[gmx-users] PDB2GMX Not Using .itp File
Gromacs Newbie
gromacs_newbie at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 13 20:30:22 CEST 2004
Hi All,
I downloaded the topology for cholesterol (.pdb and
.itp) off Gromacs and I tried to process it with the
pdb2gmx command:
pdb2gmx -f cholesterol.pdb -i cholesterol.itp -o
ch.gro -p ch.top
but it gives me the following error:
Warning: 'CHOL' not found in residue topology
database, trying to use 'CH3OH'
Fatal error: Atom C1 in residue CH3OH 1 not found in
rtp entry with 3 atoms
while sorting atoms
>From my understanding CHOL should be defined in
cholesterol.itp but it doesn't seem to be finding the
Thanks in advance.
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