[gmx-users] multiple backups

Andrey V Golovin golovin at genebee.msu.su
Tue Jul 27 14:30:57 CEST 2004

Dear Berk,

Tuesday, July 27, 2004, 2:09:41 PM, you wrote:

BH> Hi,

BH> I would like to know what the Gromacs users think of multiple backups.

BH> As of version 3.1.2 Gromacs makes multiple backups of files.
BH> If you use the same mdrun command four times
BH> in the same directory you would have for instance:
BH> #md.log.1#
BH> #md.log.2#
BH> #md.log.3#
BH> md.log
BH> Before version 3.1.2 Gromacs would make only one backup
BH> and you would lose all the older files:
BH> #md.log#
BH> md.log

BH> I can see that this could be useful in that you never loose files,
BH> unless you type rm.
BH> But personally I find all these files quite annoying and I know
BH> of may people that think the same.
BH> When doing analysis or when trying to start a simulation which
BH> has some problems you often type the same command many
BH> times and the directory is quickly flooded with more than a hundred
BH> backup files. I have never used a backup file beyond the last backup.

yes it's REALLY annoying. =)

BH> So I propose to go back to the old system which has only
BH> a single backup for each file.

may be could be better to set up some environment variable that
responsible for number of backups.

Best regards,
 Andrey                            mailto:golovin at genebee.msu.su

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