>> Hello everyone.
>>>> I simulated a cell membrane and would like to calculate lateral
>>>> diffusion of lipids. I tried this using the gmx msd command.
>>>> Unfortunately this uses enormous amounts of RAM. The process runs
>>>> without error until it is killed by the operating system. No output file
>>>> is created at that time.
>>>> The membrane contains around 400 lipids and I simulated for 1100ns which
>>>> is 220000 frames. The total size of the xtc file is around 150 GB. I use
>>>> GROMACS 2016.4 with GPU support. The command I used was:
>>>> gmx msd -s mdrun.tpr -f mdrun.xtc -n key_atoms.ndx -lateral z -o
>>>> lateraal_diffusion.xvg
>>>> I found an old email that also mentions the high RAM usage of gmx msd
>>>> but it didn't get a reply.
>> https://mailman-1.sys.kth.se/pipermail/gromacs.org_gmx-users/2018-January/118014.html
>>>> I also tried reducing the RAM usage by creating a trajectory that only
>>>> includes the key atoms. This attempt resulted in a segmentation fault.
>>>> Here is what I tried:
>>>> gmx trjconv -f mdrun.xtc -n key_atoms.ndx -o mdrun_key_atoms.xtc
>>>> gmx convert-tpr -f mdrun.tpr -n key_atoms.ndx -o mdrun_key_atoms.tpr
>>>> gmx msd -s mdrun_key_atoms.tpr -f mdrun_key_atoms.xtc -n key_atoms.ndx
>>>> -lateral z -o lateraal_diffusion.xvg
>>> How big is the "mdrun_key_atoms.xtc" trajectory? It's possible that this
>>> file is still too large for the amount of RAM available on your machine.
>>> Are you able to break this trajectory down into smaller chunks that are
>>> more manageable? You could also use the -skip or -dt options of gmx
>>> trjconv in order to write only every "n" frames.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> John
>>>> I'm grateful for any suggestion.
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Martin Kern
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